I condemn what happened, Jow Forums, in the strongest possible terms, and I therefore condemn all this board stands for...

I condemn what happened, Jow Forums, in the strongest possible terms, and I therefore condemn all this board stands for. This place has been a breeding ground for hate for the last few years and it is finally reaching out into the real world with disgusting and dangerous implications.

What just happened was a MASSACRE of innocent everyday people and there are individuals on this board defending it. Violence on all spectrum is unacceptable in a civil society. It is just not good. It's pure evil. You should want to stop things like this happening, not cheer for them.

The "whataboutism" of Islamic terror isn't an argument. It's a whataboutism. If you are a young person (and sadly, even older people who should know better browse here) and you think what this despicable human being did is defensible, you have been brainwashed by right-wing extremism. You are on the same coin that radical Islamist terror is a part of. In fact you are on the same banknote of all radical terrorism, not just Islam.

This board should be shut down, or at the very least monitored heavily. A place like this cannot exist for much longer when you have people like that taking on board the evil rhetoric and taking it into the wider world for flimsy justification of murder.

Jow Forums is a terrorist group now, just as ISIS had its formative fundamental ideologies formed on online discussions, so too does this right-wing terror. And it's here, the ground zero of nationalist extremism, that is the host of its nascent seed.

Shame and disgust

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cry somewhere else bitch

Silencing discussion only makes matters worse you idiot.

Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

Nasty bastards.


>I condemn what happened, Jow Forums, in the strongest possible terms, and I therefore condemn all this board stands for.

I feel with you - but it's part and parcel of living in a big city.

Where were all you condemning redditors making 1000 condemnation threads at any of the 50 last muslim terror attacks?

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>britcuck gets Jow Forums shut down
>tomorrow someone who has copied and pasted the HTML / CSS / JavaScript for a chan image board opens up /pol2/, or any of the other pols on otherchans

KYS faggot. Babbys first happening.

If they stayed in their countries of origin nothing of this would had happened, lessons to be learned, borders to be respected


Get the fuck out of here with your Colbert-guided terminology.


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Whatabautism is what he does

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Whataboutism was an extant notion in politics since the height of the USSR you stupid prat.

user is right.

This is not a terrorist attack, the enemy is HATE.
It has nothing to do with the white mentally ill person, some call a 'terrorist' clearly expressing his frustration with white ethnic replacement of European people, or soulless corporatism putting profit before all else, or multiculturalism societies under a globalist central banking system causing more distress, harm and deaths in peace time than anything else; no, no, no, it was nothing to do with that, this is about HATE. I honestly fear that white European people as a minority of just 750million world wide will be targeted because of the actions of this one white man - not all white men are terrorists. We are peaceful, we just want to be doctors, engineers and scientists. This terrorist attack by a mentally ill person, is just part and parcel of modern life, those who speak ill of white people should be arrested. Always remember diversity is our biggest strength; go stand in the street and show that 'Whiteophobia' and division wrong by giving free hugs while blindfolded. Remember to post pictures of teddies and candles for a few days to acknowledge the victims; but it's not really about them, it's about eradicating HATE. So use the hastag #jeSuisWhitePerson on twitter, as these people are likely to be the biggest victims from this atrocity. RIP the victims. Long live multiculturalism. We will defeat HATE!

who knew all it took was one good shooting to make all the post-election faggots leave.

>britfag taking repsponsibility for some bullshit that happened on the otherside of the planet
who cares

White Genocide is a myth.
There is not millions of muslims in Europe subsisting on state welfare paid for by the indigenous working class' taxes; and there are not muslim rape gangs who have profited from the abuse of millions of young white girls, who are told that they they are imperfect, and that they need to consume more to feel happy by the corporations, while their mother and father are both working flat out to pay for the welfare state; moreover mainstream media is not telling white people to stop having children to think of the environment, all the while increasing immigration from people with sub 100IQs. There is nobody on Twitter calling for the deaths of white people. There is nobody suggesting to white europeans that their 5year olds are in the wrong bodies, and they should sex change. I went to France once, I never saw a single African, they were all Frenchmen with tans.

Hi muslim. We know how you think, how you lie, and we know you didn't give a shit when your fellow chimpanzees rape and murder us. You started this shit and now you're dealing with the consequences of your arrogant actions. Enjoy the destruction. You brought it upon yourselves. Karma, pure and simple.

I condemn Candace Owens and those who say traps are gay.

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You are retarded, go expand multiculturalism and feminism to Saudi Arabia blindfolded you fucking fool

Diversity is our BIGGEST strenghth!!!!

And there are no things I have experienced and I can talk like what happens around me is reality everwhere else, go fucking die a clown underwater

He didn't take out the high-value targets he wanted to. Wealthy ppl and politicians are where it's at. I can bash your granny to death with a brick if that's what counts for revolution these days?

You need to learn to read.

Diversity is your biggest strength, pressuring your anal cabity you filthy queer retarded mongoloid

GTFO Pedro.
Learn to read and understand tacit humour.

Learn where you are at, Asperger's land, ADHD Town, next time you want to make a wall of text, just try and make it slightly funny, just to fucking give others a dime of interest on the fucking shit you write

I condemn Jews in the strongest possible way. It was they who are ultimately responsible for this attack. They are the ones who force all these filthy heathen shit-skins into our countries to rape and murder our people. Fuck Jews.

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If it happened here it also will happen some where else.

Jow Forums didn't pick up the gun. A human upset about what was happening with migration was...so why don't you blame the politicians over Jow Forums

>ISIS commits a terrorist attack in the West

>a bunch of mentally ill nazis kill innocents in mosque

it's bait pasta...oh never mi-


It worked out fine for you then, what are the complaints? Smh

Weird. It's almost like people in a psuedo-war want their side to win. How strange!
