Good Bye

I'm leaving this place /pol .
I can't take it anymore .
those inocent people getting killed is too much for me .
the fact that you meme and laugh about shows that God left this place a long time ago .

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ok cuck

If you actually cared you would stay and continue to ridicule the teenagers and autists that support this kind of garbage. See this guy Look how utterly pathetic he is.

They happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, amirite?


>that flag
And dont come back Md

Fuck you meme flagger hope your mother choked to death

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stay and help the YANG GANG grow

you are here forever

I actually thought about that. I always tried to escape them from "being memed" .


people being vocal about defending and praising this here just means they're fucking retarded and want to lose Jow Forums and Jow Forums platforms when the media gets in here. Either that or they're hired actors for the same purpose

this is not a meme-flag since I believe in Europe.

If you get even a single person to introspect and think about what they're saying, you're helping the world become a better place.

Have you tried /ck/? It still has frogs but it's about fast food and stuff instead of being an evil asshole

Can you tell me how many innocent Palestinians were killed in the Israeli bombing of Gaza?
>don't you care

You can't be european and support immigration, yet alone muslims. And you implicitly support both, ergo you are a shitskin or even worse a white liberal. In short, fuck off.

You're already on the list frog poster!!11!

same, fuck this degenerate place more degenerate than /b/

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>everyone who disagrees with me is a kid or an autist

leave facebook they broadcasted it live for fucks sake

>leaving this place
Why so soon? you just came to shitpost

OP you are a pussy

new zealand shooting uncut video/audio

God was never here to begin with. This place is where the tortured souls come to wallow in hatred and self pity. If you didn’t know that, you shouldn’t be here.

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Shut up autist

>those inocent
LITERALLY invaders be they deliberate or culturally so. They are not innocent.


good one, user

let be hones majority of us just shitpost i do not have any good feeling about this they were civilians the only people who are responsible for this situation are politic but is this situation really suprising? i think we all know it will happen we did warn the left and all the people they did not listen and call us racist ... well there it is and it will get only worse

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>God left this place a long time ago
None that matter.

see you tomorrow OP


>mutts actually human

good one faggot

I don't mean to imply that at all. I am implying that acting like a little piece of shit will get you called a little piece of shit.

Fake thread by a fake "Jow Forums user".

Screw off.

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See you next week faggot

That doesn't help, Jow Forums needs different voices. Even if you can sway one illiterate monkey or even make his pathetic shriveled almond smoke a bit I'd say it's worth it. I'm a subjugate all men classic feminazi and I'm not going anywhere.

I wish you success, happiness and a better life. See you again tomorrow.

based, can confirm

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You don't belong here if one false flag is enough to put you off. Violence is dumb and counter-productive. Always ask yourself "Cui bono?"


See you at reddit

see you tomorrow OP

satan you have no power . we can see through your manipulation .
begone !!!

How are you so fucking stupid?

>laughs in void

>implying God isn't personally accelerating reality

good bye shill, please have an amazing day far away from us

ok but just before you leave, are you subscribed to pewdiepie ?

See you tomorrow faggot

We dont have a god anymore my man

See you tomorrow.

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part and parcel you fucking faggot

Mankind has abandoned God for a long time, so God will allow things like this, and things much worse than this, to grow. If you think stuff like this is bad, you haven't seen anything yet.

Later nigger.

Bye, homosexual.

If God was real he would save those muslims. Oh well. Hail Satan. Death to religion.

>coming to Jow Forums to do anything but false flag and shitpost
Nigger nobody takes this shit seriously except redditors and teenagers who over identify in politics and """nationalism""" in place of a personality
Embrace the stupidity and start shitposting or leave, anything else is dumb

Why do fuck do you think anyone cares that you're leaving? You're a random nobody that'll come back.

Why the FUCK do you think anyone cares? Go cry in a corner and do whatever you want

Oh you poor summer child.

This happens every single fucking day by Muslims!

And now you are reacting ?


Get a brain incel cucks.


He’s right, stay. Even if they get rid of pol/ there will just be another forum in its place. At least by staying on here and calling people out on their shit you can help keep this from becoming an echo chamber of dumb ideas.

OK retard.

Black humor is a part of life.

It's why when they'd line up people for gallows execution in the noose times, I fucking guarantee there'd be that one smiling faggot about to get hanged that would look over at the others and say "Is it your first time too?"

And he'd be there every time.

Like, have you never been to a funeral? You don't want to fucking cry the whole time, you want someone to get up and tell a joke about the deceased, make people smile as they're putting their loved one in the ground.

I don't want nobody crying at my funeral. Ive put it in my will that all the tissues available at my funeral have "Keep crying, little bitch" written on them just to prevent this.

Fuck you, tell jokes about what I want.

kek is a meme, not a god by any measure

God condemned every human to death for eating a fruit.

Innocent people have been killed many many times in the West by muslims.
2016: 156
And that doesn't count the day to day crimes by these things.
And it's now it's too much for you?
You're just garbage


>EU flag
good stay gone do not ever return

wats happened to /pol


I hope they were innocent, just like the victims of the trucks of peace, the bataclan, 7/7, Westminster attacks, the nailboming of a pop concert full of fucking children and the thousands raped and sold into drug addiction and sexual slavery by the dozens of grooming gangs. But above all you MUST remember that this is part and parcel of living in a multicultural society and of course the real victims are the innocent whites who will face the backlash from this


whiter than you, akmed

People actually reply like this

>doesn't have balls to even post his real flag on a goddamn Jow Forums board

fuck off I'm comfy

See ya men

Jow Forums has been the absolute horror for years and has affected all of Jow Forums.

On the bright side, it is still better than 8pol, which has unironically become a terrorist site.

Seeya over on reddit friendo!

lefty Jow Forums and yanggooks leaving in droves I love it

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Weak fucking larp. Your ID will appear again soon enough.

Bye, you will always have a seat here.