JIDF shoots up mosque to slide Yang-threads

Do not fall for it. JIDF are losing the meme-war to the Yang Gang and are now getting so desperate that they ordered one of their discord trannies to shoot up the mosques in New Zeeland. They do this to slide all the Yang-threads. Don’t let that ginger shill distract you, focus on the money.

Here is what we know about him:
>Transsexual knights templar from discord
>Works for Candace Owens and even promotes her in his manifesto
>Ginger hair + brow eyes = shitskin. Very common combo among Kikes
>Loves Israel
>Does not praise Yang anywhere in his manifesto
>Did not enjoy his 1000$ a month from crypto
>Literal Mutt

Put all those facts together and it is obvious he is a shilling discord tranny.

Attached: yang vs cuck miga-pede.png (1668x928, 1.47M)

Other urls found in this thread:


It all adds up

Don't let this distract you from the Yangian pro-white, antiwhitegenocide revolution.

People are starting to understand that modern conservatism (kosherservatism) = All shitskins get Gibbs and whites get to sit back and watch and dont get any assistance.

There's no stoping yang-gang. He's tapped into the same memetic energy which got trump elected originally. The spirit of 2015, the spirit of the pramaries no longer sticks with trump. Trump has lost his dynamism. The memetic energy have chosen Yang.

Cant keep us fromtheBAG


Eyes on money, not letting these MIGA-shills win

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Checks out

Attached: 1552580911803-967434771.png (1022x731, 813K)

Attached: relax and win.jpg (750x725, 355K)

I don't think the Jewish Internet defense force shot anybody

But that discord tranny probably works for them

This is plausible.

Yang gang 2020
Shooting nuggets is small time
Breaking in to Bezos house and selling his on the black market is where its at

Attached: 1552508915722.jpg (600x315, 183K)

I thought this too :/

YangGang is so powerful that they had to resort to a mass murder to distract the goyim.

But they are stupid. They don’t realize that this mass murder is EXACTLY what based yang warned us about. It PROVES yang correct about everything. We need UBI.

Attached: FE73163F-B252-430B-A5D1-0987755012D2.png (623x566, 328K)

Damn these shills are relly desperate. I bet if we keep posting pro-Yang material they will have to nuke some place

Attached: 1552275199750.png (288x269, 50K)

>all other races get free gibs
>their birth rates sky rocket
>whites start to meme an asian into the white house that will give them gibs too
>cue the Jow Forums meme filled mass shooting w/ video

just a coincidence, I'm sure

Attached: MAXimumOVER-rustle.jpg (1920x1080, 96K)

Dont give the shills any ideas

Attached: yang gang.jpg (701x701, 106K)

Attached: 1552641838067.jpg (701x701, 101K)

Attached: yang gang2.jpg (701x701, 99K)

Best thread in the catalog m8, kek


No mention of NPC or recent Yang Gane memes, however what really gives it away are the references to Serbian War heroes who battled the Turks and the playing of the “Remove Kebab” song, it’s just way too convenient. Only professional analysts who are employed by the Deep State would understand the history behind those people and the Serbs are convenient scape goats because of the Balkan Wars in the 90’s and their sympathy towards their Orthodox Christian Slavic brothers, the Russian’s, this is a false flag attack on so many levels.

We support yang gang you dumb moron