>Workmates take the piss out of me all the time >Keep making jokes about me being gay >Keep ribbing me because I'm not into typical man stuff eg football, boxing, whatever >Keep threatening to hit me if I stand up to them >They all hate me >Boss is in on it too so can't complain to anyone
quit your job and find a better one, or stand up for yourself like an actual adult
Jackson Campbell
If I stand up to them they start getting aggressive at me, like "you fucking what" "what are you gonna to about it then". They act like they're gonna punch me. Then when I back down they piss themselves laughing
Cameron Nguyen
How about you fucking report them you absolute beta? Record them saying this shit and show HR. If they continue then tell HR you'll sue for harassment. God damn you're a pussy, use your fucking resources
Justin Gutierrez
Tell em to catch you outside how bout dat.
Ian Gray
>sue for harassment this. simples as that they won't hurt you, stand your ground
Angel Foster
Five to ten years too late. Nowadays the reaction to cis gay men getting bullied is lol whatever
Nathan Barnes
da fuq? just call them homophobic
Nolan Reyes
Until you don’t stand up for yourself finally and at least punch one of them in the face ( even if you get beaten near death) they won’t stop. Just don’t mate
Jeremiah Bell
I work at a pub basically there isn't anyone to complain to, the working environment is just very laddish and i cant deal with it
Jonathan Flores
>i cant deal with it then bail man, find another job
Jonathan Fisher
Adrian Gutierrez
Take the piss out of yourself. It's less fun to make fun of someone who can make fun of themselves.
Also, take the piss out of them back. Show them you can dish it out.
Don't get all bent out of shape when they take the piss out of you. Just don't give a fuck. Mates can rib on each other all day long, just don't take it personally.
Charles Williams
Learn to be brutal. Start from the boss and work your way down. Don't back down, stand your ground and don't move an inch you have to be 100% assertive in what you say or do. when you get the chance report the behaviour and find a different job
Ian Garcia
>there isn't anyone to complain to, Who the hell hired you? Did you just wake up one day with the job in your life?
Either find your balls and engage in this retarded British banter and show them that you can take it and dish it out, or complain to the owner or whoever the fuck hired you and/or sue them if they're actually causing you this much distress
Brody Rodriguez
A lot of the time people do that to include you rather than exclude. Men do that to test whether you'll conform to the group or not.
The first thing they tend to do is see if you'll take a joke. If you can't, they'll subconsciously up the game to drive you out.
It's ass backwards, I know. I'm a bit of a weeb and my passion is with computers. I've worked on a few construction sites though and this tends to be the case.
Think about how you reacted the first time
Bentley Richardson
Bring a knife and neck them when they say something.
Angel Hall
Well these guys can't be too tough or alpha if they work in a pub. That's a fucking pussy's job. They would probably melt if they had to work and have banter with real men like on a construction%demolition site.
Xavier Butler
Talking from the POV someone who was continuously bullied growing up, and exhausted all possibilities, there's only one reliable option.
Bring a textbook to work, read it during break or whatever.
When you stand up with said book and one looks away to laugh at you, hit him in the side of the head with the spine of said book as hard as you possibly can.
These people are animals. Animals only understand the boot.