Why did you murder all those people Jow Forums?
Why did you murder all those people Jow Forums?
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Funny how a bunch of virgin men are liberals' #1 enemy.
why do you shill on Jow Forums?
what a fucking retarded post holy shit. Jow Forums only support and worship the shooter and encourage others to do the same not pull the trigger.
why cant libshits tell the difference between free speech and murder?
False, we dindu nuffin, Jow Forums is a board of peace
What a waste of trips
>white men (((noticing things)))
Oi vey cant let white men talk to eachother on the internet about naughty topics!
Fuck this gay ass earth.
>I'm mad so fuck having rights and freedom
This is why women shouldn't have rights or freedom
>wake up
>make breakfast, do some work before I goto work
>put in my hours
>goto night class for a few hours
>end the night with a SOLID gym sesh
>get home finally at 10:30pm
>apparently I shot up some muzzies in new zealand
Fuck lads am I going to jail?
This entire thing was retaliation for Doom annihilation having too much estrogen.
You see, look at the biggots!
>white radicalization
Joke's on her, I'm a black pacifist.
>White nationalism allowed to flourish?
What? We're probably gonna have mandatory Quran lessons now
Oh no those sneedposters are the worst terrorists
Exactly OP you are now a terrorist for posting on Jow Forums, nice one. See why this makes no sense?
Who the fuck does this cunt think she is? Why does she think she has any power over us? We could put her in a cage tomorrow and no one would care.
This cunt needs to die
muh incel
Pol is a board of peace my friend.
>furious about free speech
Sounds about right.
Twitter NPC’s should be fucking gassed
>Guy kills some muzzies
>Every virgin needs to be detained
I didn't even know it was happening, I was playing vidya when I felt and odd sensation and looked at youtube to see Gloom streaming the news about it.
She's right.
But it was self defence?
So does that mean every muslim should be on a terror list considering the past and many terrorists attacks in the western world? I mean.. it only seems fair right?
So everyone on Jow Forums is incel? Is virgin an insult now?
Openly calling for more oppression of whites. I sincerely hope she dies a painful, agonizing death. She truly deserves it. Evil like that shouldn't be tolerated any longer.
Wouldn't work, their fart huffing has made them immune to most chemical attacks.
I will turn myself in straight away.I advise you do the same.
Jow Forums is a board of peace, it has always been about peace. These people who commit these attacks are not Jow Forums they are the opposite of Jow Forums because Jow Forums is of peace.
How dare you try to dehumanize peaceful people with your utter bigotry
>had plenty of sex
>girlfriends of multiple years, multiple times
>still go on Jow Forums
Wait is this site only for unironic, literal INCELS?
for the lulz
>hurts my feelings
More like dooms civilization.
>censorship is good and perfectly acceptable and rational!
>it definitely doesn't make us look like an authoritarian shithole!
No but I wish I did
archive of the full pol thread
That’s a very extreme, radical view she is openly posting with her own name, indicating she is very serious about it.
hmm she has a very pale complexion, almost looks white
hey wait a minute doesn’t that make her a white radical?
she should be on a terrorist watch list, or maybe sent to Guantanamo Bay for the safety of the public.
The 90s is as far back I can remember where 'virgin' was used as an insult.
You sound like an actual retard. I hope your caretaker is on the clock today.
Jow Forums is a board of peace, it has always been about peace. These people who commit these attacks are not Jow Forums they are the opposite of Jow Forums because Jow Forums is of peace.
How dare you try to dehumanize peaceful people with your utter bigotry
I stand in solidarity with our peaceful Jow Forums brothers who will no doubt face bigotry and demonization in the wake of this attack!
Why do people think every chan user is a virgin?
This! We are trolls, not orcs.
Yeah the difference that people who promote anit-bully, PC, shit are using it as an insult. That's what I meant.
I agree she seems pretty radical to me. The authorities should talk to her and Jack should ban her Twitter.
Yes, embrace your newfound virginity you fuckin loser.
I am RAGING that Islamic radicalisation is being ignored and allowed to flourish.
Thought I was on Reddit, damn
like, thanks, I have a policy of non violence but sure put me on a terror list because I visit a website.
false flag is obvious.
>encourage others
see that's a call to action which isnt protected under the 1st amendment.
>white radicalisation
Umm sweetie Jow Forums is the most diverse ethnonationalist group in the world.
Unfortunately Twitter court still isn't the law of the land, sweetie.
As they say
A lot of salty boys on this thread
Cunts know they can't make a sandwich correctly.
>White radicalization
Meanwhile Brown radicalization is flourishing. We've never had so little white people around.
tfw. your'e a virgin again. The time before my life was destroyed by selfish, myopic, logically challenged wahmen.
This is a board of piece, and terrorist attacks are muh part and parcel. So fuck off you fucking nerd
Pfft jokes on her, everyone on this board is already on a list.
Shamming tactics, sexual insults are allowed only for political enemies, try that on a leftist and you're a bigot.
if any of you faggots use shitter, go signal boost this counter-narrative. it's based, and haram-pilled. it's exactly what mudslimes would say.
the left can't into funny
Yeah I really noticed that. This whole thing has nothing to do with incels in the slightest yet they become the scapegoat
I never understood the "incel" insult especially coming from a liberal. Like, ok? You're making fun of people who can't have sex or choose not to?
for laughs
You know what? Everyone in the Muslim community should be on a terror list.
Every single mussie. I couldn't give a single shit about their "tolerance" or "moderate muslims".
Harsh? I don't care.
I am RAGING that Muslim radicalisation and terrorism is being ignored and allowed to flourish.
It's just female reasoning that all opposition to the Establishment ("what Chad says" as they perceive it) must just be because you're a virgin. Sometimes I think the central mechanism by which societies decline is women being allowed into the public sphere, which destroys the society's ability to resolve internal conflicts and contradictions because throw a wrench in the gears by reducing all drive for reform to projected virginity rage
Giving women rights was a mistake
>thinking Jow Forums is not already being monitored by glowing niggers
Because they deserved it.
Feminism has concequences. When you replace marriage with hypergamy, you're going to see some shit. Society only functioned because would be Incels had access to pussy. Male anger is going to build up.
> Raging about White Radicalization
> Plays role in that process.
If you want to stop it, stop being a far-left cunt and come to the table.
She's actually right. Jow Forums should be removed.
im a moderate Jow Forums poster. #notallmongolianbasketweavers
It has always been part of the repertoire of shaming tactics, now it just changed names to incel, which is more or less equal to the good old "i bet you can't even get laid'
>tfw you are immune to pussy witchcraft and protected by God.
>Implying we aren't on a list already.
>Implying that they would let us have freedom anyways.
What is this? A typical leftist attempt to give whites more agency than muds, I'm guessing
>What is the first amendment?
a) it's how women process conflict resolution b) it demonstrates that progressivism is just the hypocritical fancy of an arrogant, disconnected elite
You know what? Everyone on twitter and tumblr should be on a terror list. Every single cuck. I couldn't give a single shit about their "freedom of speech"
Harsh? I don't care.
I am RAGING that white feminization is being ignored and allowed to flourish.
I ask myself if she says the same thing when a muslim terrorist attack happens. And again they come with this incel bullshit.
Jow Forums is responsible for over 200 murders as it is. It's nothing new.
>don’t have a gf by the end of high school?
>right to jail
>You're not able to return to where you're bound forever.
If they shut down this board, Jow Forums will simply metastasize into specific board variants of Jow Forums, you get rid of the site, you piss off not only pollacks, you release them randomly over the internet, it will spread everywhere and you'll piss off ALOT of Japs. Imperial Japan maybe resurrected from the destruction of a underwater Mongolian agriculture forum.
>Muslims commit terror attack
>channer commits terror attach
this whore gets the rope first
Funny how she still wants to ostracize and polarize.
She must care so much about the victims of the attack.