Could this start a terror war and how will Muslims respond?
it will. pol is not intersted in that at the moment. But you'll see that your concerns are justified, sadly
Thank you Nieve, very cool!
ISIS already said they would retaliate.
Get ready for people to be massacred in churches. Not good
Our world is clearly fucked
I don't think so, but my dick does.
>WW3 started by an Aussie shitposter
Can’t say I saw that coming
Fucking hate muslims, I never get any good drops. At least they drop kebabs often
I hope so. Let the world burn
If they start doing that people will say:
>But whitey started it first.
Whole situtation is fucked
Pretty sure the terror war started long ago.
You have no idea.
I wanted Bloodvelds dammit
muslims should just left us alone
Is Urk happening tonight? This will surely fire them up if they weren't already.
First thing that came to mind after hearing about this happening
do it faggot
ohhhh i fucking loved watching this. everything was perfect.
how much slayer xp do muslims give?
any rare drops?
do superior muslims (imams) drop imbuded hearts?
You slimy, pathetic maggot
>start a terror war
where have you been for the last 1300 years?
No idea but security in rotterdam is also rumored to get tightened up so they must be suspecting something.
I have to God damn throw up
You're mentally ill, go get help.
Not perfect. He could’ve at least beheaded someone and raped a few women.
yas pls lets remove kebap
yeah try to take our guns, what we just saw was a slightly below average american in action.
Good XP but all they drop is 3 noted kebab
m8s do u know if muslims count as blacks for slayer tasks? dont wanna waste another prefer slot
I hope it gets niggers to start shooting whites too
Islam has been at war with the west for fucking ever.
You draw a doodle and what is the response?
Possibly. We're going to respond by taking back what is rightfully ours and create an ethnostate.
They saw it coming.
Muslim here, got some things to say.
>We share a common enemy (((them)))
>We are both against all that is degenerate
>we are the only group which proudly and openly condemns (((them)))
Just think about it for a bit. try to see both perspectives while ignoring the problems you have with our religion. Sure, our main problem is immigration/invasion, and I also agree we do not belong there. If more muslims could think like me, it would be better.
unironicly considered some batshit crazy Aussie to be the modern Gavrilo Princip
I honestly hope all hell breaks loose and the military has to be deployed. It has every ingredient to explode if what I read is true. Sterkte...
Shoots unarmed people.
This is the only way cowards can fight.
Just like serbs they would run when real war breaks out.
Good they had a weapon to defend from truck
Nope go fuck a goat you raghead
Counter Terrorists Win lets play flying scoutsman next on Dust 2
Montenigger kek
so they're going to wait for literally any unrelated act of perceived vengeance then claim credit again?
ISIS Just shot up a church in the Philippines killing 50, its already started.
The only way Europeans have any chance of surviving is if Muslims declare war on them.
Muslims declaring war on Israel is the only reason Israel did so well in the past 70 years. It led to accelerationism here and most people here hate Muslims and are in favor of taking their land.
Yeah, nah. You’re properly fucked, mate.
basiclly. Their caliphate is in ruins, so anyone with half a brain is in europe. ISIS has essentially been reduced to a bunch of keyboard warriors throughout the middle east and europe at this point.
It started in 2001 when they attacked us on 9/11. This is us finally returning the favor. If we wanted to really combat terrorism after 9/11 we would've sent in black ops teams into mosques and started doing this years ago. These people only understand one thing and that's violence.
Looks like a white nigger anyway
lLook at that monkey jaw!
>Muslims declaring war on Israel
That's why your people exporting multi culture to europe?
stfu kike, you stole their land that's why they are at war with you. and your fucking rich kikes send these sandnogs to Europe to fuck over white people AND it's easier grab their land that way.
start? nigger, have you been living under a rock on mars?
the war started long ago. it's been going on since at least 2001, all over the west.
whites have yet to retaliate en masse.
first off- I don't buy the official narrative story of this, at all. it reeks of Mossad.
so some 28 year old white Aussie in New Zealand just decides he's going to plan for a few years shooting up a mosque, and decides to have a head mounted GoPro and livestream it? yeah, sure, okay.
"49 dead, he killed women, men and children".
uh huh.
who stands to gain from this? (((who))) indeed.
however - regarding the war that has already started all over the west, for almost 2 decades: whites have a lot of catching up to do on the scoreboard.
do I condone this sort of thing? not really, but it is certainly an understandable mindset when you consider what is happening to western/white nations all around the world.
if they were indeed genuine, then you can understand the mindset of people like robert bowers, and now this aussie, given the circumstances.
again, though - I highly, highly doubt the official narrative.
it will of course, be used for even further demonizationg of whites, and further restritions on freedoms, privacy and firearms.
Pagang boys still safe
Lulz, hating an entire group of people because you're programmed that way. What a weak human.
Looks norf af, bro.
which was (((their))) intention with this
Full massacre livestream video><
Awesome, can't wait for more mudslimes to hit the ground.
>this is what Americans actually believe
Gee, I wonder why "they attacked the US". Surely not because of decades of bombing them for the kikes or anything
Israel is a terrorist state that kills many more innocent protesters than this troubled young man could possibly hope to.
Yeah, it’s a shit game everyone is being forced to play
many of us are well aware.
that doesn't mean that your religious brethren are blameless or not ripe for retribution, along with the kikes who push your kind on the west.
but yeah, many of us are well aware this is (((them))) pitting goyim against goyim. same old story - getting non-jews to wipe each other out so they can clean up the chessboard and conquer.
you are right though
It's not happening, nothing is ever happening
Deus lo vult, da pacem domine.
bring it on, you sandnigger ape
the reason "israel" did so well in the past 70 years is due to endless shekeleering and gibs from western nations, and pushing white guilt narratives on the goyim due to the holohoax.
israel should be nuked.
the only reason muslims are even a problem in the west, the third world invasion too, is because of you kike vermin.
muslims and niggers are a symptom - kikes are the disease/cause.
Link? I can't find anything about it
They will not since whites will willingly give their children to appease them.
What do you mean by Urk?
>Just like serbs they would run when real war breaks out.
shut up shitty faggot
That’s right goy
>nothing is ever happening
Dude we literally had a Jow Forumsack literal /ourguy/ shoot up a mosque killing dozens of mudslime invaders while livestreaming it and aussie shitposting. Is that not good enough of a happening?
this is really based. we need Muslims to spaz out, and they will. it will create stronger cohesion in indigenous European population
>That's why your people exporting multi culture to europe?
yep, it is a shittest, they're doing us a favor. the strong ones will survive and produce a strong nation, weak liberals and leftists will succomb.
Enough talk, lets get this show on the road!
More to come. Fuck Daesh sending its people. Imagine your typical leftist muslims become radicalized instantly. Jow Forums if you hate muslims now, just fucking wait! Takbir
it got taken down. that was fast.
Goes without saying that people in here are retarded unironically but does anyone know what they're talking about?
Miss me with that american funded ISIS bullshit.
You realize that after this, real muslims are allowed to retaliate? Literally says so in the Quran that If you've killed anyone it's as if you killed everyone, it's regarded as one of the greatest sins man could commit, but with one exception, it's when you're defending yourself.
I wouldn't be surprised if this matter reached a global scale
It was desert dwelling shitskins who took down two massive skyscrapers
user I..
I hope they win against you
user i absolutely love you for this.
next 9/11 we're nuking all of islam, no questions asked
If they do, especially in the US its not going to end well for them
The shooter played some ebin 4D chess because everything he wanted to happen is happening
The joke would have been funnier if he was killing towelheads in Al Kharid
it even has a fully done wikipedia page, ALREADY.
"The Christchurch mosque shootings were two co-ordinated white supremacist right-wing terror attacks"
apparently one of the shooters (there were multiple apparently, and more than one attack) played that "serbia strong/god is a serb" meme song in his car.
I'm not buying this at all. it seems far too fake and convenient.
The guy was a 4ch*n tripfag/mod over on 8ch*n
>muslims shoot up concerts, run over people in the street, stab people on trains, bomb churches
>Miss me with that american funded ISIS bullshit
>49 hajjis get smoked in retaliation
>it's on now, the gloves are off, we're coming for you
This is why you won't be missed.
"christchurch" not "mohammadmosque" god smites the non believers
A town on a polder in the netherlands with a strong dutch reformed protestant community
By getting crusaded. Death to your German muslim queen and Islam!