I don't agree with what happened.
I don't agree with what happened
Other urls found in this thread:
Not one single Jew died.
Too bad. It happened anyway.
me neither. he should have waited until ramadan.
I'm just here for the memes and all of my posts are satirical.
I'm Jewish, so if you want to kill me, go ahead.
people shouldn't go killing people at random
or at all, really.
Agree, should have been a synagogue.
You found it problematic?
He chose March 15th because it is the Ides of March, the day Romans used to settle their debts.
Your opinion doesn't matter.
Yeah, should've been a synagogue instead of a mosque.
It's a fuckin game, don't forget if bad guys come thru to dispose of the henchmen and Glasgow smile the leader. No rules in anarchy.
Sven, time for your "duties".
Stunning and brave.
interesting, thanks user. still not very practical though
Neither do I. He had a Black Sun symbol, and somehow never brought up Jews once in his manifesto or his live-streamed ranting. Something’s fishy.
im just confused why he chose muslims and not asians. since it was all about protecting his land from foreign invaders lol
As long as you don't jew white people you're okay in my book joo fren
Could've just deported them. This just adds fuel to the fire for leftists; get ready for more restrictions and labelling. When your mind becomes consumed with much anger you become the very thing you hate. I'm sorry, but two wrongs don't make a right. Slaughtering innocents who can't defend themselves doesn't make you anything other than a coward.
Neither, the people were legal citizens who did nothing wrong, if you have an issue with immigration it lies with your government, not with those who take advantage of it. The guy was a faggot, and you could tell he had a high opinion of himself by all the quips and references.
I usually don't agree with most of the things that happen daily.
stunning and brave
Precisely correct; as much as I'm not a fan of Islamic ideologies, the only reason they're invited to countries conflicting with their culture so frequently is these rats. For the most part, they hate the kikes as much as anyone here. Lets all get along (to stop gLoBaLiSt ChIcOmMs).
good goyim
Explains in the manifesto
Me neither.
you'll be safe at r/t_d with your jewish handlers, /ptg/
but it happened on the 14th, retard
Just more reason to remove Jow Forums and 8ch.
And this
Powerful AND brave!
You'd need no less than the concentrated efforts of the world's nuclear arsenal to deal with chinks, so that's not happening.
Most people don’t, it was pretty messed up.
Anyone who supports the mass killing of unarmed civilians is a terrorist and should be treated as such, regardless of ethnicity or religion. People need to stop focusing on their paranoid delusions and develop an appreciation of life. If you let political beliefs and conspiracy theories override your basic morals, you need to get some time away from this board and focus on positive things.
>Anyone who supports the mass killing of unarmed civilians
kids grow up
get real, faggot
Learn how time zones work, retard.
People who believe unarmed civilians exist should be executed.
What makes you think I browse r/t_d?
I'm seeing a perfect 50/50 support and against on this board. Most of the supporters are likely edgy children, but still, it needs to stop.
How many civilians were bombed in WW2, Vietnam, and Iraq?
Redditchan is going to die, alt right nerds will get classified as terrorists now with legitimate legal reasons and Jow Forums will finally be deleted. Control your spergs t. /a/
I blame anime
Now this is a good goy
>I'm just here for the memes and all of my posts are satirical.
I have grown up and I have a better understanding of life. I'm glad I'm not an edgy 15 year old today or else I might have been corrupted like so many others here.
The vast majority of people, of any ethnicity, religion, or nation, are just trying to live their lives, have fun, find love, and be happy. I don't need a source for this, it's basic common wisdom.
Far too many, and it's not justified. It's hard for me to love this country when I think of how much evil it's done.
Everyone is part of the militia. If you can't fight then you deserve to die. Pacifism isn't an excuse to avoid slaughter.
Killing random people makes him no better than a useless and backwards jihadi
It's the 15th in New Zealot
Broken mirrors in their eyes, hella blood on their breath
Cuz they're praying to the bank and they're banking on your death
Deception and doom we're all taught to consume
The ghetto breeds revolt with a strong sense of doom
Explosions at the airport pack a message and a boom
9/11 'til infinity from the dumpster to the mother-fucking tomb
it's okay. Muslims celebrate all their terror attacks. It's natural you feel bad because unlike them we are human.
>I don't agree with what happened
Nobody agrees with it
It's just part and parcel of living in a global city
meme forums are supposed to be ironic. It must be a law of nature that when something gets popular enough eventually a moron will show up and ruin the party for everyone.