There's a guy with autism who has had a crush on my bf since January, but staring today, he began having a crush on me too, even though said guy has a gf of his own. My bf is hurt his friend has lowkey flirted with me, and I feel kind of uncomfortable with the Bi guy constantly telling my bf he "loves him" even though my bf is straight. Should I just ignore and not get involved or might this lead to drama or the autistic bi guy doing harm to my bf?
There's a guy with autism who has had a crush on my bf since January, but staring today...
Distract him with some anime DVDs or something
Sounds like you need to throw this fish back into the water. He craaaaazy. Someone with no respect for your relationship is and can only be a threat. Eliminate the threat. Cut him out of your life and don't look back.
why can't more people just be fuckin straight is it really that hard
your post made no sense op i can't tell who is who or who has a crush on what or anything because everyone's a fucking freak
What the fuck did i just read?
what the FUCK
just throw some hotpockets at him
He's trying to be friendly, but doesn't know how, so he copies some behaviors he's seen, not realizing they're inappropriate.
"John, I like having you as a friend. But friends don't act like this. That's just for couples in love. Friends act like this other way."
Talk to your boyfriend about it and tell him you're bothered by him. He should be able to stand up to him and tell him to piss off, if you don't want to do it.
What's scary is that all of my friends said the same thing, christ. Thanks user.
My bf is straight
I am straight
Guy diagnosed with autism is bi
I guess next time I'll greentext cuz I'm an autistic foreigner with poor English skills
I told my bf to explain to the autistic Bi guy that, assuming he's friendly and not trying to do shady shit. Let's see how that goes. If he rages, guess we both cut him off.
I see, thanks. My bf is growing increasingly creeped out cuz the autistic Bi guy is beginning to heavily hint he masturbates to my bf, whilst simultaneously flirting with me.
Nigga, i understood the story; it was just so weird.
Oh fuck. I see. I guess the situation is worse than I expected then.
Im autistic and bi and i could never see myself behaving like that. I bet you his gf has something to do with this.
>bet you his gf has something to do with this.
What do you mean? My bf once mentioned the autist and his gf had some fights before.
>Im autistic and bi and i could never see myself behaving like that
I hope genuinely that most autists are like you. He probably guilt tripped me a little then by making it seem like autism makes him the victim.
No, most of us prefer to be treated like everyone else. Some special kind of victim status is an insult.
Shit, sorry. Didn't know. The last 2 autists I met before always used autism as an excuse to get away with things, it works when, well, you don't know what x ailment is like to live with.
Being weird isnt an ailment
You're doing basic girl shit. Youll be jelly of anything, not it happens to be the bi guy. Next itll be video games. Women will get jelous of literally anything thatd takes up their mans time. heres my advice, stop being so basic.
I see. I just knew a couple heavy functioning autists and I was like "are you retarded due to autism or because your parents are complete failures at raising you?". Only ever befriended 1 autist who was chill.
That's not very convincing bait.
Its the second. Im weird like how i talk like a robot, but ive got my shit together
Oh yeah, knew a lot who had the monotone voice, that never bothered me.
Mines very low pitch and relaxed so people like it.
Get rid of him before he gives your bf a brojob. That's how they take them and you become a cuckqueen.
My bf is extremely homophobic/genuinely fears them. His homophobia is so strong it even rubbed off onto me over the years.
He's gay.
Brojobs aren't gay. You'll end up losing your man like that.
Never change, Jow Forums.