What exactly did he do wrong though?

What exactly did he do wrong though?

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he forgot his lighter and didn't burn the place down

He didn't kill enough.

Should have played Hit or Miss in the car.


be baruch goldstein

Killed innocent people.

Attached: A072650E-7A9B-4547-B59C-32A51AE2EAAE.jpg (320x512, 28K)

mfw god of hellfire starts playing as he is driving away

Attached: Und.png (490x412, 278K)

>feels like

nothing at all

He didn't have the music from Doom playing while he was culturally enriching the mosques.





he had like 3 rifles/long guns he didn't use. he should have had a bro go with him who would wait out back to gun down the fleeing slimes


Didn’t target a synagogue as well

Stood up for the white race, it’s time
>inb4 glowing


Let two nignogs live in the beginning before entering the shit house

Anders Behring Breivik made war on communist Norway, just as Max Manus made war on fascist Norway, just as Osama bin Laden made war on imperial America, just as Nelson Mandela made war on apartheid South Africa. Terrorism is the normal mode of warfare in our delightful post-WWII utopia. That is, it is the most common way to use force to achieve political objectives. Condemning terrorism, as such, is in every case retarded.

Coward should have went after politicians instead

Taking pawns is pointless

directing his focus and anger to the wrong target thereby removing ((them)) from the sights of the masses as they tear each other off

Dropped a full mag at the beginning.

Sweet rig. If you get a good few rails and a rhythm going you could make sweet music - like Beethoven's whatsit in womp major.
womp womp, womp womp, womp. Womp womp, womp womp.
Womp womp, womp womp, womp. Womp womp, womp womp.
Womp womp, womp womp, wooooomp, womp womp, wooooomp.
Womp womp, womp womp, womp womp

he's either an agent or a cunt

Unironically proof that globalism and mass indocrination is the only way to true peace - redpilling normies will only create collateral damage. Ignorance is bliss

He didn't use any meme frogs or Kekistan flags, so we could get rid of that cancer too.

He didn't praise Israel at any point in the video.

Cut of your penis and balls. Or plug up the gash. You should never breed.


he got it back at the end so it's ok

There is footage of the shooting ? where!?!?!

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Yes, it is.
T. Lenin

breed? Certainly not so soon when pawns are busy fighting one another over SYMPTOMS as opposed to focusing on the CAUSE

Any link to the footage?

Didnt burn it down bc he rushed. He was annoyed he didnt burn it , he said i had time for the gas.

He was a straight white male

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Pretty much. Should have studied Commander Breivik a little closer and gone after the source, but still...


thanks man, you the best, sub to pewds

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why the fuck has the ync been lagging when playing videos for almost half a year now btw?

Nothing. It was pure kino. God bless him

Should have done this in Australia. All this is going to do is tighten the gun laws in NZ.


Lad read the manifesto he says that's the purpose of the attack. It's some level of accelerationist philosophy

any youtube link is going to taken down instantly but nice try

There has to be a better quality, can't make mlg remake like this

>didn't scout the place out beforehand
>needed directions to get there
>could have done a better job concentrating the targets if he'd bothered to scout it out

I haven't had the time to read 87 pages of anything. Quick synopsis?

>Japanese news keeps playing the clip in his car when he’s blaring remove kebab song.

Absolutely based.

don't worry, streaming content is the start of a new trend chan-faggots will now adopt as a prereq to starting a shooting

this post is a joke, please don't rape me FBI hehe :)

He did a piss poor job of clearing the rooms. Yep, recon would have definitely helped.


He inserted memes into the video and his manifesto to take control of the US political discourse and do two things, radicalize Liberals against gun rights and de-legitimize conservatives.

Basically he was totally successful and MSM is playing right into it

He gave the jewish press another talking point.

Baruh goldstein jobed it and couldn't operate a weapon jam.

he didnt check the other rooms , however didnt he go to another mosque?(not seen that video/part)

I think his partners pussied out when a muslim returned fire at the other mosque

didn't burn the fucking building to the ground
i mean how hard is it to just splash some gasoline and light it on fire?

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>Ruined any chance of curbing islamic immigration to white countries
>There will be non-stop muslims sympathy propaganda
>there will be massive virtue signaling protests with liberals and muslims in solidarity against nationalism
>There will be crack downs on anyone complaining about islamic immigration
>this incident will be used to push gun control
>this incident will be used to push hate crime laws
>this incident will be used to push for crack downs on white nationalism
All by design

I think he forgot his lighter

he forgot to burn the mosque down with the gas cans


should have used standard 30rd mags, larger ones are less reliable. went back to the car to switch guns for no reason. probably should have popped a xanax to calm his nerves.


Full video was posted earlier. I can’t link the damm tv in my room.


Didn’t kill Jews and didn’t name them, the fuck?

It was interesting actually, the first hot take I saw from a politician was an australian senator who blamed mass immigration for the attack

Idk if it will actually be the same as other incidents, he kind of 4D chessed the media on this one


He skirted the topic of Jews

there are 1.8 billions of them worldwide. nothing you can do that will be enough to stop them.


He had the gas for it, he just didn't think he had enough time.

eh we all make mistakes
all in all it was pure kino even despite the fact he didn't burn it down

it was also funny how he spaghetti'd the mags

Murdered the sheep instead of the Shepard.

I just wonder why the fuck did they all crowd like that
Seems like the most retarded thing anyone can do against an AR
Should have just jumped on him

He does talk about them he basically says they should go to Israel and stay there

I already have the full video, I was asking for the link to the Japanese news post.

>What exactly did he do wrong though?
He doesn't exist for one.

>What exactly did he do wrong though?
didnt go for the politicians

He left the gas cans in the car instead of carrying one with him to the entrance
>He also showed up early when the women and children weren’t there yet

Full manifesto here. Interesting read. Confirmed Jow Forumstard Shitposter.

He called out capitalism for what it is. In his manifesto first page, for workers. Calls out capitalism and corporations as the cause of migration.
When are you pol cucks gonna get it?
USA=Cuckpitalism (Petrodollar) = wars=migrants = divide et impera

it's not like people can think properly in those types of situations
only in burgerland or switzeralnd or balkan could this have been prevented from people shooting the good guy

there were quite a lot of children killed, what are you talking about mate?

It’s live tv man. No link. It’s already in the format of a docudrama here lol

Anybody have a link to his manifesto?

literally everyone realizes that element mate
it's not 2015 anymore when we were lolbergs

He didn't go after the ones who let Muslims in.

I really like your country’s flag

Forgot to adequately equip his weapon wheel before engaging. Should have unlocked that last slot for something with a scope

Would be nice if they blamed immigration but I doubt it. Always best to ask 'who benefits'. I can only see muslims benefiting from the non-stop sympathy that the media will give them. Also the jews will benefit because of the fact that this guy provided the central casting archetype of what they want to present as a right wing extremist or a white nationalist.

One tried to jump him but failed

Nvm I see it

thank you lad
i hope one day i can wave it with pride

any link to the manifesto? not him btw