Why do I love niggers?
Why do I love niggers?
Because we're great next question
Why are you a nigger?
you want their bbc in your boipuss
What the hell does this have to do with black people?
Also, big penis hurts. I want average.
"niggers" are black people and you said you loved them, presumably because you want one in your boipuss. It's not hard. Anyway we need more info if you want serious advice.
So youre saying black people are stupid?
are you saying you love stupid people?
Yes, and they happen to be black.
well there's nothing wrong with that, but why do you want them in your boipuss?
I want theirs. I like pink.
you want their boipuss? That's gay man.
I know!
It's okay. Homosexuality is allowed and encouraged now.
AIDs is encouraged?
you want catch the aids just because you have bumsex with a black guy.
Thought aids came from monkeys though.
originally yeah but you can catch it from anyone now. Have bumsex to your heart's content my gay friend.
Okay nigger!
good luck
Can i fuck you?
I'm not black or gay. If you were a grill I would say yes.
because youre a stupid fucking nigger yourself. youre dazzled by blind confidence which leads you to believe posts like are funny when in actuality its the most bland generic boring overdone lame style of humor there is
Can i fuck this one, daddy?
no but if you know any grills send them my way
go for it friend
I can be a girl!
Bend over.
but there's a penis attached to you
And? Theres a penis attached to pic as well.
and you look like that pic?
I suck a mean ass dick though.
I bet you do but I'm sorry man, I'm attracted to feminine things.
>tfw no twink white bro to bend over and milk dry while he stutters out "bigger as he cums
Why even live?
No youre twink in this arrangement.
If you behave i'll be gentle. Bad slaves get the whip though.
fuck you op
you'll never get my sweet boipucci
>implying slaves have a choice
Bend over tyrone! This is your ticket out of the fields!
what even the fuck is this thread?
Are you nigger?
You’re gay my nigga
Bend over my nigger.
you ain’t a 2d trap so nah