B-but they are the menace

>b-but they are the menace
>b-but they are stealing our land
>b-but they started it
>b-but they are invading us
stop it you fucking hypocrites, this wasn't deserved, none of this is, killing civilians isn't the way to go, it's the most retarded thing ever. ISIS are retarded, the terrorist that shot 50 people is retarded, this is inhumane, you can twist it how you want in your little brain it doesn't change the fact that both act are pure evil and bring nothing but new hatred.

Attached: hypocrites.jpg (1488x584, 258K)


Sure thang hun

Indians fought back, sage

nobody here is making moral arguments

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They deserved it.

Show real flag or sage

deja vu hardcore, are we glitching??

>MEMEFLAG - check
>/trannypol/ ultra leftist faggot stance - check
>aids medication - check
Invaders shouldn't invade, they can fuck off.
It's part and parcel of living in a city.

this board is literally approaching ISIS levels of evil fuckery.

he shot muslims, no human beings were harmed

He was a uneducated half-wit who got his 'knowledge' from meme. Do you really expect him to be aware of the contradictions? No fascist is. If this were 1930s he would be postin how anything eastward from Posen is asiatic scum that isn't compatible with German civilization.

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Indians fought back and lost and I'm not planning on losing like they did

THIS. why is that so hard to understand?

>hurr durr muh principles
Shut up the fuck up boomer

Might makes right.

cry more you bey-tahhhhh. seriously. this was a how-to for hitting soft targets. your day is coming.

Blow it out your ass Ahmed. The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. This is about our survival.

He wasn't even from Jow Forums you dumb niggerfaggor

>muh fair play




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