Hypothetically, if someone was going to cut off a piece of their flesh for eating

Where should it be from so it causes the least amount of damage possible?

Haha imagine if someone actually wanted to do this
Good thing it's hypothetical

Attached: 49f.jpg (413x395, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:

www-iflscience-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/artist-live-streams-cannibalism-performance-where-two-people-are-fed-their-own-flesh/amp.html?amp_js_v=a2&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE=#referrer=https://www.google.com&_tf=From %1$s&share=https://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/artist-live-streams-cannibalism-performance-where-two-people-are-fed-their-own-flesh/

The ass probably. Interestingly I believe beef cells are being cultured as a means of sustainable food. Imagine doing it to humans.
Onions a very real future huh lol.

We’re all anonymous, and people have asked way stranger things on here. Don’t be a pussy.

>you will be able to eat lab grown flesh of your favorite celebrity in your lifetime

Onions, autocorrect.
I'm not sure I'd want to desu.


Your penis.

Attached: Elaine_Anime.png (523x698, 478K)


Well, considering I don't have one, this is probably the best answer here.

Lol I was just being silly

Not technically flesh per se but I used to use a nail clipper to snip off bits of my heel where the skin was at its thickest and then eat that after cooking it on my desk lamp while studying.

Yes I had issues

Your titties.

Attached: MMO.png (800x450, 100K)

Ngl that low-key sounds good
C l e v e r

Omg like what Luka Magnotta did except on myself
Honestly if that actually becomes possible I'm buying it


>Omg like what Luka Magnotta did except on myself
>Honestly if that actually becomes possible I'm buying it

Or like these guys:

www-iflscience-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/artist-live-streams-cannibalism-performance-where-two-people-are-fed-their-own-flesh/amp.html?amp_js_v=a2&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE=#referrer=https://www.google.com&_tf=From %1$s&share=https://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/artist-live-streams-cannibalism-performance-where-two-people-are-fed-their-own-flesh/

Lmao where do people get these ideas

>eating human flesh comes with several health risks, namely in the form of bloodborne diseases like hepatitis and HIV and foodborne ones like E. Coli, if the meat has been poorly handled and undercooked
Like all meats?

Presumably he doesn't have any real artistic skills or ideas so he did this for the shock value.

You're all retarded and should kill yourselves


"no u"

Makes sense lol

There is a Stephen King short story "Survivor Type" precisely about this. King once told an interviewer it was the one story of his that scared him because he didn't know where in his psyche it came from