Holocaust thread

Holocaust thread

did it happen?
did it happen but the numbers are wrong?
did they just die from hunger because of food shortage during war?

what did happen?

Attached: OjRhYbY.jpg (1317x2239, 977K)

Other urls found in this thread:


the latter. the real holocaust was the firebombing of german civilians and refugees and Eisenhower's Rheinwiesenlager camps.

oh fuck off.

I know you are just trying to mnormalise the board, by posting the same shit that is debunked every fucking day. but please, just fuck off.

we all know the answers to these questions. We all know it happened, that it was about 5.5 million, by various causes, shooting, gassing, forced marches, starvation, dehydration, hanging, general brutality, disease, lots of causes.

for all those causes the Nazis bear the responsibility. it was deliberate. it was a major war aim. they did it.

and the picture - well done you posted a bunch of single person low pressure systems from america, and then three functional doors for normal atmosphere gas chambers that were used in Auschwitz, and then a door for an office that was vever used as a gas chamber which everyone knows about.

low quality bait.

Attached: changes in use changed doors.jpg (1600x1200, 409K)

the camps were nt forebombed. also there is no missing millions form those camps - that stupid book has been utterly debunked. the author was shown to be a liar and the people he pretended to quote have all said they didnt say what he says they did, and some never spoke to him.

utter fraud - like holocaust deniers.

now is not the right time, sorry champ

Is this the same frog kike shitposting every holohoax threat?
Show 6mil corpses, faggot.

are you trolling?

why would someone rebuild a gas chamber into something else?

not french not jewish

account for this then

Attached: 1949 census data.jpg (3960x3060, 3.67M)

>numbers in a book
>by US govt
Nice try, Finkelstein.

It happend today. heard on the news over 9gazzillion died today on a shit tier island today.

This is a joke fbi mossad etc..

it wasn't built as a gas chamber in the first place. it was a morgue. they tried gassing people (soviet PoWs) in the cellar of block 11, but then they had to carry the corpses to the crematorium. so they put a gas tight door on the morgue at the Crem, and knocked same holes in the ceiling and used that instead - but it didnt have a ventilation system adn the crem could only burn about 340 bodies a day, so they had to wait a long time for it to vent before they could start burning, adn then it took three days to burn them all as they had room for 800-900. That is messy.

so they moved the gassings to a couple of small farmhouses in teh woods, and used pyres to burn the bodies, while they built purpose designed gas chamber adn cremation facilities at Birkenau. once those were completed they had lots of ovens, and a good system for gettin the people to strip off adn leave all theri gear to be stolen, adn the little crematorium was no longer really needed.

but the allies had tried to bomb the factories beside the camp, (the huge factories manned by the slaves in t4h camp, which turned coal into rubber adn oil, using millions of tons of coal) so the camp authorities wanted air raid shelters.

the old crema was built partly underground - so they used it as they didnt need it anymore.

the doorway in which that door is placed was a new doorway - with new office doors. it was not there when the room was used, briefly, as a gas chamber.

this is basic history of the building. we have the blueprints for all the changes.

Attached: Auschwitz Crema I chimney.jpg (1537x2127, 889K)

book by private publisher.

Figures are from Jewish sources of course, as they had the the only means of getting figures at the time. Funnily, before you dismiss them, this is the same book that deniers often quote to @prove@ that no jews were killed at all, or that jewish numbers went up during the war. They @prove@ this by cutting off the bit underlined in red in pic related - the 1948 version.

this is the updated data after the war. subsequent government censuses by the governments of europe confirmed the figures.

all census data ever taken since then has confirmed the figures. So unless you want to argue that every government in the world had been involved in an immense conspiracy for 80 years which no one has ever revealed, then you really ought to accept it is true.

oops forgot the pic

Attached: world almanac 1948 uncropped.jpg (1325x1081, 698K)

of course deniers never have an answer for what happened to the three million Polish jews.

well they ahve stupid false answers - they lie about them all going to america or israel, but they didn't (they never turn up there) or they say they all just changed theri names and never told anyone they were jews (which given thier appearance adn community centres is more than unlikely, also tha they spoke Yiddish, and were distinctive adn easy to spot) or they lie that they all went to the East to live - except there is no evidence of them every being there.

and of course all these tales of them going somewhere rely on UFOS or magic to get them out of the country, since the accounts by the Nazis of having rounded them up in Ghettos adn then sending them to be killed are pretty solid,

how could they have got to America, in the middle of the war?

it is simply delusional.

but please do tell me, where did the three million Polish Jews go?

Attached: distribution of jews in europe.jpg (2400x1186, 269K)

this is from agregated census data from around europe.

again, the numbers are consistent, adn they are confirmed by all subsequent census data.

like to explain what happened?

do you really think the jews changed names and never calimed any of theri stolen property or returned to their old homes adn farms ans businesses after the war, and never asked for reparations? they just decided never to talk about it adn never to contact any of their relatives?

deniers are silly.

Attached: european jewish numbers.png (553x752, 173K)

this is anglo american, so you can scoff if you wish, but sane people will understand that a conspiracy this big would have been whistleblown decades ago...

Attached: Report_of_the_Anglo-American_Committee_of_enquiry_regarding_the_problems_of_European_Jewry_and_Pales (1700x2200, 267K)

second part

Attached: Report_of_the_Anglo-American_Committee_of_enquiry_regarding_the_problems_of_European_Jewry_and_Pales (1700x2200, 381K)

Bon travail camarade.

of course I sppose you believe the Zundel lies about the Red Cross data?

the idea that the Red Cross have all the records (how could they?0 and know exactly how many people were killed (Again how could they) from the whole camp system?

that they say it only a few hundred thousand... despite the fact the Red Cross say they don't have them, and that they have never counted them, that they had no access to the major killing camps (never inspected Auschwitz, never visited Treblinka or Sobibor or Blezec or Chelmno) and that the few records they do have are fragmentary, incomplete for any camp, and they don't have any records at all for the majority of the camps.

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hmmn, it is all very quiet in here isn't it ?

Attached: icrc statement.png (650x902, 129K)

Attached: 1093px-Birkenau25August1944.jpg (1093x900, 270K)

the nazis even reported it ...

Attached: 1518614573312.jpg (1216x1234, 72K)

they reported how many the could burn a day - ten to twenty times the capacity of any other camp of its size

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Fucking kek how triggered the JIDF is tonight.
Same exact frog kike a always.
I recognize your posts, shlomo.
You've been btfo before, you like comming back and being exposed?
Show me actual proof. Missing numbers are no proof.
>wooden doors
>rebuilt chimneys
Best memes.

Attached: JewDF.png (429x410, 212K)

they reported the mass shootings in detail, listing men women and children separately.

Attached: bundesarchiv_Bild_183-B07.jpg (441x600, 60K)


Attached: IMG_0354.jpg (793x1024, 201K)


Attached: IMG_0350.jpg (718x1024, 158K)

they typed the reports up in large print, so Hitler could read them without his glasses (not the 4F - for the Fuhrer - mark on this einsatzgruppen report)

Attached: himmler report einsatzgruppen.jpg (444x599, 72K)

Oh jew!

Attached: 1550707878457.png (1165x1139, 1.1M)

Oy vey what's this?

Attached: 1550588842194.png (736x910, 646K)

>17 posts by this ID
seething shill

The (((french)))...

Attached: Screenshot_20190221003535_Twitter.jpg (1076x1434, 537K)

Really makes me think.

Attached: 1520439887183.jpg (750x750, 446K)

so if I make some sketchy dokument, adress it to Himmler from Hitler and just go on about how the moon base must be finished must faster its suddenly proof of a nazi moon base, right? Like, I'll use an old type machine and make it look real 40s-like and all

Oy gevalt!

Attached: 1550947162447.jpg (1372x986, 310K)

>You've been btfo before
really, when?

you think wooden doors is a best proof - a pathetic picture of adoor added to a building after it was no longer a gas chamber? that is proof of anything? Other than denier stupidity adn ability to lie?

rebuilt chimney? really? this is proof of what? tha tthe chimney didnt exist before? No. that it wasn't a crematorium? no.

that it wasnt a gas chamebr? well, gas chambers do not need chimneys, so whay would it have anything to do with that?

really, why not talk about the swimming pool (reservoir used by the SS - we have the building orders for them putting the boards on for the guards use) or the theatre (built before the war by the Polish army for their barracks, not used to entertain the 90,000 slave labourers) or even the Brothel - filled with sex slaves forced into prostitution, only for guards use or specially privileged prisoners, no racemixing allowed...)

how about you show what happened tot he population of the Warsaw Ghaetto, that they are all alive and well, then we can talk. show us what happened to the jews of Lodz. then your denial might have some traction. until then you are just posting memes of shit

and you can fuck off with the "he doesnt deny the holocaust so he is a jew and paid shill" crap as well. Conspiracy theory tier bollocks.

Attached: Korherr.jpg (531x842, 276K)

nice cherries you picked

oh especially that story about Christians being massacred in Macedonia. that really rpoves that there was a conspiracy theory to meme 6 million and holocaust into existence. yes all thsoe stories about the jews in russia (where there you know, ah, 6 million jews...) being subject to pogroms and persecution... which really happened. Of course they should have changed the number to something untrue because a hundred years later a retard on the internet would think that it was a conspiracy because fifty years after those stories were published about 5.5 million really did die. .

Attached: 4 5 7 million.jpg (1498x2734, 1.71M)

the chimney have been proven to not be connected to anything, try again kike

>really when
All the last threads. Exactly the same worthless posts like all the other times.
You are exposed, Shlomo. At least put some effort into it and change your proxy once in a while.

>wooden door
Yes, wooden door. Also nice ad hominem, Shlomo. As always.

>rebuilt chimney
Nice strawman, retard. This is about crematoria and the numbers that don't add up.
Funny how you kike get all worked up again because I exposed you.

>posting memes of shit
>t. posts memes of shit
Never change, Shlomo. Show me ashes worth 6mil.
Oh you can't? Well damn...

>being this triggered
Shill more, kike.
You have been exposed. Nobody will eat your shit.

Over hundrets of years kikes have been exposed and thrown out for their shit.
This won't change. The next time will come for sure.

Attached: martin_luther.jpg (313x499, 36K)

and we know this is real because....

seriously. Special notice ot all Jews? this went out to every Jew in America and no one ever knew until it was released in 1989?

utter bollocks.

yes I am glad I am not French. and I would heartily disagree with such a law.

what is the peddle driven brain bashing machine? please explain.

Human soap was of course made, but not of jews, but the Nazis spread that lie very widely. nO wonder so many jews beleived it. The lampshde - the jusry is out on that one, may have been true, maybe not. the Shrunken heads, again there is evidence of an order saying stop making them, and other human skin artifacts, so maybe they were making them, but the ones found at Dachau (I think) were anthropological specimens from south america , collected by the doctor there who had been in SA before the war. Given the other horrors of the camp it isnt surprising people thought the nazis made the, But Historians don't. So what?

the steam chamber was mentioned in a report that said people were being killed either with poison gas, or exhaust fumes, or steam, they were not sure which. two out of three correct as it turned out.
the rollercaoster is an obvious chinese whisper story, no historian (no one ever really) has taken seriously. same with anus pumps. And the idea that the gas came out of the showers. the shower heads were fake, but not gas dispensers.

so some plausible stories, some might even be true, some are obviouly the sort of rumour you get in wartime

so what?

but please, tell me what the peddle driven brain bashing machine is supposed to be.

Attached: anne frank train list.jpg (700x478, 103K)

unfortunately for you these documents were found in the SS offices in 1945. no historian, even the most rabid @revisionist@ has claimed, let alone shown, that they are faked.

why do you think that the Nazis who talked about exterminating Jews, had the opportunity adn apparatus to do so, and the manpower adn the ideology to drive them, who thought the jews were their major enemy, who really did make every effort to track down jews adn transport them to camps where they did not have the accomodation to house them, who begged other countries to send them theri jews to kill, why do you think they didnt do it?

hitler didnt have the balls? Himmler was soft hearted? they were all talk and action?

debunked bollocks

Attached: did jews declare war on germany.jpg (597x642, 212K)

see pic related

you really think they had a crematorium with no chimney?

this is one of the most retarded arguments ever.

you like the word "exposed" don't you.

but have failed to 'expose" anything other than your ignorance. You know a wooden door can be gas tight? a wooden door made of stoul oak, eith a felt layer between two layers of wood, with large iron bolts and hinges, and a thick glass inspection port covered by a metal grille on the inside to stop the victims breaking it, sealed all round the frame with strips of felt - that would be perfectly adequate for the job. and was.

and it isn't ad hominem to say that it proves you are stupid. that is just fact.

Attached: doors.png (728x2371, 1.47M)

the nazis did take it very seriously though

>you really think they had a crematorium with no chimney?
the chimney is a fake, made by the USSR

do you really think they had a manual, 4x9 ft postage-stamp of an elevator, constantly being used to transport thousands of bodies up to the crematoria?

the design makes no sense. the holocaust is a hoax. the jews were rounded up, persecuted, and deprived of civil rights. that was wrong. they weren't gassed and 6 million didn't die

"final solution" was not an extermination policy, confirmed by 100% of the documents which mention it

Attached: gas-chamber-traffic-jam (1).jpg (1000x483, 191K)

Peddle machine is a meme spread by kikes that is proven to be a lie.
Just like this old kike rate that literally said "it was real in my mind".
Then there's ZERO proof for soap, lampshades or shrunken heads from kikes yet those memes were spread to kvetch shekels out of the goyim.
Fucking kikes, every goddamn time. Exposed lies.

>muh gas chamber showers
The ones with the wooden doors and now trace of Berliner Blau during initial investigation?

Attached: Rabbi_Avi.jpg (1488x932, 733K)

>what is the peddle driven brain bashing machine? please explain.

one of many absurd claims made during the nuremburg trials

see: cwporter.com/15mirth.jpg

>so some plausible stories, some might even be true, some are obviouly the sort of rumour you get in wartime
so many were obviously totally fabricated. but to be fair, even jews claim the majority of testimonies are "unreliable" for the holocaust

you posted a pic of anne frank train list. anne frank was not gassed at auschwitz, she died of typhus at bergen belsen.

she was not "holocausted"

It happened. The numbers are right. It was an industrial genocide. Thank you for your time.

>wooden door
>gas tight
Sure think, Shlomo. Next you will tell me crematoria from 1945 are more efficient than the ones we have today.

And yes, I like to call out the Juden and expose them.
Just like I did with you in this and in last threads and every time people tell you that you are a pathetic shill and you respond with copy paste answers.

Attached: jidf_unmasked.png (1438x1079, 1.36M)

Korherr report


Korherr doesn't speak of exterminations of course but only of evacuations, and he maintained that he didn't know of exterminations after the war.

>" The statement that I had also stated that more than a million Jews had died in the camps of the Generalgouvernement and Warthegaus by special treatment is likewise incorrect. I must protest against the word "died" in this context."

whole letter here: fpp.co.uk/History/General/Korherr/Spiegel250777.html
>how about you show what happened tot he population of the Warsaw Ghaetto, that they are all alive and well, then we can talk. show us what happened to the jews of Lodz. then your denial might have some traction. until then you are just posting memes of shit
howe about you prove that millions of pounds of remains are buried in exactly known locations, as you claim they are? pathetic

>did it happen?
>did it happen but the numbers are wrong?
>did they just die from hunger because of food shortage during war?
no. they died mostly from typhus outbreaks and being so weak from lack of food it greatly aided in typhus killing a lot of people. if the allies had not of been bombing vital food/medicine supply lines 24/7 the vast majority of people in the pow/work camps would have survived. in effect the allies killed those people in the camps. even the red cross numbers attest to this.
>what did happen?
the only real holocaust (destruction by fire) that happened during WW2 happened when the allies firebombed the city of Dresden resulting tin the deaths of 10s of 1000s of civilians.

anyone, and i mean anyone, who states as fact the holocaust was the mass extermination of jews in gas chambers is clearly an idiot and should be treated accordingly. war is horrible, great numbers of people die on the whim of a few and the victors write history.

JIDF working overtime today

remember: there are testimonies of "homicidal gas chambers" at camps that 100% of historians agree had none

so "jews lied about gas chambers" is a fact you agree to, but you would follow up by saying "jews lied about gas chambers IN SOME CAMPS"

On 1 October 1948, Commander Anton Muller and his second-in-command, Emil Lachout, sent the following memo from Vienna to all interested parties:

>Military Police Service
>Circular Letter No. 31/48.
>Vienna, 1 Oct. 1948.
>10th dispatch.

>1. The Allied Commissions of Inquiry have so far established that no people were killed by poison gas in the following concentration camps: Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Flossenburg, Gross-Rosen, Mauthausen and its satellite camps, Natzweiler, Neuengamme, Niederhagen (Wewelsburg), Ravensbruck, Sachsenhausen, Stutthof, Theresienstadt.

>In those cases, it has been possible to prove that confessions had been extracted by torture, and that testimonies were false. This must be taken into account when conducting investigations and interrogations with respect to war crimes. The result of this investigation should be brought to the cognizance of former concentration camp inmates who at the time of the hearings testified about the murder of people, especially Jews, with poison gas in those concentration camps. Should they insist on their statements, charges are to be brought against them for making false statements.

I've been to Auschwitz, the doors to the chambers which were build like bathrooms were solid metal, not wood. now eff off you cac.

>i have been to a rebuilt museum to make profit of tourists so shlomo gets more shekels so i know
Fuck off, low iq slavshit.

I bet you read a lot of "internet."

slave labour was used to transport the bodies. In the large crematoria they had 15 muffles - so an itial load of fifteen bodies, or thirty if they were small (a third of the murdered were children, most of the rest were peasants and illnourished - the average height of people then was much less than modern well fed fatties)

so assuming four or five bodies on a trolly, you can charge the fifteen muffles in six or seven runs in the lift. You then have to wait twenty five minutes until the flesh burns off before sticking in the next lot - which is plenty of time to do another six runs with the trolly. they didn't have to get all one thousand up stairs in ten minutes - the burning process took a long time.

also, Goebells iary, Himmlers speeches, Kremer's diary adn sunsequent testimony, testimony of hundreds of guards, not all tortured despite the pol meme.

really, the engineers who built the crematoria knew exactly what they were for and designed even bigger ovens.

why would they need more capacity when they could burn the whole population of the camp in six weeks with what they had? when they could burn more than a million a year with what they had? (as reported by the SS and the engineers)

Attached: original 4756 a day.jpg (450x615, 145K)

>Peddle machine is a meme spread by kikes that is proven to be a lie.


come on you talk about it you should be able to give more details.

They're idiots because they were programmed that way. Hard to attack somebody for being stupid when the only information they've had access to has been indoctrinated in them since birth.
Calling them idiots may help wake them up though.

Haven't made up my mind either way, but "Judea" is a term for the Jews collectively regardless of where they live, like "Israel" or "Zion" before the founding of the state of Israel. This particular 'debunking' is a farce, man.

>And yes, I like to call out the Juden and expose them.
Just like I did with you in this and in last threads and every time people tell you that you are a pathetic shill and you respond with copy paste answers.

No, I see through your lies, nice try to Schlomo a Schlomo when you are the real Schlomo,

>"And yes I like to call out the Juden and expose them"

What the actual fuck you sneaky Schlomo faggot

Where do you get these sources, please link i want to check out myself

it makes no fucking sense

>Goebells [d]iary
does not at all prove the holocaust

>Himmlers speeches
the "posen" speech has never been proven to be legit or non tampered with. SS general Berger said he didn't recognize the voice. see more: en.metapedia.org/wiki/Posen_speeches

>Kremer's diary adn sunsequent testimony,
what of this testimony makes you think that jews were gassed?

> testimony of hundreds of guards, not all tortured despite the pol meme.

there was no reason for them to tell the truth at nuremburg, that would have been suicide

but plenty of guards denied it. also:

- Dr. Horst Pelckmann, defense counsel for the SS at Nuremberg, exposed the fact that over 97% of the SS men who mentioned "The Jewish Problem" denied that it was to be solved by extermination. On 21 August 1946 (IMT Proceedings, vol. 21, p. 368):
>On the question of whether the SS members recognized the destruction of Jewry as an aim of the leaders, 1,593 out of 1,637 affidavits which mention this problem state that the Jewish problem was not to be solved by killing or the so-called "final solution," and that they had no knowledge of these intentions of the leaders. They point out that the SS members were forbidden to undertake individual acts against Jews. As evidence, numerous members refer to the fact that many death or other severe sentences were passed because of crimes against Jewish persons or Jewish property.

>really, the engineers who built the crematoria knew exactly what they were for and designed even bigger ovens.
nobody denies that crematoria exsited.

the fact is, that tiny elevator is a terrible design for industrial mass murder

>that pic

In the session of 5th March 1946 the Soviet interrogator wanted to know:
>"How many bodies were cremated per hour at Auschwitz?"

Prüfer (builder of the crematorium) responded:
>"In a crematory with 5 ovens and 15 muffles, fifteen bodies were cremated."

At his interrogation on 19th March 1946 Prüfer elaborated as follows:

>"I have mentioned the enormous load to which the overtaxed ovens were subjected. I told Chief Engineer Sander I was worried about whether the ovens could withstand the excessive load. In my presence, two bodies were placed in one muffle, instead of a single body, and the ovens were unable to handle the load"

SS Kurt Prufer, told the officers of SMERSCH (according to documents found in the Moscow archives) that only one body at a time could be cremated per muffle and that the cremation time took 60 minutes, and that they tried to cremate 2 bodies at a time; but the temperature inside the muffle went so high that it damaged the oven.
- There was a total 52 muffles of Auschwitz, never used simultaneously.

- 38 is the most that were ever online simultaneously.

- The 6 at Auschwitz I were taken out of action as soon as the new ones at Birkenau came online. These were in turn liable to long periods of breakdowns and even idleness.

- If there was a program of mass extermination, the desperate need for cremation capacity is obvious. Why then put six muffles out of action?

- In August 1942, at the main camp, 9000 prisoners died. According to Believer & profiteer John Zimmerman, Auschwitz I would have had a cremation capacity of about 4,680 per month (26 per muffle daily on average, as at Gusen).
So the cremation capacity was about half of what it needed to be during the typhus epidemic.


At the same time, the camp was planned to hold an eventual inmate population of 200,000 (a seven-fold increase from August 1942, at less than 30,000).
Therefore, in August 1942, the very month that 'Auschwitz expert' van Pelt claims the homicidal adaptation of the crematoria was initiated, the Auschwitz Bauleitung authorities should have requested a crematoria construction program which should have produced capacities almost 14 times greater than the 6 muffles of Auschwitz I at the time. In 1943, when the camp population reached about 140,000, the number of muffles was just over 6 times greater than August 1942, because Crematorium IV broke down and was not repaired (mothballed) and Crematorium I at the main camp was converted into an air-raid shelter. There were 38 muffles.

- Why use exactly the same cremation techniques as in normal concentration camps, installing coke-fired ovens, even by the thirties a crude and primitive solution? More efficient gas-fired and electrical crematoria had by this time already been used for years in many countries, including my own. For the purpose the SS should naturally have sought out the most efficient answer they were able to find.

- If the extermination myth was true, the SS must from the start have had some idea of how many victims were to be gassed and burned. It's a simple matter of math, and then naturally founded on estimates made by the constructors, in this case Topf & Söhne. Why then not build the installations required. It doesn't make sense.

- There are no human remains to support the storyline.

>The ones with the wooden doors and now trace of Berliner Blau

it is an ignorant belief that Prussian Blue always forms - it doesnt.

Zyklon B was used to delouse buildings, offices and shops, without the blue stain happening. It only occurs when concentrations of the gas are high, and the surface is the right material.

the delousing chambers had staining - they used wooden doors, and they had high concentrations of the gas for many hours at a time to kill the lice.

the human killing gas chambers had wooden or metal doors, and used very low concentrations of gas - ten times less than what is needed to kill lice - for only a few minutes at a time. they were also washed down afterwards (unlike the delousing rooms) to get rid of the shit and piss, and that would also dissolve the remaining cyanide.

so conditions are not good for any blue stain to happen in the gas chambers.

however they do retain traces of the cyanide in the walls, which have been found by chemical analysis. (in before the retarded Leuchter and rudolf con artist lies)

Attached: order for three gas tight doors crema 3 and 4.png (528x716, 375K)

does not mention it

>we have all this proof and testimonies but I'm not going to show you any of it. I'm just going to keep spaming the same images.

>the human killing gas chambers had wooden or metal doors, and used very low concentrations of gas - ten times less than what is needed to kill lice - for only a few minutes at a time.
you're basing this fallaciously on two different comparisons:

the difference between how much zyclon b is needed to kill ALL the lice in a room, vs the amount needed to kill ONE person

>so conditions are not good for any blue stain to happen in the gas chambers.
you have proven yourself wrong, the humidity from water [which you claimed was there] would have made prussian blue more likely to form

the alleged homicidal gas chambers at majdanek, where many times fewer jews were allegedly gassed, has blue staining

>however they do retain traces of the cyanide in the walls, which have been found by chemical analysis. (in before the retarded Leuchter and rudolf con artist lies)
> phdn.org/archives/holocaust-history.org/auschwitz/chemistry/iffr/report.shtml

HAHA, thanks for posting this fraudulent report. they ignored all ferrocyanide, it was scientific fraud

>the Polish authors of this work did such a sloppy job that their attempt to refute Leuchter not only fails but calls into question their scientific credentials. Furthermore, it will be demonstrated that the unscientific methodology applied by these Poles can only be called fraudulent. Under normal circumstances, these Polish authors would be expelled from the scientific community for their unethical behavior.


here you go




>gas tight wood
>door frame ill fitted to be sealed anyway

Attached: 1528767505339.jpg (645x729, 131K)

>cyanide in the walls
ferrocyanide, it's from the blue paint that was used. see you are saying cyanide like that because you hope people will read cyanide and instantly think of the poisonous gas when in reality it is nothing of the sort. you know you've spunked over 30 posts about something that didn't happen in this single thread. i realise you probably think you are right because other idiots confirm your revelations but you are wrong. nothing you have said so far, and nothing you will add further, will make your lies a truth. that's not how reality works. you are a fucking shill and bad one at that, jog the fuck on baguette.

So I went to the holocaust museum in DC earlier this week and they had a door that looked quite on display that looked just as airtight as the examples in the pic. Also they said that the furnaces kept breaking due to overuse and they had to dig huge pits and fill it with bodies and light it on fire to keep up with the rate of death.

Can you fags refute any of this?

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can you prove any of that?

air tight doors were required for bomb shelters



Maybe if this thread is up in like an hour and a half when I get home and not mobile posting while getting groceries at Target.

not a single mass grave of burned/gassed/cremated bodies has been found at any location. a team even used ground penetrating radar at multiple sites and came up with nothing.

>the furnaces kept breaking due to overuse
this is true

which only proves how they weren't designed for systematic mass extermination

it just makes no sense. i could have designed something better

also see:

>did they just die from hunger because of foot shortage
We have a word for that in English called "starve"


get owned kike

dabbing on you

If they cremated the bodies individually, as they claim, it would have taken 40 years.

>the camps were nt forebombed
USA and Britain both bombed nordhausen, then rolled in after and blamed the dead bodies on the germans

>she was not "holocausted"

she was taken from her home, transported hundreds of miles to a slave labour camp, put on starvation rations adn exposed to a disease which with good nursing care kills about 10% but which was killing thousands because they didnt get good care - how are the nazis not responsible for her death?

if they had not done that to her she would be alive.


read and learn something, if you are an honest debater


can anyone explain this image?
what on earth did all those poor jewish victims do?

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the lachout letter is a lie.

it was never issued. Lachout lied about it many years later, and has never been able to produce an original

nice denier fake there

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simply: because she starved as a result of allied bombing campaigns and the british declaring war on hitler, something he didn't want with them

she did not get deliberately murdered. she died of a disease the nazis tried to get rid of

that article was utterly debunked

read and learn something, if you are an honest debater

all of these excavations fail to substantiate the totally absurd numbers alleged

holocaust "deniers" claim hundreds of thousands of people perished in the camps

why don't you accept your $100,000 reward if you seriously think you can prove these graves exist:


claim it here: forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=11953

what's stopping you? don't you want to take money from nazis?

cant remember but it is the signpost by the crema 1 at Auschwitz

30 seconds of google and don't act like you don't know you fucking kike.
You know exactly what we are talking about. Your jewish tactics have no power here, kike rat.

>no u
Don't hurt yourself.

The ignorant belief here is that fucking wooden doors are tight, that 40's oven are more efficient then current ones and that later attached chimneys are proof.

>it only occurs when concentrations are high
So the gas concentrations were not high enough? Good to know. Maybe because the doors were not sealed or it wasn't a death shower.
Really makes you think.

You post the exact same bullshit kike funded web blog in every single thead.
Nobody cares about your kike propaganda, JIDF shill.

so you believe jews were gassed at buchenwald, bergen belsen, and dachau?

YES or NO?

because we have testimonies claiming they were

>As evidence, numerous members refer to the fact that many death or other severe sentences were passed because of crimes against Jewish persons or Jewish property.

numerous? really? you wont mind giving me a list of say thirty or forty of them then.

or maybe half a dozen?

gilles karmasyn? you have the balls to be shilling for a fucking lunatic like Gilles Karmasyn? go the fuck away you delusional little cunt. holy shit i can't believe i wasted 60seconds on you.

yes i certainly will

after you give me a list of thirty or forty jews, with proof (not simply "eyewitness testimony" but HARD EVIDENCE) murdered in nazi gas chambers

please, name the jews, and provide the proof

>Still thinking that wood can't be sealed airtight to leave gas long enough in a room to kill people.

> scrapbookpages.com/Mauthausen/Tour/PhotoTour03.html