At airport

>at airport
>military get to board early
>"thank you for your service"
>pilot thanks military on plane for thier service
>everybody claps

Why do Americans have such retarded rituals? First the pledge of allegiance, now this shit?

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you gotta keep them thinking they are doing some ebin shit.

Goddamit I'd like to recive half of the praise the american give for the army
Everytime I say I'm in the army people laugh at me thinking that I joined because I couldn't get a job and I spend my days doing nothing

>get to board early
Fuck that, sitting on the plane the longest, I wait until the last call to get on to minimize having to sit on the plane desu

>traveling in uniform
all I enjoy is my TSA pre I get with my CAC card

>at Heathrow airport
>Muslims get to board on early
>”I’m sorry for colonization”
>pilot and Muslim passengers pray to Mecca with jibberish words through the loudspeaker
>everybody claps

Why do Europeans have such retarded rituals? First the Paris terrorist attacks, now this shit?

How is sitting in the airport better then sitting on the plane? At least on the plane you can relax.

Fuck off Eurotrash

because unlike you retarded eurocucks who are totally cool having your freedoms stripped away by unelected oligarchs and technocrats we have respect for our flag and the men and women in uniform

We're told to not travel in uniform ever. I hate it and only have done it once for a TDY. Also it feels showboaty to me.

>how is being in a 20,000 square meter airport wing different then being packed into a sardine can seat with no leg room
Chilling at the bar vs listening to some kid start to cry, hm

>Thxs for not being able to defeat a bunch of starved goat sheperds with outdated weapons
>Murica murica *inhale heavily* murica murica!

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It's the pendulum swinging the other way. When soldiers came back from vietnam, they would change out of their uniforms in the airport bathroom because protesters would spit on anyone in a uniform.

Roughly around the time that Reagan came into office, people started to realize how unfair it was to spit on those who are protecting you, so America promised they would appreciate the vets more.

If you travel in your uniform of your own free will... you are a subhuman faggot.

Yep.. that was one of the side effects of 9/11. A month before I flew from San Antonio to Baltimore, then down to Biloxi. For all of that, I was required to be in uniform. 9/11 happened while I was in Biloxi (Keesler AFB). 2 months later I went to BFE, Oklahoma then out to Seattle and I was required to NOT wear my uniform.

OP btfo

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This. We had to only for tech school travel

Kill yourself Eurocuck it’s because we are happy the soldier is going to remove kebab


fuck off euro memefag.

because we applaud dudes that want to make like...860$ a month

Why post this shit again and again?

Oh, this thread again.