So I'm supposed to feel bad for MUH INNOCENT MOOSLEMS after dozens of terror attacks in Europe over just the last few...

So I'm supposed to feel bad for MUH INNOCENT MOOSLEMS after dozens of terror attacks in Europe over just the last few years?
After fucking Bataclan where they mutilated their victims?
Fuck off

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based yank user. We need to all push on this one. Every mother fucker. We have the majority of Whites on our side.

Fuck the (((media))).

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>oh no muh based sandniggers got shot
>boo hoo how we will ever recover
it's so pathetic

Pretty much

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>thousands of years ago muslims and christians kill each other
>then you kill them
>but they started it first!
>they kill you
>but they started it!!
>you kill them again
>but they started it!
>they kill you again
>but they started it!!
the endless cycle of violence. You sociopathic morons are no different from them

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I thought it was really interesting how the NZ PM called this an “unprecedented act of violence” 49 souls is fucking low compared to some of the snackbar attacks that have extinguished so many innocent white lives. How many little white children never grew up because of kebab? How many white husbands and fathers killed, how many wives raped? I hope they push the anti white rhetoric and Muslim pandering to new levels after this, keep isolating, censoring, and ostracizing white men, creating more Tarrants, Mcveighs, Breviks...they’ll blame us but the blood is on their hands, soon our hands will run red. I consider myself to be a pretty normal person, nothing remarkable about my upbringing or life, I’m sure many others here are like me. The fact that I feel absolutely no sympathy for these slimes, the fact that I feel a sense of righteous justice for their deaths, the fact that I regret that there weren’t hundred more of them trapped inside that mosque, that fucking festering boil of a building on the face of Christchurch....the fact that a normal person like me feels this way...that should be extremely concerning to (((the people))) that are really, truly responsible for this, the people that imported these shitskins and silenced anyone who dared to question them. This was inevitable, and likely only the beginning

Muslims were the ones that attacked Christian lands because their religion demands conquest of the entire world.

>bb-but they started it!!

I was willing to stop it. The entirety of Europe was very much willing to. We played nice. We let them into our homes - the result was that they kept killing us even as we acted kind.
I don't give a fuck about who started what. If violence is unavoidable, let it come. Killing each other is what humans have done for all of history, and apparently there's no other choice if one wants to survive.

>feel bad when people are victims of maniacs
a sane and civilized individual would.
cheering for terrorist acts on a civilian population is cretin tier.

People die in war friend, including innocents

>muslims can do whatever they want and I wont do shit because im a “bigger person”

Based cuckold I hope your daughter gets raped by a pack of muslims

sure, innocent people die in war but this is a cowardly terrorist attack.
Don't call this action an act of war.

you are a sociopathic murderer like the muslim terrorists you hate. You are no different from Muslim terrorists, you are BOTH enemies of civilization and will be purged

>muh principles
>muh dignity
>muh rules

Welcome to clownworld faggot where you're officially the last person to realize you're standing in a tent watching men in makeup slap each other with chickens

exactly, i could care lesss at this point if anything happens to the muzzies. Fuck em

Yes they started it. In Christian lands, in Hindu lands, in Buddhist lands, in fucking Confucian lands. Everywhere they go, they start it. Because their religion DEMANDS them to.

Do you see a pattern here or are you blinded by your love and acceptance of people that want to kill you?

It is literally an act of war just as Bataclan was

check the numbers

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Purged? Sounds to me like you are the violent sociopath here user you are no better than the muslim governments in Saudi Arabia and Iran who “purge” dissenters.

It is certainly an horrific act, but in the sick times in which we live, there's a necessity for people to act outside of the normal channels.
If politicians and elites are not willing to act in their ivory towers, and would rather accelerate the end of Europe - and if normal people are to apathetic and unknowing of what's happening to rebel against their master's plan, people like Brenton, however mad and insane, are needed to win the war.

how do you think Christianity spread in the world you moron? by being nice? learn some history retard. Everyone was killing each other to spread their shitty religion
Who said purged means killed? Of course a sociopathic scum like you would immediately think that

>So I'm supposed to feel bad for MUH INNOCENT MOOSLEMS after dozens of terror attacks in Europe

Terrorism is just part and parcel of iving in a big city.

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The Jews want Muslims and Christians to tear each other apart.

That is what it is all about, nothing more.

Bataclan was a mossad operation

>this is religious
What? This is Racial, you absolute maggot. Get a fucking grip.

Fucking BASED
They do FAR WORSE to my country EVERY SINGLE DAY
I am HAPPY of what happened and only wish this would happen many times again.

This. Whites are the only people on the fucking planet who take violent strangers into their homes out of (mistaken) benevolence, and we get shit on for it. If mudslimes had a country worth existing in, they wouldn't be inviting white "refugees" to live there. They were offered everything but never stopped hating, raping, and killing us.

>After fucking Bataclan where they mutilated their victims?
They gouged out the eyes of people

Muh dread pirate

I thought conservatives were pro-individual. How does treating all members of a group as responsible for every member's actions fit in with that?

Fucking this. The media are so profoundly efficient at creating memory holes that I'd forgotten all those truck attacks, the concert shootings and explosives, the rape gangs, etc. Everywhere Islam dominates is a shithole, both at home and abroad. Islam is incompatible with Western values.

No Christian ever exploded on my lands.

Mudshit kills children: #SoSad Hearts and prayers


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There was a woman on CBC saying that it was shocking that people were trying to humanize the shooter

And yet after a terrorist attack #not all muslims

There is no change without bloodshed

I also read they stabbed a woman's vag with a knife before shooting her

>muslims kill degenerate
>mossad agent goes into a house of worship and murders people of faith
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm man this is tough

Fuck off quinton

I bet CBC are trying to subtly blame all whites too
they're a bunch of fucking hypocrites

both false flag attacks perpetuated by the jews who are looking to have Muslims and Christians fuck each other up.

And the most hilarious part is that the Koran considers Mary a saint for having brought into the world the true prophet of the Christians.

Guess who wrote about raising Jesus from the dead using necromancy and say Zombie Jesus said he was in a boiling vat of shit in hell?

can anyone give me a gif of that woman who got shot in the head?

You seem to be straining really hard to convince yourself that you're a normal person. I'm very interested in why you appear to be doing that.

This is about how I feel. Also the left will always scream "NOT ALL MUSLIMS" when they launch a terrorist attack but when some random nutjob retaliates suddenly everyone on the right is to blame and should all be censored. It's complete bullshit.

>b-but christians d-did bad stuff too!!!111

Based hindubro

This is what political conditioning looks like.

It was a Mossad false flag done near one of their bases, the footage is weird and the guy's name was fake as fuck.

It took more than two decades to force evil wypipo to go nuts and do what muslims do every week in Europe.

y'all are idiots

they're from reddit. look at """far right""" subreddits like the donald, europe, subredditdrama, pewdiepie
all of them are virtue signaling goat fuckers and telling others not to watch the video
the rampage video is fucking hilarious to anyone that's been on this board for a considerable amount of time

I agree with you in part but his actions will ultimately hurt those who are trying to accomplish their goal of removing faulty legislation and corrupt politicians.

Who will benefit from his cowardly act most?
The little hats

You're not supposed to feel anything you don't want to. You pretend to feel things to manipulate others.

Just as this was.

I don't believe that for a minute.
Did we have to kill anybody to get rid of commie Lula?

Wars can be won without a single bullet fired.

This. Coworker told me about it acting like he was devestated. Told him finally they get a taste of their own medicine. Trying to take the moral high ground ask what flavor is that. I told him terror. He says but those people are innocent. Tell him all the people in Nice and all the terror attacks in Europe were innocent too. He walked away visually angry.

Based huebro

>why must they persecute me so?
The Muslim cries out in pain as he >invades your country
>moves to your state
>buys a house in your neighborhood
>moves his entire family in
>outcompetes you for your job
>fills your local school with his spawn
>gets elected to local office
>builds a mosque where your childhood home used to be
>imports his countrymen who
>blow up your grocery store
>drive a truck over your family
>throw acid on your neighbors
>set nailbombs at your community gathering
>murder your sons
>kidnap your daughters
>enslave your wives
>cut you apart with machetes...

Revenge for every fucking crime against non-Muslims by these savage shitskin invaders

>dozens of large terror attacks
>hundreds of stabbings
>thousands of violent attacks
>tens of thousands of rapes
Every single victim of multiculti has friends and family. Did you think it wouldn't have an effect on normal people? Perhaps it's you who are losing touch with normal people.

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And yet you cry foul every time someone makes any generalization about white people or what should happen to them. Get fucked, either white shame and hatred is fine or you don't hold individuals accountable for actions of other members of their race/religion.

Don't be so intellectually dishonest.

Keep Mohammadeans out of Christian lands and there’s no problem, but you kikes keep opening the gates.

The Muzzies are in for a world of hurt if they come over to this hemisphere. We basically genocided the natives for being savages.

We put up with Illhan because she shits on Jews 24/7. Break that role and we will have no use for you.

>I murder innocent people because muslims d-did bad stuff too!!!111
too dumb to get the irony

tbfh I think enough people are flipped that mossad would be willing to kit them up for lone wolf attacks

>intellectually dishonest
Eat lead

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I understand where you're coming from, but sadly I've reached the conclusion that there's simply no hope left to resolve the crisis of the West through politics or other peaceful means.
It may be an awful thing, but I truly believe that if we want to secure a future for our children, we must either fight or perish. A war would be disastrous, but we need to incite one at any cost.

You are fucking delusional if you think getting rid of pt is gonna really change anything, the corruption in our country has roots deep in the society, the people who really run this country never stepped a foot in the congress, they are running monthly meetings in chácaras where they sniff coke off of trannies dicks while deciding how to profit further out of the ''state''.
>Wars can be won without a single bullet fired
Yeah if you throw a nuke at your enemy

Choke on a dick. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Suggesting otherwise means you just want preferential treatment and you lose any sense of moral, ethical, or intellectual high ground. It's no longer about who did what or any real threat, you just want to be top dog and you're willing to commit to any lie and act to be that.

This is true.

And that's why I think this event was a tragedy.

But it's clear the media treats it differently. It's almost as if white people are held to a higher standard. Because in the end the western media is still racist and thinks that there's a white man's burden to take the higher road.

Decolonize, but also multiculturalism
#not all muslims, but white privilege
Etc. Etc.

Kek, I see what you did there

>Alt-Right hero worships a bunch of pseudo intellectual memes that do nothing but talk about how things need to 'change' and how Muslims are a direct threat to the western world

>Guy goes out and shoots a bunch of Muslims

>Alt-Right back peddle like crazy and condemn the act

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You forget
>killing your dog

Don't listen to all the concern trolling and paid shills.
The shooter did the right thing, it's high time we fought back. I have not been this jolly and optimistic in a long time.

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i feel you buddy. I know France has suffered through this mess. My prayers are with the French (not the french jews)

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>Jow Forums is one person
>Jow Forums is alt-right
user, I...

Oh yeah, sorry user, good catch. The list of subhuman Muslim behaviors is so extensive that I missed some.

explain Orlando or San bernardino

I hope you don't work in a libtard coastal city, or you'll be on unemployment within the day.

When did I mention Jow Forums you mong.

>One world's butcher is another world's hero
--Admiral Jarok, 2366

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France is in deep shit.

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>trying to control narrative with sad pepes
don't you have smiling chinks to post?

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t.subhuman mednigger

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The NZ PM is claiming they're refugees.
Why are they refugees and fleeing MUSLIM countries in the first place?
Anyways, this is a daily occurrence in those shitholes.

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You are a shitskin that lives in fucking canada.
I live in my ancestral land.

Let that marinate in your airhead :^)


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This. Anyone shilling against this simply doesn't understand that events like this are exactly what's needed at the moment.
Our only hope to save the West lies in the purifying fire of war, and those flames need to be stoked through the small sparks of anti-diversity rhetoric and small-scale violence.
There's no other path forward but this.

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I ain't saying the media is handling this perfectly, or even well. I'm saying one doesn't get to decry white hate while also saying a bunch of Muslims in fucking New Zealand of all places deserved what happened because of the actions of people thousands of miles away. If someone wants broad, sweeping tribalism then they have to take the bad with the good.

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I see most of MSM are talking about the manifesto and how he wants more divide
I can't see the Left not pushing for more gun control

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Well yeah, you're supposed to play by a different set of rules, so you'll lose quicker, goy.

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This. Send the message loud and clear. We will hit you back.