I'm reading the manifesto of the NZ Kebab-remover for the second time and I can't help but sympathize with this nutcase...

I'm reading the manifesto of the NZ Kebab-remover for the second time and I can't help but sympathize with this nutcase and agree with almost everything he says...

How screwed up in the head am I? Is it only me?

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Link to the manifesto?

I also read most of the manifesto. he makes a good but very unjust argument for his actions. he is very upfront and wants to get his story straight so the media doesn't get it wrong. I believe the openness he gives us into his mind is what is making everyone think this way. you are good bro.

Same here, Spyro taught me all about ethno-nationalism.

He is based, through and through.
Nothing to feel bad about.

You're screwed up in the head. I couldn't even make it past the first sentence since he doesn't understand posessives.



Be careful starting at the abyss...

Not screwed up at all. Anyone who lurks Jow Forums knows it was just a matter of time before white people started to snap. The scariest part for me is how nobody on the left even tries to debunk what he wrote

I haven't finished reading but some of the points he makes I do agree with, especially him going on about how whites are weak and have brought this upon themselves.
I don't agree with his pan european view, where he views everyone from the continent of Europe as white. I also think it's stupid that he identifies with his mutt identity more than identifying as an Aussie or a even a Kiwi.
thinking more on it, it's really unclear to what extent he believes the stuff he wrote in his manifesto. This whole thing was designed to go viral. Saying pewdiepie's name means that pewdiepie's huge audience will be forced to know about this issue because pew will be forced to tweet about/make a video about it. The guy specifically mentions using guns because he knows it will divide America. He says he is a white nationalist who dislikes Trump's policies, and many do because Trump and the evangelical right love Israel. But in the manifesto the shooter promotes zionism and says he has no problem with jews who stay in Israel.
he knows he is further dividing nations and he is using western corporate media to do it.

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chaotic neutral?

what a fucking retard

it fits. The reaction from the left shows he wasn't wrong in his diagnosis of western problems.

>unsourced and false statistics
>calling Europeans "his people"
>Hitler quotes
>no education
>a fucking PT
This faggot should never have been born.

You're not 'messed up'. I could have written it myself. Ignore the shills, we support this fight back. We have accept their bs for too long. We're the good guys that are fighting to defend our homelands that have been invaded by islamic rapists and islamic murderers.

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2 Part WEBM's: up.ey.md/f.php?h=0rOQvelO

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Manifesto PDF: up.ey.md/f.php?h=2VNPK8PY

Brasilian here...the guy actlly seems to be very logical. I am a brasilian thou, and dont know what to feel about the manifesto .

well, he is wrong about a lot of things.

>1) european identity was only retconned after ww2, in order to prevent communism from taking root in the richer more developed western europe. the concept of 'european' now magically extends to eastern europe, it didn't in the 80s or 90s or even early 00s.

>2) european genetics are complicated, the northeners are slav mixed with celts and the southerners are indian-turks mixed with celts, but the mixture has been on-going for 20,000 years before these 'identities' solidified.

>3) religion.... europe has had religious wars for 2000 years, it's never been unified, the catholic orthodox protestant splits have been bloodier than anything muslims have ever done to each other.

europe has been multicultural and multi-ethnic from the period of roman destabilization in the 200 AD's. it was multi-tribal and multi-lingual from day 1, the rest of the world developed according to different traditions, typically the chigols killed everyone and the other empires simply suppressed evidence of other cultures by destroying their buildings and temples.

so when you _feel_ like something is being stolen from you, know that this has been the norm for tens of thousands of years.

first from the alpine farmers by the invading celtic tribes which spread all across the continent up to ireland, then the chariot/horsemen of the steppes called proto-scythians, then the germanic nordic barbarian tribes, then the romans, then mongols, then turks etc. it's never NOT been in a state of chaos, change, intermixing and cultural upheaval.

and his name will be remembered whilst your half somali grandchildren won't even buy a grave for you

>let me tell you about your country/people/religion
kys retard

omg, this is so sad. Muslims need to leave the West now so that they aren't subjected to white terrorism any longer

Yes, me too FBI. Oops I mean, Anonymous poster.

did you ever had a fantasy about something ?like this ? did you think about it ?

The guy is a hero


>Is it only me?
Nah, we're all mad cunts here m8.

as a britbong, i'm very grateful to mr tarrant for giving the girls of rotherham, rochdale, telford et al some justice. what a great man he is to care about us europeans so much
god bless him

You're not screwed up at all.

The "clown pepe" meme was people recognizing that the west is 100% completely fucked. The rise of yangposting is people hoping to accelerate the decline or, at the very least, get $1000 to drain money from the jews and wreck their golem.

People are awake. Network with your community so you know who to trust. Stock up on guns and ammo.

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He's a genius, everyone should read this. His writing actually makes me want to act

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smfh don't you dare this is a disaster for our movement. please go get some help if you're serious

>Crying white genocide

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Anyone got the link to the video?

the whole world is getting far too unstable and violent, these tit for tat attacks are literally the opening of a civil conflict that we can't win. We need to figure out a way for each people and each 'nation' to live in peace, the world is big enough for all of us to live the way we want but that's not what our elites want for some reason.

>our movement

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>we can't win, fellow whites!
>allow them to keep raping your daughters and murdering your families, fellow white people!

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Kek, my thoughts exactly, any minority who feels threatened needs to leave to be safe

I think his manifesto was retarded as fuck.

This Aussie cunt whos ancestors consist of English criminals and degenerates thinks he can speak for Europe as a whole. Doesn’t know how to use punctuation or commas either and then he ends it with ”See you in Valhalla”.

No faggot you’re Aussie, Odin would spit in your face if you tried to enter Valhalla.

Fuck you OP

No, I guess majority of us Jow Forumslacks agree with his views. Most of us is simply too depressed or complacent with the state of the things. Shooting was made in hopes of infringing 2nd amendment, possibly pushing America into balkanisation. Weaker America means weaker Israel; and balkanisation spells inevitable race war. That's accelerationism done right.

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What he said about diversity and preserving it is objectively true.

The thing is, bullets don't make what he wrote more or less true. All you can do is examine what he wrote and evaluate it. "He murdered people, therefore what he said is wrong" is nothing but argumentum ad hominem. I haven't read his whole manifesto, but clearly at least some of it is reasonable and true.

Flag checks out.

Where can I watch the live stream? News articles do not satisfy my morbid curiosity

Fucking this. European countries are very different both in culture and ”race” even though they are all white. Finnish people have 0 fucking connection to the French for example so speaking for all Europeans is just autistic as fuck.


Completely agree with you

A white guy in New Zealand complaining about immigrants. What a time to be alive.

his ancestors are 100% European anyways, so he has the right. No one says "See you in Valhalla" seriously today, viking religion is backwards a million years


I had a vision with these words helping to unite the world.

Take his words calmly and without hate in your heart.
See the truth of it and do not fear taking a stand.
You do not need to take life, you only need to UNITE!

Great. So we have a meme flag vote of confidence.

The real question is did he get pewd more subscribers

Well you must be a idiot. It's poorly written and contradicts itself multiple times

Look at these Jews

>his ancestors are 100% European anyways, so he has the right

No he doesn't.

I think most of us can say that we on some level, sympathize with him in his ideals and his reasoning for his actions.

He’s a typical Jow Forums tard, ofc we sympathize

Fuck no he does not. Do not speak on behalf of me and my country. The scandinavian countries have their own rich history while eastern europeans have a vastly different culture/history. Same goes for western europeans and the balkans. This is one fo the reason that the UN is going to shit. Europe can’t be seen as one homogenous race because it is not.


I read excerpts of his manifesto and it feels like the heartfelt writings of a man angry at witnessing the destruction of his country by foreign invaders, I don't know why some people are in denial about this and pushing le mossad meme

They won't try to debunk the manifesto. Instead, they'll run headlines saying "Trump supporter" and "disliked" muslims.

You're normal in a world of sycophants and psychos.

nothing on Jow Forums is for real, stop knee jerking you faggot and grow some balls, everyone is larping


>wow so ebil wut a rayciss whitey
>publishes his manifesto
>reports endlessly on it for undoubtedly at least the next day or two
>plasters his face and name everywhere
>wow why does this keep happening
I guess theres no iq requirement for journalism, and from what i hear its the most nepotistic field next to politics

>his people
Anyone not on board this train already is a fucking faggot. We're many nations of European people's. Every fucking anti white in the world knows who you are except you. You're worthless.

He sees the truth and made a real play in the world, he is a martyr for our cause, the Muslims have been rapeing and killing our kids with no push back, let’s turn this war hot. 49 is the kill count to beat lads!

* I made money investing into bitconnect and traveling *

Fake and gay. BitConnect was a huge scam; this is bull shit

Because they're afraid, and it's the only way they can express it. Everyone wants to be RWDS until it's time to do RWDS shit.

Attached: manifesto.jpg (3523x8191, 2.8M)

This. They've operated and preyed on us with social impunity. No more.

Colonials being colonials. He did the right thing though.

newfag... newfags everywhere

>open manifesto
>ctrl+f 'jews'
>1 result found
>"I'm okay with jews in israel lol"

I haven’t read it. Did he mention trump?

Way too long, idiotic, full of rambling nonsense quoting references that a 5 minute google search can debunk, and written with all the grace and eloquence of a 15 year old trying to write a business report.

When will you right wing brainlets learn no one wants to hear your long rambling LARPs? If you're gonna do something like this and leave a note why, fuck off with your stupid manifestos (no one reads them anyways) and limit it to 3 paragraphs and one page AT MOST. Compare Eisenhower's eve of battle speech to this fucking mess. Embarrassing.

Yeah this is the most obvious false flag I've ever seen in my life.

"Here are the people to blame and censor after this attack."

He said Trump is a good symbol but a TERRIBLE leader

which is the plan you fuck, he wants retarded leftists to overextend their bullshit until those getting censored get fed up and open season

Just make sure you blame the Jews this time unlike the last faggot.

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It's literally just shit repackaged from the chans memes and all, it's no wonder people agree with it.

Of course he makes it all about himself.

Well you're all cucks, so there's something in common.

It's really quite normal for all you 19-29 year old kids on this board. But once you're old enough to gain actual power to change things you don't care anymore. Keep raging.

Most people in this thread only has the NZ shooter, no one will remember this guys name.

what the fuck are the two axes for this graph

except everyone remembers these lads' names
from eliot rodgers to anders breviek to those 2 lads in columbine that are escaping me at the moment

Do it. Kill Jews this time.

I read the part about him not disliking the jews because they do not seek to harm his people, and I instantly thought he should've lurked more. Imagine if he knew the extent of his hatred against this new mass migration reached all the way to the jews.

When are you going to listen to those people and take their concerns seriously instead of mocking them like that and treathing them like second-grade citizens? When you try to antagonize people like that, you yourself are to blame for that process of radicalization.

You'll never admit it tho, but you are just as much to blame for such madness.

fucking based.


how the hell can you logically come to that conclusion and function on a daily basis? Assuming your actually being genuine and not a shill.

It's in his manifesto

All y'all sympathizing with this uneducated autistic manlet are genuinely entertaining. Maybe there's some kinship there?

The world changes when your perspective on the world changes. A lot of people here have a warped perception of reality.

You can actually be brainwashed in a way that your beliefs still make perfect sense, especially if those beliefs are tied to a culture that you love. In this way Jow Forums is basically the same as any other religious faction - people believe harmful dangerous things that make no sense but they have been so hyperexposed to it that they think their beliefs are esoteric truth when in fact they are not

Because you are a low IQ retard

how much of a loser cuck do you have to be to get radicalised this easily. like you seriously have nothing else going on in your life do you

>The attempted abolishment of rights by the left will result in a dramatic polarization of the people in the United States and eventually a fracturing of the US along cultural and racial lines.
>you said you would fight to protect your rights and the constitution well soon the time will come
Jesus, this guy was black pill incarnate. Also ...
>tfw gorilla warfare copypasta

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> a group of people has a dangerous ideology that tells them to kill us
> so lets all follow a dangerous ideology that tells us to kill them
> innocent people die on both sides

some things never change

>a man angry at witnessing the destruction of his country by foreign invaders

The British again?

Okay I'll volunteer to debunk what he wrote. What are the key points you want me to debunk