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hope they were posting through 5 VPNs lol
God damn kiwis kicking off the race war. Who'd a thunk it?
This is exactly what he wanted. The fire rises.
x) I thought the race war would have started in my country. From all places, NZ wasn't even in my list
Have we started the fire brother?
Make that a 7
Can't wait
Make it 9
This is what Muslims have been wanting for thousands of years. A war between Muslims and Christians. A war which will result in a global caliphate. He is just helping the Muslim prophecy.
I'd hoped it would be you frog bros. Probably plenty of guillotines floating around still. Oh well.
gas Gas GAS
>our migrant communities
i hate these people so much
I mean we are responsible for triggering the shooter so..
lmao, he outed himself
Make sure to stream it so we can watch pls Isis senpai
more like good. we need the racewar
>A war which will result in a global caliphat
This isn't the Tenth Century anymore.
The Sandniggers don't have the arms anymore or comparable military tech.
The only way the west loses that war is if they don't actually fight.
I cant wait to unwrap my halal child bride after Allah smites this Great Satan once and for all.
Retaliation is inevitable.
This could legitimately be an escalation of the clusterfuck we're in a a civilization.
>implying that the muzzies would actually win
>revenge coming
OMG I wish it's true
Race war now
Goddammit you ignorant faggots. This is not a racewar. This is a preemptive and progressive genocide of Islamic invaders in rightful Christian sovereign nations. Skin color is not a consideration, Nazi scum
I am un-ironically excited at the idea of of shit popping off.
It shall be so.
>Race war now
That’s (((Thier))) plan
Fine to me, they'll burn first
Too bad
Normie jews will take the hit while (((THE JEWS))) will be shielded to infect another country. Just like after WW2
Don't worry, he was behind 7 proxies
>New Zealand is their home
No it's not.
>They are us
No they aren't.
>using a proxy
Just be good bruh
If we've got a war (hopefully!) muslims stand NO chance, please do it you animals!
You mean in the 2nd most cucked country in Europe?
Mmm, I don’t think so.
Revenge? Not like I care too much about poofs but the NZ shooter was one kill short to make it even.
New Zealand FB mosque post that set the shooter off. Can't post link because of spam filter. All info is in pic. Video is fully playable.
Nothing is more fake and gay then threats on the internet.
Bring it ragheads
The western world is allied with jihadists and has been since Afghanistan 1980s. The only power muslims have is what our retarded elites give them.
>Sophie-Anne All Muslim
wtf kinda gay shit do camel jockeys name their kids
Finally. Let's get this ball rolling
>no holyshit
You had one job
Seems legit as well.
It translates to;
"patience, New Zealand"
"the response is coming"
"we'll do it again to you soon"
>It's a larp
Wtf happened to this place? It deserves to be shutdown with all the shilling
he was australian
Irony: the post
Is that the Wolf of Wall Street guy?
Just got an email from MEGA that any and all downloads of the manifesto are being deleted and anyone found having them will be prosecuted, but its perfectly fine for Muslims and niggers to threaten mass violence over social media with no consequence?
remote island, small population sounds perfect for a falsie
Kek, my sides are in orbit.
Literally nothing will be done about mudslimes threats as long as there are shitposters to frame up.
Is she a jew by any chance?
yeah nah its a sand nigger
twitter is a hive of these cunts. its should be taken down.
>Do not distribute
lol, fuckers.
Not sure if it's fearmongering, as the rates don't take into account the size of the population. It's not the same 100k people with a fertility rate of 1.3 than one million with 1.3.
that shit made me hard
has your little shrieky towelhead wog said anything about it yet?
Muslim brainlets overplayed their hand. Threatening terrorist attacks is meaningless when they'll try to attack us either way.
There's nothing more to be concerned about.
>implying muslims havent already killed far more in the name of islam last month alone
this retaliatory shooting may not be justified, but it is not the first shot, muslims have long been instigating... their ideology calls for it
this is why (((they))) want muslims in our countries so badly. islam is a supremacist religion and there is no solution if there are people who wish to collectively remain in a different ideology. putting these two sides in the same country under the same governance is asking for shit like this to happen. not saying its justified, but it is entirely predictable
Has anyone seen even ONE New Zealand poster today? I know they have a small population but still. Wonder if they're cut off.
>location: Australia
well, shit
>anyone found having them will be prosecuted
Lol, they're fucking retarded, if they think you can be prosecuted for having a copy of the manifesto. Maybe in the UK, or a country like that, but you can own outright "how to make a bomb" books in the US.
there have been some
but apparently a lot of ISPs in NZ blocked Jow Forums
Prosecuted for what? This is clearly a scare tactic
>what are timezones
Fuck off burger brigade.
Why would they care? Muslims do this kind of shit to each other between Sunnis and Shiites all the time
When the fuck are black sun and atomwaffen groups going to start shit? The war is here if ISIS man is serious. Guess they are just a larp
DNS block.
It's neither. This is the ongoing war of West vs Islam which has been raging more or less unabated since the 7th century.
>and That’s a Good Thing
Protestants are fucking pussys! Catholics are not afraid!
Yeah a lot of them are m8
I was looking 7 hours ago during peak Aussie shitposting time and didn't see them then either.
Hope youre able to avenge your bruddahs, Khareem.
Hi, it's 7am, most people have been sleeping for hours.
They're not going to win you idiot. How many factories produce guns in muslim countries?
Is Zland about to get enriched?
Muslims set the precedent.
Subscribe to pewdiepie.
So the West will lose then?
a based user last night put it all in a collage, you can just download this picture.
"Revenge is coming"
So what? Only the 953737984246872261st Muslim crime that day
Melbourne is the capital of Islamism in Australia so its probably there.
So many attacks and planned attacks have been there from car bombings and plane hijackings to chemical weapons and suicide bombers. I'd wager it'd be there.
Dead fags are a good thing.
this is about race not religion
muslims are only one group of immigrants
>we are x
>they are x
>let's all x
It's amazing how scripted each and every one of these NPC's are. All disgusting platitudes all the time, with no self-reflection whatsoever. This person is a victim of the (((modern age))) through and through, spouting any and all line that her masters have taught her. Not enough of a victim to not be dangerous, but a victim nonetheless.
Back to drinking like a degenerate.
9.43 name of song please
This. Bunch of cucks getting cucked by elites
Copy of email in pic related and here’s the link it attached.