After what happened today-

can you really blame muslims for what they are going to do in their next attack?

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who cares Muslims issued a jihad on all non believers its time to wipe all the sand niggers out

Bring it and let’s settle his 1000 year old duel at last scum

why the fuck are they invading western countries?
you can't even use the "WHAT WERE THEY DOING INVADING THE MIDDLE EAST" excuse here, they were in one of our countries. they should fuck off, the same way western governments should fuck off from the mid east.

1.5 billion Muslims vs 100 million wh*Tes. i think its kinda obvious who is going to win if it comes to that.

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Yes. we will feast on your blood, roach

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>numbers mean anything
lol. Muslims cant even beat Jews and theres barely any of them, they beat like 7 of you at once in a war.

NZ didnt take in any refugees. %100 of the people that died in New Zealand came through legal channels. If you don't want them then why take them into your countries?

>Whites control the planets technology
>Whites have satellites in space capable of glassing the entire planet 10x over
guess youll just have to wait and see


This logic works both ways retard.

>If you don't want them then why take them into your countries?
no one asked me

but what about their previous attack?

>lol. Muslims cant even beat Jews and theres barely any of them, they beat like 7 of you at once in a war.
to be fair, jews are fucking scary.
they cost Germany two world wars.

I guess not. I guess you can't blame this guy for his attack either with that logic

Yes. But rape, murder and terror is what you do by default. Today you merely got a taste of your own medicine, and you're scrambling around like the cowardly rats that you are. It sucks being on the receiving end of violence, doesn't it?

the politicians are making the choice for the people - youre not wanted in any decent nation anywhere on the planet. keep fucking your goats and molesting your cousins in the cat box.

Why are you capitalizing that T?

I have a more interesting question: What will I do?

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Last Muslim attack in Europe was years ago.


they kill each other by the truckload daily, so what's the big deal

By this logic, he cannot be blamed for this attack because it comes after Bataclan etc etc etc


Funny, because I read about Muslims raping little Finnish girls just yesterday.

Didn't mean much in the 6 day war, the yom kippur war or the arab israeli war.

Why does this logic only go one way? If we can say that about “the next” Muslim attack, then why can’t we categorize this attack the same way?

"Muslims can't beat Jews, because they control us and we basically fought for them" lol

Anyone can beat Jews when they arent cucking a whole civilization to fight on their behalf, thats why they whine about a history of "victimhood"

> Muslims chimp out immediately if one white man kills bunch of Muslims
> Muslims sleep tight through their nights while Muslims kill bunch of Muslims
yeah, you can blame them.

turds cant fight

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if that's your logic can he really be blamed for what he did? kill yourself faggot

Bataclan was 4 yrs ago. its kinda late to claim youre taking revenge for that...

sauce on pic?

That's a losing strategy.

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yet it took less than 2 weeks for US to topple whole of Iraqi army

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There was a Muslim extremist bombing in Germany this year retard.

this better be bait, you retarded fucking kurd

Not at all, you should know, Muslims hold grudges for centuries

I like these odds. Let's do it.

Crime of murder never expires.

Not downing my own military but I bet there was very established long term prep and propaganda before those two weeks.

how is that comparable in even the slighest way to massacring 49 innocent people praying in a mosque?

After what's been happening for years, can you really blame whites for what they did today?

and many attacks have been prevented before their execution already this year

Can you really blame the Chrischurch shooter for taking revenge for acts committed by Muslims?


As if the dirty moozlims were all done attacking. You fucking idiot.

>cocksickersinattic: fuck u. Knock first

>muh white heritage!!

This is no way a culture worth defending behaves. This is fucking sickening

It's Sparta all along.

Neither would have happened without immigrants being in the west in the first place. The connection is very clear, even for someone as blind as you.

They started this war and we will finish it.

>the attacks were stopped
>they weren’t attempted
False equivalency

>next attack
allah-niggers have been attacking for over 20 years, like they need an excuse!

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Well it would be revenge exchange then? Muslims should understand and forgive.

I keep being told ISIL isn't Muslim though, that they're radical extremists and Islam is a religion of peace. So which one is it?

statiscally a single white solider is worth dozens or hundreds of inbred sand niggers

Kys just in case. An ounce of prevention...

What happened really? A small percentage of people murdered by the Muslim faith were murdered for enabling such.

Get a fucking grip. They kill more of their own in a month than were killed today.

It's been too long, we're starved for a happening

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1 poorly equipped white mechanized infantry division would take your whole army group out roach.

>in their next attack

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Nice catch-22. If we don't defend our culture, you will destroy it. If we defend our culture, it's not worth defending, and you'll destroy it. We get it, you're radicalized by reddit. You should probably go back there, before your wife's boyfriend beats you up again.

>100 million whites
You don't stand a chance
But no, Muslim escalation will make for enjoyable Jow Forums happenings

I hope we will figure it out then. I like the odds.

>Their next attack

This fucks your argument mate.

allah-niggers will hold a grudge for centuries

Your kind is a blight on societies all over the west. I’m not talking about Muslims though I’m talking about filthy turkroaches

>You don't stand a chance

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Statistically a Muslim attack has probably already happened because you treat your own people like animals for reading a different book than you do.

Wait for revenge for 1458 roach

That's exactly the point. The fire rises.

To be fair he did it for Ebba which was a year ago

Be proactive, have children and keep the white race going.

If the jews were truly alone, Israel would never have existed.


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Maybe it's not the only letter that's capitalized ;)

No, but if something happens retaliation will continue. Radicalization is becoming more common.

>atrocities are A-Ok if it's in the name of some abstract concept like race

You're a fucking crazed psycho. Seek help

yes. they were the ones not in their country

>after what's happened since 2001 WTC attacks >can you really blame european peoples for what they are going to do in their next attack?

Time to head over to Jow Forums, boys

Inbreads aren't that smart

It's part and parcel of living in a big city

Can you really blame whites for what happened after what’s been happening the last 15 years?

Thank god they're morons

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Thank god he didn't rant about the jews in his document. It would had us Jow Forums closed. People are saying that why he didn't mention them but it would had been worse IMO.

>you treat your own people like animals for reading a different book than you do.

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Kys cockroach

seems like when you are pushed into a corner, it seem logical to bite back , kind of like in the 11th century with the Christian biting back at the Muslims till the 14th century

2 yrs ago

Anyone who decides "I'm going to kill 50 people today" can indeed be blamed. It's only a collectivist mindset that thinks killing those next 50 innocent people to make a point actually makes that point successfully. It's tit-for-tat between groups wrongly thinking the human collateral in that tit-for-tat are fair game. They're not.

The fact of the matter is, there will always be idiots, potentially violent ones. The only way to keep them under control is increasing authoritarianism and intrusive surveillance...


Another solution is to not have all these different demographics with conflicting cultural attitudes fucking mixing in the same places.

Yes I can and I plan to

More like, should you really be complaining when you committed multiple acts of violence against Christian.

You need to sit down and accept that this is righteous punishment to make up for your murders.

Based (presumably sikh) ally remove all the kebabs

Subscribe to pewdiepie.

>cant even spell Inbred
is there any chance you are from the south?

Does that mean you wont blame whatever loon white that ends up retaliating? Indefinitely locked in eye for an eye? If you're so smart then why arent you trying to deescalate the situation?

Yeah I agree, it wouldn't have happened without the muslims being in new Zealand in the first place

It also wouldn't have happened without whites being in New Zealand too

Yes. The first atrocity was inviting all these invaders here. The first atrocity caused this second atrocity. You are at fault for both of these atrocities. You think yourself a good person, but you somehow managed to be more evil than both sides. Muslims are at fault for their attacks, we are at fault for our attacks. You are at fault for them all. You're the biggest evil of all.

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Afghanista / Irag / Syria / Pakistani drones strikes are older events yet they are always mentioned as reasons to kill Europeans.
Also reminder that Muslims don't give jackshit about killing Muslims.

>race is an abstract concept
>literal physical DNA
>but multiculturalism is an absolute
I see....