Deus Vult

How long before we remove all Muslims from Christian lands?

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Soon my brother soon.....

When you stop falling for Jewish psyops and recognize the real enemy






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It depends on how many brave men and women are ready to get rid of these shit skin sand monkeys..

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Heathens are heathens. Just remove them all.

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Go fuck yourself nigger


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I think we need to get rid of both the Jews and the Muslims... They're responsible for all the evil in the world.. and we are the antibiotics..

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New Zealand isn't a christian land. The only true Christian land is is that part in the Middle east where your Jesus was hanging out before based Romans put him on a stick. So you can kindly fuck off back there, Jew.

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He got, you didn’t. No gas yourself

7th post best post

Are we going to get a dramatization of this starring Jason Statham?

>da jews are da riil enumy
Jews: use subversion, trickery, and money to destroy people
Towelheads: behead/bomb people and breed like rats
Both are mentally ill middle easterners. Why should I prefer one over the other?
Christians aren't much better either, they all worship a sandnigger on a stick.
They can all fuck off.

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That is the real question. Until people understand the truth about the teachings of Islam and how it sees the kaffir is drummed into the vapid narcissistic nihilistic moraless heads of westerners. We have been in a slow cold holy war for 1400 years.
Pic very related.

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Fucking kek

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Anyone have a link to his video?

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Matthew 3:7
>But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, “You brood of vvipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
Matthew 21:12
>And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves
Jews are the killers of Christ and are condemned to damnation.

>mass shooters

>unfunny memes

>incoherent sentences


good board you got here pol

You, Britcuck user who was defending moslem invaders, are you fucking here? I'm not done talking with you, asshole.

the only "christian land" is in the ME, so your going to remove all muslims from the middle east to go...where exactly?

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mass graves

A christian Empire from Rome to Nisibis is what God requires of us.

Based and Christpilled.



>mad props to the aussie who found this out, god tier observation skill
He could be talking to me. I didn't find it out but I did mentioned it in a bunch of threads like six times about that long ago when the post was made.

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More shitskins died because of shoddy bong apartment construction, and no one had to go to jail for it.

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Not soon enough

Fuck off you nigger garbage


the real jewish psyops are the people telling us this man is mossad to prevent us rising against our oppressors

You can subvert us into letting your sandshitskin live, shill
Die pedophile

How long until we remove kiked religions from Pagan lands?

>it's true because (((they))) say so

So you're saying Jews aren't vipers?