Is the White man finally standing up?

Is the White man finally standing up?

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if by standing up you mean shooting innocent people because you know the only way youre going to get laid is by a big fat samoan in prison then sure yeah


you absolute braindead nigger fuck, mudslimes are not people, once again, he did the good thing by reducing their population, just by very tiny little, but still something.

kill yourself you waste of oxygen

>muh incel


yes yes tell me more about who is and isnt a person in my country, just because you live in the shithole that is europe doesnt mean everywhere in the world is as dysfunctional
i mean laugh all you want its true

>thinks mudslimes are people
oh, yeah, the flag, right...

>wah-wah multiculti is good goys!!!1

>kill yourself you waste of oxygen
kek @ all of the posts like this today

Says the fucking truck of peace.

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stfu nigger lover

ah yes those were exactly the words i said
maybe you should take a look at how shitty your own country is befire trying to tell me what to do about mine

go back to bed user

Not yet but it will push for further erosion of personal liberty I the name of fascist diversity and multiculturalism. I take e a page out of the ANC playbook, how do you cook a frog? You slowly turn the heat up until it is cooked.

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ah yes, something that happened in the shithole called europe should affect how i treat people in my own country
the world doesnt revolve around how bad your countries are lol
the entirety of new zealand is made of colonisers and immigrants you braindead retard

im not tired, i wish i could sleep

Well, it's pretty good and getting ever since first non-commie party was elected (2015), also it's so good I've never seen a shitskin/mudslime in real life yet desu

Isn't it morning over there? It's almost on the East here.

Guess the natives of New Zealand should have fought back harder then, huh?

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its almost seven in the morning
>damage control
ok zylek, have fun in poland
>natives of new zealand
what part of nation of immigrants do you not understand

Do they still sell potato cams?

thanks, I will, pedro, watch out with those emus and mudslimes in your shithole bro

You just know the mudslime payback for this is gonna be of the charts, will we finaly get that good ol' racewar?

ah yes, the classic 'your country is australia'
very intelligent comeback
you can quote me on this, there will be no payback on new zealand as a nation for this idiots attack because no one here likes him


Yes. It's long overdue.

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A nation of White immigrants, not smelly Muslims.

yes yes you must know lots about new zealand
why does the shittiness of every other country have to leak through to us?
if the shooter really wanted to protect new zealand families he would have glassed everything that wasnt our dominion

Yes the white man is, but not the christian man.

didn't this guy post a 87 page manifesto some where? Who has the link I want to read it..

Terror without virtue is murder. There will be no happenings as a result of this, insofar as Jow Forums approved happenings are concerned

>he believes in the "moderate mudslime" meme

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Even though i think a revenge on the muzzies was on time, i know that the western nations anti white people regimes will take this incident as an opportunity to furthermore push for more surveilance and mass control which results in less freedom and positive future perspectives.

Nope, playing right into the globalist psy-op but you're too ignorant and short sighted to see it.

yet another shithole trying to claim that my home sucks as much as his

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Tell me kiwi, do you have problems with the muzzie population?
Last time i went to NZ, was during the mid eighties and back then, i couldn't see any muzzies or mosques.

we have problems with chinks and pajeets

Poles are literally the only people I trust right now.
Seen the fucking commies, seen the fucking muslimes and the Nazis. Survived all of them somehow.

can I come to your country and kill niggers? Also why the hell do you guys only make one post and never return, also what is happening with eskom?

there are at most like two mosques in my city of 200K+, theyve both been here for ages. muslims here mostly act exactly like everyone else, especially arab and asian muslims who seem to prefer white people, indians as always are indians and shouldnt have been let in but thats nothing to do with their religion
idk about chinks really, middle class chinks are all good at least in wellington, auckland is oversaturated afaik though but the main issues are from chink property investors iirc


Interesting to hear, because here in Germany, Indians are not the problem (They are very few) and do almost no crime at all and behave well compared to the muzzies from different countries, who are shit tier behaving and sink entire city districts down to their level.

Chinks aren't either a problem in Germany, nor because of criminality or investments pushing real estate prices up.

thats because you have shitty immigration that doesnt filter people
we dont have that, we dont even take refugees unless they meet the same standards as normal people - which is why the shooter is so retarded

It's happening little by little. There won't be a full on civil war in Europe before sometime in the 2030s, but it's coming. Things take time.

Or in the West, I should say.

Since when were slavic mongrels "white"?

he did it to escalate tensions
the sooner it happens the better it will be for whites

i hope you kill yourselves in your war and leave nothing alive in europe

Why? They're a vermin invader race siphoning our money just like every other vermin race. Hell in scandinavia they actually are the biggest immigrant group who "conveniently" ranks nr 1 of prison inmates. Trusting a slav is like trusting a kike or a muslim to watch your back.

Yes, our immigration laws are shitty and will destroy the country if we don't stop this bullshit.
Thankfully our right wing party AfD is gaining votes for every time we have them held. But the clock is ticking.

We won't. We will prevail. Have no doubt, you disgusting Muzzie.

This is a loser reject seeking attention.

im not muslim, im just a kiwi and understand that the only way for new zealand to survive is to destroy the rst of the world


THIS = DUGIN operation

Right down to visiting North Korea

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>Inbred on your sand Island
>Shithole called Europe

>too scared to reveal he's from some eastern europe shithole
>calls us inbred
ok friend, enjoy rising unemployment and national debt while your infastructure crumbles from poor maintence and over burdening

I agree, if you want to snow storm so bad go after gang banger's, pimps, embezzlers, kiddie diddlers and other degenerates and you will be celebrated as a hero. This is how you finally win, killing low hanging fruit makes you no different then the mudslimes who jump in a truck and plow through innocent people.

Only children are innocent.

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>trying to claim that my home sucks as much as his
where are these "claims" you speak of?
mudslimes were murdered.
>deal with it faggot

fair enough, but he did kill children and even from your viewpoint you can see how the deaths were of random unrelated people and without any real reason

>this coward sits behind a computer, he's not going to do anything!



How quickly are the kiwis going to lose their gun rights?

How can I get the Nazi flag?

not at all, the guns he used were illegal



I see that NZ has no capital punishment.
So is there really no punishment for what he did, other than life in prison?

yes, so de jure he will get life without parole but what will actually hapoen is corrections will 'accidently' not have their cameras switched on while his cellmate stabs him to death

im going to talk to an mp later today about starting a petition to reintroduxe the death penalty for mass terror attacks

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Go back to Mars, dumbfuck without a conscience

Imagine being a queer like this
Kys mudshit

How about you go back to mosque and wait for a bullet as your leader preaches pedophelia and white genocide
We dont want you here

>.t mudshit shill

Same bleeding heart Michigan sand nigger posting one trillion times yesterday. FUCK YOU

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Well a cornered dog tends to bite back

pussy faggot

Which he did, you sand nigger piece of shit

>if by standing up you mean shooting innocent people because you know the only way youre going to get laid is by a big fat samoan in prison then sure yeah
thank you kiwi i needed the laugh.


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fuck of cunt

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Make and model of all weapons used?

Why not kill these guys instead? Why can't these shooters be vigilantes and kill criminals?

is there an assault weapon ban in NZ and if yes, then the next question is how that weapon made it into NZ.

Based Poland

We are finally getting around to that Race War we've been waiting on.

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this. in the grand scheme of things 50 dead is nothing but they'll milk this event for everything they can to promote guilt and push harmful policies for whites.

Yeah. If another one does it by the end of this month you know the chips are being laid down.

go figure, snow-niggers still act like niggers

This is some expert baiting. Unfortunately there are real people out there that are this brain-dead and deluded. But this user's fake arguments make us stronger.

Race war NOW!!!!

Does this guy look like Max Damage from Carmagedon???

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>will take this incident as an opportunity to furthermore push for more surveilance and mass control which results in less freedom and positive future perspectives.
As he said in his manifesto, thats exactly what he wanted to "accelerate" the divide between cucks and noncucks. Basically to expedite the RAHOWA

Legit question why is the incel insult so much used ? Why insulting someone of incel make him or his ideas less good ?

nah, just a one off

white people are over

Its ironic to call him an incel because he actually had a pretty cute gf at one point