NZ Shooter Mag Clip

I did a slow motion edit of a video.

Attached: Mag_clip.webm (1920x1080, 2.71M)

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Isn't this from his second visit to the same building?

No, its the first time

Not a lone wolf...

you idiot later in the video he mentions himself he was so excited he dropped the clip, ffs grow the fuck up tin foil faggot

And it magically ended up in front oh him before he to that spot?

he drops the Mag earlier you retard should know you are retarded because you called it a clip you bitch a clip is what you put in your hair you tranny

I mean exactly that. You can see mag hit the ground

Watch the white lines before the mag is there there is no break in the white lines to suggest the mag ever went past them.

The video quality is shit, thats why you can't see that, I suppose