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twitter screenshot threads should be bannable

did (((he))) denounce pewdiepie yet? only a matter of time at this point

A jew beeing praised by a leaf


I don't think people know its too late for that, the day of the rope is coming.


why does everyone think their so fucking smart and woke for saying this after every shooting?

So we shouldn't see for ourselves what these people do and say, and just trust the media with their reporting on it?

Why are (((they))) trying to bury the video? At first I thought it was because it shows how incompetent the Christchurch police are, but there's too many cohencidences going on here.

>Jew protecting the identity of Mossad asset

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I dont hate Ethan but posting shit from a jew in this situations is retarded, fuck you leaf

Does anyone call these retards out for seeking likes/retweets? Everything he's saying don't do is already done. What the fuck is the point

Ebba Akerlund, say her name you filthy kike.

My main problem with the whole "don't see anything for yourself, don't make him famous" line of reasoning is this -- Shouldn't his manifesto and video be studied for the purpose of self-defense? The shooter could have been taken out several times, but nobody was armed.

There was a simultaneous shooting in another Mosque, but the shooter ran away after they started firing back.

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>let's not discuss why these events are happening and just keep our heads in the sand
Do these people not use their brains in the slightest? It's not gonna stop if you just ignore it. There is something seriously wrong in our countries and it's probably gonna get worse. This individual shooter is meaningless, and just a symptom of a growing problem.


just to make sure, you mean this video?

let's all close our eyes and pretend it didn't happen and just wait for the next time it does

>Don't share their face

Why? so the mainstream media can make up any racial narrative they want?

Fuck this jew

Its programed response. Its NPC thing you wouldn't understand

This is it exactly. They know something is wrong but their world view and politics have absolutely no solution to it so they'll just ignore it.

His name was Brenton Tarrant.

Attached: HIS NAME.png (500x326, 259K)


I had a vision with these words helping to unite the world.

Take his words calmly and without hate in your heart.
See the truth of it and do not fear taking a stand.
You do not need to take life, you only need to UNITE!

Tarrant is a saint

I can't recall. Did this annoying, anime voiced joo posted the same list after Berlin, Paris, Manchester...? Bastard.

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Because it was kino

So is the day of th rake faggot!

Fucking this, and he is making (You) bank too
look at those retweet and likes holy shit

Is being a leftcuck the way to MAKE IT in social media?

>His name was Brenton Tarrant.

sounds familiar...

Attached: q tip.jpg (480x301, 18K)

>Is being a leftcuck the way to MAKE IT in social media?
Social media panders to retards and low iq followers, so yes obviously

See: Kardashians, Ariana Grande, etc

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Any place with the video available? Liveleak is unvailable (shoah'd) and the kiwifarms one is down. I already saw it but a friend asked for it.

Fuck you Benjamin!

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>don't speak about mass shoter
> speak about him and gets 184k likes thereby stirs up the interest

Do kikes can't into logic or he just virtue signaling?

Trying to cover his ass. Coward.

you can only talk about the name, face, writings, videos, and infamy if they massacred jews, otherwise be silent

t. kikes

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Indians redpilled, read comments.

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his name is robert paulson

He's the Facebook Shooter. FB allowed him to livestream, they need to be shut down

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God damn I am so bored of these cucks reaction to shootings.

>Muh thoughts and prayers
>Muh thoughts and prayers is offensive
>Muh thoughts and prayers is offensive is offensive
>Muh don't talk about it cause copycats
>Muh don't say their names because that's what they want, even though they're dead that'll get back at em
>Muh shootings cause copycats if you talk about it so let's constantly talk about not talking about it

Fucking normies.

Who cares what this attention-seeking fat jew has to say.
Same meaningless drivel and buzzwords as everyone else.
What he saying isn't exactly original