73 to 49, not even close

Attached: all time high score.gif (224x199, 557K)

Other urls found in this thread:

based and redpilled

How many whites did Breivik kill

more will probably die fro injuries though
i really want him to hit 50

He killed 0 human beings.

Updated point card for kills in minecraft:

>Politician = 100000 points
>Jew = 10000 points
>Good goy = 1000 points
>Golem = 100 points
>Innocent White = 0 points

Based on this new scoring system, high score totals will need to be updated. Breivik, Bowers and Roof are going to have top spots. Boomer Paddock is now shit tier.

>thinks killing traitors is bad


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Gay zionist false flagger

>Thinks owning jewish false flags is cool

Yeah, it's only 49 because Ausfags are only mildly annoyed. Last time we got pissed off we pushed an entire population off a cliff.

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the anti-islamic movement is a relatively recent creation. it was made the last two decades.

it was started by people like david horowitz, pamela geller, robert spencer and continued today with people like ezra levant.

guess the race.

all the narratives and tropes of today's anti-islamic movement was created by these figures in the 2000s and from there exported to europe and "whitewashed."

look at the footnotes and sources for breivik's manifesto if you need proof.

they were as much traitors as feminist women or basedboys are traitors
ie the jews are still what made them that way
i have sympathy for those forced upon a shitty path unknowingly

Kids only count for half points.

LiTERalLy EvERyThiNG iS a FaLsE FLag GUisE

ReSIstanCe iS FUtile

Attached: tenor.gif (220x165, 34K)

based but in my mind the label traitor only applies to heads of state that willingly screw whites over
not some shitlib youngster that doesn't even understand what he's talking about

this man gets it

he gets 2 points for every traitor


I had a vision with these words helping to unite the world.

Take his words calmly and without hate in your heart.
See the truth of it and do not fear taking a stand.
You do not need to take life, you only need to UNITE!

Muzzies give an x2 multiplier.

so we should let them take the torch and carry out their programming just because they didn't originally come up with the ideas they plan to enforce as politicians?

How about no?

Muslims still have the highest score

white mass murderers BTFO yet again

Look at Breivik. Look at his slanty beady eyes, receeding hairline, fat baby cheeks and poor beard growth. Just like this aussie fag. They're not whites, they're anglo agents, employed by anglo's true masters. Real scandis look like pewdiepie, not some mongrel slav/anglo mixture

What Anders and Brendon have shown is that white people are still the most efficient motherfuckers around.
This is what dedication and auperior IQ gets you. Loads of bodies!
Fucking mudslimes drive trucks into people and only kill a handfull. To rack up.some serious highscore these goatfuckers need explosives.
But in the rare instances where white folks snap they go about it the white man's way. With preparation and skill.
Anders set off a distraction bomb an calmly sniped loads of commies with a rifle.
Brendon scouted his traget, knew when they were defenseless, went in, did the job and drove off.

If this teaches us anything then it is this:
"White people are nice until they aren't."

it's not about originally coming up with the idea
it's about accepting a premise that will to white people getting fucked without realizing it
everyone here at some point believed in some neoliberal premise because everyone receives the same propaganda
the people who are true traitors are the ones that know that this will lead to our downfall but still do it anyway

breivik killed traitors and not the pets

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brevik is peak scandy you delusional fag
look at his pictures when he was young

No, I am scandi. I know how my own people look you disgusting brown shitskin. Breivik is not pure nordic, too many anglo and slavic traits, just like this latest agent of anglos in NZ.

>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a traitor
lol by this standard you have to kill >90% of whites

Attached: BreivikVictims.jpg (1003x768, 719K)

>being this delusional

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They were kids forced to go to a lefty camp by their parents. Implying they even believed that makes you a dishonest faggot. Do you hold all of the same political beliefs your parents do because they told you to? No, didn't think so.

He killed Marxists who wanted to be prime ministers and have open borders. If that's not a traitor I don't know what is. But I agree you should avoid killing your own people and teach them into the right way.

No, just enough so that the masses start switching sides. Revolution is a spectators sport

See that face? That is not the face of a Norwegian (or any other nordic). That is the face of a mongrel experiment. Of course a low iq med wouldn't know, we whites "all look the same" to your goblin eyes.

nope. fuck brievik, those white kids would have turned right wing in time.

Id: Neqer

Literally the same eyes and mouth, and almost the sane nose, and facial structure (though this russian full blood is fatter due steroids)

Attached: russian nazi norway.jpg (680x382, 51K)

>those white kids would have turned right wing in time.
Yep, all that matters is they're white, who cares if they want destruction of their own country? Fucking mutt

When you're fighting a war you don't throw down your weapon and try to convince every enemy soldier that you're right. You do what is necessary. This sort of "we can save everyone" thinking is folly of the highest degree.

I bet there were plenty of on the fence/ half-hearted leftists who turned away from it in fear after Brevik, techincally he saved plenty of people through that lens.

>Golem = 100 points

for attending a youth camp? how many leftists turned right in the recent years? those kids could have been the same. breivik is no hero

how much of a skinny faggot are you to think he does steroids
lmaoing at you
also you're still delusional as fuck about breivik
stay assmad though i guess

Let's ignore the fact Breivik was a globalist freemason and that his attack accomplished fuck all.

Shabbos goys basically. Politicians, journalists and other enemies of the people.

Yes there's no leftists anywhere right.....

They were teenagers and young adults

is your iq two digits? those leftists would have turned right with time breivik is no hero.

based high score poster, missed you


>those leftists would have turned right with time
How are you so certain? You do know how many don't, right?

Yeah, that's why you invaded Iraq based on pure lies, but anglos naturally accepted it and pretend it was a legal invasion.
Why? So you could destabilize the country, then bomb europe with propaganda about how we HAD to take in all these "innocent migrants"
America is Europe's enemy nr 1, followed by their lackey UK. Because the anglo was bred by kikes to serve as their golems of war and destruction.
You retarded idiot spouting off your ignorance with pride as usual. He's Vyacheslav Datsik, was an underground MMA champion. In Russia. Conventiently coming to norway to plan terror attack. Why? When his own country has far more muslims? Because the slavic-anglo golems of judaism demands the utter destruction of my people.

because leftists can only deny the truth for so long. they are just afraid to speak out for fear of being labeled racist.

All you need to know about the "NEO-NAZI TERRORIST" =>>

yeah that fits
if you go with the notion of killing everyone who doesn't believe the shit you do you end up alienating potential allies
the people that deserve the death sentence are fags, shabbos goyim and jews

There are Norwegians that look finnic or russian. There are also Russians who look scandinavian. Don't act like it's an anomaly and both regions are from different planets.

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yeah maybe he's done steroids 20 years ago mate
but not now

breivik killed 77 children. not that that makes your disgusting thread any better.
fuck off

We are just trying to catch back up

Communists aren't white.

>kills beautiful white children
>kills dirty invaders.

No contest Tarrant is our new top guy

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The slavic and nordic gene is incapable of fully merging, causing mongrel mixtures very visible to a nordic eye, since we are (when pure) the most beautiful people on the planet. See Pewdiepie, a fully genetically swede. That's the average pure nord.
You do know what happens to steroid users once they stop? The muscles turn into fat.


>You do know what happens to steroid users once they stop? The muscles turn into fat.
that's literally not true mate

>Do you hold all of the same political beliefs your parents do because they told you to?
I did for many years so it stands to reason that others probably would

>beautiful young white marxists in training who would flood Europe with sandniggers
Bless Breivik

Look, I don't condone killing children, but let's take a step back and think about this from a more pragmatic robotic viewpoint.
Those kids were the future leftist leaders of norway. Yeah, they didn't chose to be there, and we don't know what their future's would've been or whether or not they'd do the same pro-migrant anti-white shit as their parents. But a sizeable amount of them certainly would've. And moreover, it also sent a message to their parents, the current leaders of the multicultural death cult, that if they're going to continue their actions, they're going to directly see consequences, vis a vis their children.

So I don't condone what he did, but I understand the reasoning and methodology.

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>isn't able to differentiate between a traitor and a useful idiot
Are they a lobbyist, banker, politician or corperation?
>if yes, then they are a traitor
>if no, then they are a useful idiot

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there are dozens in the hospital, the aussie might still beat him

>Breivik killed for his ideas, for worldview that he developed on his own accord and that he believed in
>The aussie killed because he was an autist that spent too much time on chans and most of his worldview was just parroting memes and the blandest version of what the Jow Forums hivemind is
its no contest

It does, in combination of slothful unhealthy lifestyle. Not all by itself naturally. But there's a reason why retired wrestlers, football players and such whom used to junk up turns chubby subhumans

All according to your plans then anglo. You cause disasters and wars, then teach us marxism to destroy us from within.

you can argue that they were used to having a higher metabolic rate from the lean mass gotten from steroids and kept the same eating pattern after coming off of steroids but that still doesn't mean that steroids cause you to be fat
i've known 2 people that went from roiding to being skinny as fuck

>south africa is turning into bloody backwater as its diversity increases
jesus christ i mean the point is correct but this is false and does not fit his message at all
as whites are leaving SA is becoming LESS ethnically diverse

You guys are such terrible people. I can't wait until all these websites get fucked soon

hey idiot was he on a sequestered island with a much longer police response time or in a metropolitan area? dumbass

You're not the purest genetically lol. If we go by genetic PCAs you're between Northeast Europe and Southwest Europe, a finnic/baltic + med hybrid or how the old physical anthropologists defined the nordic as a "depigmented mediterrenean".

>pewdiepie is also going to be the one that is going to be fucked the hardest by this thing
oh god
the anglos really are behind this arent they
just like with everything else

fucking crumpets

I think it's strange that both mass shooters were connected to the Knights of the Templar, and both were able to achieve massive kill counts whilst on an island.

Attached: 1280px-Roman_Empire_125.png (1280x1064, 1.81M)

knights templar have not existed for centuries my burger friend

Don't be a fucking moron. It's literally larp. Even Breivik confessed to making up his membership
(and denying he's been in contact with this fag)

Pewdiepie has a nigger nose , there's no way he's pure

Your own people come from Pakistan

Be wary of the angolems lies, for he knows no shame, no guilt in destroying racial pride by any means necessary to keep the world his slave in the names of his masters.
Nope, he's far more pure than a literal balkan-germanic mutt nigger like you

if Breivik killed Merkel as he wanted, 2015 refugee crisis wouldn't happened

Commies are no humans

That's all well and good, it is still a strange coincidence that there is that connection between 2 ostensible white nationalist/anti-moslem shooters
Also, suspiciously fast replies lads

It's part and parcel with living in a multicultural society :'(

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i'm reading attack on titan and this reaction image is 100% true


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Lmao , whatever , who wants to be a """"pure"""" snownigger anyway , you cucks have never achieved anything in history unlike the meds who created civilization ( that you like to look down upon).

>killing handsome white children


>killing degenerate inbred ragheads

Brevick should have been drawn and quartered

>hurr leftists

People's values and political opinions change as they age. Most kids are stupid. That's why leftism appeals to them. There will be at least 200 fewer white babies on earth this generation because of this scumbag

They are low exp because they are so numerous. Does a thrall award more exp or does a necromancer/summoner?

>aussie autist overdoses on memes and decides to emulate breivik but is too much of a retard to come up with coherent original manifesto so he just glues together memes and breivik's OC
m9 no coincidence

> it is still a strange coincidence that there is that connection between 2 ostensible white nationalist/anti-moslem shooters
Are you daft, can't you fucking read? He, his lawyer and the prison denied any mail or contact, since he barely get any contact with the outside (or even inside), and they carefully check everything he recieves/sends and mostly refuse to send at all.

He literally eliminated the entire movement that was about to "enrich" his country in it's infancy.

shut up kike, he's white.. there is no "nordic" race there are white europeans that's it. and you can't tell what nationality someone is by their face retard

Figures a mongrel would defend his ancestry with classic MUH CIVS
And yet nordic men beat pretty much every european power who had standing armies to the point our warriors were invited to constantinople to serve as the emperor's guard.

Aha, now i see, a migrant eh? Probably an anglo as well since he doen't care for the death of innocent nordic girls. That's why you try to tailcoat our racial purity by equalizing us as lesser humans (anglos, italians, spaniards, slavs etc) as you are painfully aware you'll never be our evolutionary equals. Then again, you're probably just another german rape baby.
Kill yourself.