Can the moralfags fuck off already?

Can the moralfags fuck off already?
Sorry to tell you but this ''massacre'' is a breeze compared to the horrifying shit that happens everywhere else in the non-white world from time to time.
You whites are too accustomed to the safe cheerful environment that's the first world.
And as much it affects you, some of us don't give a rat ass about it, be 50, 500, 5000 or whatever, in fact your annoying moralfag posting bothers me more.
And as much you want to take it on us, we're not responsible for any of this, if there's a responsible that's the forced diversity and the constant antiwhite and white marginalization rhetoric that's at fault.

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Tune in to CNN for all your world news

i hate meme flags, but you are alright

millennials and zoomers about to feel what an adrenaline rush feels like soon.

I mean, just imagine if the Jews shot and maimed some more Palestinian children! Oy vey!

Its also nothing compared to what will happen to you white liberals in a "diverse" nation.

Absolutely based

Dont cry, its the happening you wished for.

kind of annoying that Jow Forums is freaking out when they've been shown over the last 2 years they have absolutely no political significance to lose anyway.

wah wah, bad shit happens everyday

Call me when white terrorists drop two skyscrapers in dubai

There's only one skyscraper in dubai. It's like $30 to reserve a ticket to go to the top, which is bullshit, but if you're already in dubai then you probably have some money to burn anyway.

A trip to the top of the 9/11 towers was free.

Moral fag nigger lovers btfo!! Go suck a mudslimes ass you fucking pieces of shit.

B-but my FEEEELINGS! I mean I'll ignore the Iraq war where hundreds of muslims died on average per day for years on end but when this turns me into a sobbing pile of shit it's because that makes me better than you!

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Mods just need to stick a main instead of letting these jidf fags put out 30 threda trying to influence opinion on the whole thing.

You can get a flight for 1000 bucks and take the plane to see the tower.


non-whites can leave PEACEFULLY





>Sorry to tell you but this ''massacre'' is a breeze compared to the horrifying shit that happens everywhere else in the non-white world from time to time.

This. I am numb to massacres like this. Statistically, they are a drop in the bucket. Furthermore, if the media is talking an event up to get me emotional, I will consciously force myself to have the opposite emotion. The media will never let events like this just .. go. They have to use it to hector opponents.

Is it all the way up to $1000 now? That would suck. But it's fun to fly on Emirates because you can watch all the qts make a big deal about taking their headgear off once they get outside of Sharia lines. And then when you get off the plane you can look at all the too big to fail bank logos plastered across the terminal.

Very well-put; humanity is trash. You, your neighbors, your families, your friends, and all of their connections - all trash. And until you all learn to move past this nature you will all remain trash.

the irony of it is the moralfags who demand dismantling of the establishment dont realize that the alternative to the establishment is abject horror. they honesty believe their wifi will be faster and housing will be cheaper once all the elderly and the police are gone.

anime smugness ratio is exceeding 9:10


Don't even call the moralfags. They don't have the moral high ground. They have chosen to side with a group of people who blow themselves up to kill as many of our people as possible, run over crowds of our people, and rape and murder our people in the streets.

Inaction IS supporting white genocide, and they are fighting against any kind of real action to preserve our race.

They are in fact immoral.

I didn't care at all about them dying what was biting me is how this screws up optics for more and more white people and puts Muslims on a higher point before the coming collapse

It was a chan poster, and psychopathy mixed with autism that did this. Sometimes there's amusing shit here but a lot if the time when I read this board I just see an autistic lack of empathy. Thanks for confirming that, you autist. Jow Forums is assburgers and memes.

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>horrifying shit that happens everywhere else in the non-white world from time to time
Why would we give a single shit about the peasant countries killing one another?

>Innocent people killed without reason because of a meme-spouting psychopath
Hey don't the LEFTIST media just drop this terrorist attack!!!??

Jesus christ. Talk about deflection personal responsibility. You've spread hate speech and this is the end of it. This isn't just an isolated incident, it's part of a growing trend toward terrorism and hatred being spewed out by you.

The fact that you think behavior should be normalized and accepted and ignored so that you can continue your shitposting lifestyle pushing white males to violence against innocent people is fucking awful.

You should be genuinely ASHAMED of yourself.


>can civilized people fuck off already?
Barbarian shit remains barbarian shit no matter the "side" that perpetrates it.
Stay stuck in the mud while the world progresses fag, you'll not be missed.

Because a lot of it comes from the West's love of oil.

Ignoring the spread of Wahhabism for cheaper rates on oil in Saudi Arabia. The West funded terrorist institutions to defeat other terrorist instituions.

You should be aware of what's happening in the world, because a lot of it is the direct result of American and Western policy. You should be aware of Sayyid Qutb and the the foundation of the Muslim Brotherhood.

You should be aware because it's affected by you and your parent's decisions, and it will be further be affected by who you choose to vote for in coming elections.

Your hands aren't clean.

lol cry more

they've been accusing Jow Forums of worse shit for forever. whatever.

Optics won't happen you autist. Neither will Day of the Rope or any other stupid shit.

>Can the moralfags fuck off already?
I can't stand them either. As if the world runs on morals or ethics or whatever gets dug out.
The world runs on power and killing your enemy is a means of power.

Another good memeflag post. What's going on today?

>Muh Optics
Muslims attack us far more often than we attack them. They openly kill our people. They don't give a shit about optics, and yet their ideology seems to be spreading.

Perhaps, a willingness to take action actually attracts people, rather than repels them.

I'm honestly indifferent here. This is obviously a guy trying to cause a fuss. It also isn't that particularly unusual for fifty people to die in a day. Not really sure why people are acting like this is the second coming or something. Just give it a week of the news mudslinging and everyone will forget this happened the same they did with the Paris attack.

>thinking this is about morals
Just don't break the law.

I hope this board can see the light. By condoning these actions you are actively working against western society. Since when is terrorism something worth protecting? You think it won’t get exposure when ((they)) come onto this board to show you guys off on the news? When they see thread after thread condoning these actions it’s just more ammo for them.

yes lets help the people who we will fight after the collapse and make our starting position worse.

look at this guy who thinks he'll survive the "collapse" (lol)

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I never said I would.

best thread on Jow Forums rn
but OP is still a faggot

Good, let them push the envelope until it breaks, fuck this slow boiling piece of shit, I have joy whenever these things happen, you need only look at the "left" reaction to see how fucked up the world is.

These people genuinely don't give a single shit about muslims, muslims have died by the millions in the middle east thanks to jewish actions and american foreign policy of lobbying for israel and setting up puppet governments in arab countries.

Arabs regurarly bomb and commit way worse terrorist acts on OUR soil, and they're protected by the PEACEFUL muslims, the average muslim watches out for the radical muslim, same as the average jew ignores the subversion of the ((jew)).

White genocide is being pushed with no consent on the european people by a cabal of elites whose objective since the past 100 years has been the total control of the human race, they want dumbed down, passified sheep. There's inumerous documentation that will clearly show you the agenda of importing immigrants unto europe, and the people who import these immigrants LIVE IN HIGH SECURITY PRIVATE RESIDENCES.

White fertility rates are dropping, nobody gives a shit, I'm smart enough not to want to become a minority in my own fucking "nation" whatever the fuck that means anymore, same as the jew who in his own self interest wants to make a global world so he can be free to rule of stupid goyim.

Wake the fuck up moron, READ AND LEARN your history, this isn't going ANYWHERE without collapsing, nature trumps all and in the end you'll see the pile of corpses that results from so arrogantly defying it.


*super colossal brofist*
There's no fight if you think you're going to make it out.

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