Ummmmm guys

A former top secret CIA agent and one of the most influential men in the Republican Party just said we are responsible. Might be time to go innawoods unless you actually want to get FEMA camped. It’s been an honor shitposting with you. Goodbye faggots.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>bear some responsibility for their words

Go fuck yourself

that bitch made bald dweeb

CIA is the largest sponsor of terrorism

That glownigger is only influential in his own mind


>pointing out demographic realities
>ethno-nationalist rhetoric
Facts are hate speech

>still posting McMuffin and his pathetic bald head in 2019

Fuck off you irritating retard

I'm not going anywhere. They bear the responsibility for destroying Muslims nations and flooding western nations with them.

The "We will replace you" where they brag about white genocide.

And next when they destabilize venuezala, and do the same shit here they did in Europe, and then blame us.

We literally know it's going to happen and you aren't fooling anybody.

Genocided is not ok, white genocide via social engineering is not ok.

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Not all far right

Far right is a ideology of peace

Nah not innawoods time it's innacity time. Remember to shoot your local federal judge ^-^

Speak for yourself, Cletus.

I'd rather be far right than far dead

I love that you stormniggers finally got the mainstream attention that you wanted because what you didn't realize is that 65% of the population actively despises you once they recognize you for what you are. There's no more hiding in the cracks now that you're out of the MAGA-closet.

Flipping society is as easy as making it sound like you're a good person for believing it, that's all people run on these days. Implications of "goodness" which is why the left is literally "the only thing to not tolerate is intolerance".

>35% already agree

That's not bad actually.



Top larp


As planned.

Only brown people are allowed ethnic self determination.

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Fuck Islam come and get me FBI!

So do we hate jews or do we hate muslims, fucking kikes need to make up their minds

>mormons cucking
Whodda thunk it.

It's interesting that you really believe that to be the case.

No, really only more like 5-15%. The other 20-30% are too caught up in their own bullshit to comprehend what you're up to.

If he's so influential how come he couldn't become President?

Got em! HA!

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lol fucking Mcmuffin. I'd honestly forgotten about this faggot.

would side with them if you represent the other side, faggot

Influential people have hair. Fact

lel he got was so hyped up in the 2016 election and ended up getting like 12 votes in total

>and Muslims everywhere who now feel threatened
what about everybody who isn't a fucking muslim and feels threatened that they could go off like a nigger at any moment

>evo mcmuffin

>blaming the victim

Thanks CIAnigger.

>A former top secret CIA agent and one of the most influential men in the Republican Party
You Mcmuffin shills are the worst, even lower than Yangies and Bernie bros.

This clown supported Al Qaeda. Even trained them and still going free because CIA! They fell in love with all extremists and use them to advance their interests but they tell you that they blame it on Iran and other. CIA is enemy of people.

>Muslims kill thousands of whites

>White guy kills a fifty muds

Fuck this glownigger faggot. Eat my shit CIA


Mcmuffins not an idiot, he has to know that if you continuously let in cultural and religious ‘others’ who don’t assimilate people eventually get fed up

And if their voting doesn’t change anything why are you surprised when they do things other than vote?



lol okay OP, read back what you just wrote slowly

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CIA/Mossad false flag confirmed.

This guy was gloating when a bunch of innocent people were bombed in Syria by Trump after the White Helmets gassing false flag. He even referred to himself as 'the deep state' and said 'we always win' or something. Fuck him.

calm down, 12 votes is a bit of an exaggeration dont you think

Or we could just put him in the FEMA Camp if he wants to try shit.

Not all right wing nationalists. Idealogy of peace.
The radicalization of far right terrorists is the predictable effect of forced diversity on an ethnic majority by a ethnic minority who refuses to assimilate.
The radicalization of Islamic terrorists is the predictable effect of extreme Islamic rhetoric. They certainly do bear responsibility for their words.
Where was the condemnation of the Islamic community during literally every other terror attack of the last 40 years?

>50 different mass terrorist attacks against whites

>One white mass terrorist attacks against Muslims

Kek. 100% expected

No, it's a predictable effect of Jewish World Bolshevism. You need a totalitarian, propaganda/police state to enforce this multiculti worldview. Nationalists want world peace. We don't want world domination and we don't want to impose our values on anyone else. We believe that all great cultures and peoples have a right to exist, and we believe that violence is inevitable as long as world leaders stop ignoring "human nature"--we are tribal, territorial and violent.

He’s literally trying to brand you a terrorist for not accepting forced diversity. The media is trying to do this as well. This whole thing reeks of false flag.

Huh! Interesting how this guy focuses on radicalization of only one race.

The ideology is only misunderstood if a poor minority is practicing it.
You know...
Nevermind that the Quran actually calls for violence and deceit against all non-Muslims and that the religion was born and spread on this principle.
Nevermind that white ethnonationalism manifests itself in extremely different philosophies depending on the person.

>when a muslim commits terrorism it's "not all muslims"
>when a white christian commits terrorism it's "fuck all white people"
and mcmuffin wonders why people think he's beta

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>and muslims everywhere who now feel threatened
smdh whenever it was muslims killing people we were told muslims were the real victims because it made people afraid of them.

>white Christian
*Mossad asset

>talking now is a crime
>posting on boards is a crime
>criticizing is now a crime (Global Compact for Migration"
Orwell was right al along
and i had my money on Huxley, damn..

dont associate yourself with me, tranny freak. not even ironically

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The fact that they don't say:


While simultaneously defending to death Muslims (and their religious ideals that outright call for murder and deceit in the Quran) when someone in their group mass-murders is telling.

Not surprising, but telling.
Most people won't even notice this difference in the use of language, this is how they control people's rights and thus their behavior.

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Lol, just convert to islam dipshit. You'll be a minority.

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>Converting to a mud religion
Guaranteed dissemination and connection to Arabic culture over European.
Stop shilling.

Mormontard acting all sanctimonious and sheeit while his synagogue of satan murdered settlers and stole from wagon trains to get started. He needs to shut up.

what came first the chicken or the egg?

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