As the mentally unhealthy that i am, i think Romanian needs a little kebab clean too.
Thinking about taking things in my own hands, or does anyone wanna help ?
(waiting for the special forces to get to my door any second now)
As the mentally unhealthy that i am, i think Romanian needs a little kebab clean too.
Thinking about taking things in my own hands, or does anyone wanna help ?
(waiting for the special forces to get to my door any second now)
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enjoy prison you retard
I thought Romania was trad why Muslims there?
Don t woory, isnt the first time
Remove kebab? I think you need to remove Roma
first kebab, rom can wait
don't target the kebabs, go for the ones in charge of importing the kebab meat.
>Learn from the mistakes of others. Ted Kaczynisky, the Jow Forumstard in NZ, fuck even the dude who assassinated Archduke Ferdinand, they all missed the real monsters.
The Political Kikes.
Regardless, may God and Kek bless you.
there are no muslims here retard
Got it, God bless you
Vlad was a hero, not a monster like Western civ likes to make him out to be.