
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

WH Public Pool/Schedule:

>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Shamrock Bowl Presentation 3/14/19
>Pres Trump departs US Capitol 3/14/19
>Pres Trump @Friends of Ireland Luncheon 3/14/19
>Pres Trump meets w/Irish PM Varadkar 3/14/19
>Pres Trump welcomes Irish PM Varadkar 3/14/19
>VP Pence @St Patrick's Day Breakfast 3/14/19
>VP Pence on F&F 3/14/19
>DHSSec Nielsen on F&F 3/14/19
>FDACommr Gottlieb on CNBC 3/14/19
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 3/14/19
>TreasSec Mnuchin @House on 2020 Budget 3/14/19
>CommSec Wilburine @House on 2020 Budget 3/14/19
>ActDefSec Shanahan/DoD Leaders @Senate on 2020 Budget 3/14/19
>PrinDepPressSec Gidley on FoxNews 3/14/19
>StateDept Press Brief (DepSpox Palladino) 3/14/19
>WHVideo: VP Pence Visits CBP Adv Training Facility 3/14/19
>Pres Trump Briefing on Drug Trafficking 3/13/19
>SoS Pompeo meets w/UNSG Guterres 3/13/19

OP pastebin:

Attached: trumpshotnz.jpg (845x535, 154K)

Other urls found in this thread:

guy said he looks up to china. how come xi isn't taking the blame?


When will the CIA and John Bolton face the DOTR for fucking with Best Korea? Do they really want Trump to not get the Nobel this bad?

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Because Xi is pro-globalhomo and thus anti-American. He's on their side.


It's over. It has been nice knowing you guys

Attached: 20190315_200608.jpg (720x607, 100K)
comfy music for the night

Do you like, my car?

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What exactly did the manifesto say about Trump?

So why didn't the shooter go after the politicians?


Where is the veto?

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why don't they ban twitter?
He posted everything there days before he posted on 4x2 ch


Hello. I am a reporter for Buzzfeed. I am writing a story on Trump and how his disturbing rhetoric is responsible for what happened in regards to the mass shooting in New Zealand and the rise in white supremacy (by all races) all over the world. I was wondering if any of you, as fans of your president, have any thoughts that you care to share as to what happened? Also, why do you think hate-filled websites such as this one and other chans should still be allowed to stay up when they are directly responsible for the rise of white nationalistic terrorism? Thank you for your time.

He can sit on it as long as he wants to as long as he never signs it into law.

Ban Facebook for hosting the livestream.

>blocks Jow Forums
>not 8 chan

I feel bad for the anti-White, anti-Christian backlash that this attack will cause by muslims bigots who think one extremist speaks for all White christian people.

Attached: 1496536615700.jpg (1241x1128, 235K)

>They should have McListened

Fake News.

>yangbangers almost completely gone from Jow Forums
>8 pol exploded from 170 posts per hour and

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no shit?

He owes us about 25000 dollars since he has been president for 25 months or so.

That manifesto was the cringest shit I have read and I only read some of it.

Kek, this guy saved the weekend.

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>Where is the veto?

Scheduled for 3:59 ET, as per C-SPAN

For any and all media outlets trying to figure out how Jow Forums might be affiliated with
this recent terror attack let me fill you in as well as give the Jow Forums communities official
stance on the matter.

Over the last week Jow Forums and hundreds of other social media platforms have been invaded by
entities originating on Militant Atheist LBGTQPOC discord channels advocating for
"Accelerationism". The same Accelerationism advocated by the terrorists own manifesto.
This anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, xenophobic and anti-Trump #resistance organization has
relentlessly bombarded all faucets of conservative media with their hateful and dangerous
rhetoric promising free money to any and all who would join them in their crusade against
humanity, freedom and democracy.

From what our caring and peaceful community can disseminate thus far is that these
"Accelerationist" believe that President Trump is destroying the world and that the only
way to fix it is to "accelerate" this process so the masses wake up to what they perceive as
President Trumps failures with the hopes that it will rally the masses behind Democratic
Socialists like Andrew Yang and AOC.

The Jow Forums community, especially the love filled patriotic Christian souls of Jow Forums,
UNEQUIVICALLY DISAVOWS all Accelerationist terrorists and does not in any way condone,
advocate or represent the members or Ideology of said terrorist #resistance organization.

Thank you for your time and we as a community know you will do the right thing by shedding
light on this most unfortunate turn of events by exposing the truth about the #resistance
Accelerationist movement and infiltration of social media.

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>CAIR is the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. They are the same terrorists all Sisi had to put down in Egypt. Also behind Qatar.
he looks like a puppet behind an inside job

Attached: Group says New Zealand shooter mentioned President Trump in manifesto.webm (329x405, 2.76M)

Just subscribe to pewpewpew and there can be an end to the horror.

video magnet link:

>Brenton Tarrant manifesto
password: facebookshooter

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thanks user

(((Blumenthal))) is working with (((Josh Koskoff))) on suing Remington. What a cohencidence.

What about Bernie's rhetoric in the attempted GOP baseball shooting?

>why don't they ban twitter?

ban facebook they let him live stream it.
and they have repeatly have said they would be doing a better job moderating so shit like that dosnt happen. Cuckberg said so to congress.
Lock him up for lying to congress while were at it

Sham he didn't go after politicians he was too much of a pussy.

I do know one thing is that the step father of the skeptics must be laughing his ass off.

>Xi is pro-globalhomo

Not in China. They have reeducation camps for Muslims and are not replacing themselves with white Europeans, Africans or Arabs in their own country. Even though they have low birthrates as well.

I may be a brainlet but I don't believe that's actually true. I think he has a legal time limit in which to veto it.

Not McKiwi!

>cited trump in manifesto
yea yea bullshit

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>You did this drumpf!
Its all so tiresome.

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just woke up.


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What have you done, worthless faggot?

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You think a DNS block would stop me?

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Give up your guns now or more innocent people will die

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>just be good

>Even though they have low birthrates as well.
nb4 government owned bugpeople rape factories to boost rookie birth rate numbers for the next 20 years

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He also cited Jeb Bush.

>no thanks I'd rather israel had my bag

Thank g*d you're okay, habibi. Glad you're still knocking around m8.


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CAIR is a Jewish run organization just like the NAACP

The shooter likes China but no mention of it even though they have muslim concentration camps?

>CAIR is Jews
Its literally the Muslim Brotherhood.

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My dipshit counseling supervisor flat out said Trump is responsible and she hopes the same happens to him someday

Fucking lefties


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interesting to note that now after every mass shooting the left is demanding 1st amendment restrictions as much or more than 2nd amendment restrictions

Mr. Muslim Ban

>He also cited Jeb Bush.

Same thing, just like ISIS.

He supports homo groups like the democrats. Homo for thee but not for me.

>not attacking white people

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>Give up your guns now or more innocent people will die
This. This is exactly the subtext of jewish and liberal media whenever there is a "massacre," unless of course a "minority" is the suspected perp.

>yfw the mudslime said "hello, brother" because he knew the gunman, and it was a Muslim Brotherhood false flag because sometimes you've gotta break a few eggs

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she forgot the BLM hashtag

Hey kiwis, he loves you!

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That's our boi. Do you want us to liberate you personally? You could become the senator of Arizona in 20 years.

Should have posted his cool soundtrack in solidarity, Mr President.

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The man is an absolute pro.

Kek, Based barreness

Brenton is winning.

New Podesta happening

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vetoed! pass dat shit!

>Mr. Muslim Ban
So he represents about 90% of Americans, you say?

like my industrial?

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>New Zealand is a sickening tragedy
Agreed. Nothing but hobbits and sheep there. Terrible country.

Here we go.gif



Well, he didn't attack White people. What are the shills going to say now?

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what's the over/under when she gets banned?


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It's barely been a day and they are already taking guns.

Why does New Zealand even exist as a country? Why isn't it a part of Australia?

Won't ever happen. She hasn't even lost her blue checkmark.

Reminder Trump lied about the wall

The Hobbits would revolt.

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So was it McKiwi or SippBro

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id: nigger

yeah you're probably right
i feel like Twitter knows if they ban someone like her that it will cause a massive shitstorm

Globalist neocons like him are the reason this sort of thing is bound to happen

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It was a comfy place until after WW2 when Jews decided that no White country should exist

He was in NZ a week ago