Why don't white males take personal responsibility for the extremism they've created?

Why don't white males take personal responsibility for the extremism they've created?

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if muslims weren't in our country there wouldn't be any extremism.
go home - problem solved!

>Why don't white males take personal responsibility for the extremism they've created?
They do, every time they shoot up a bunch of shitskins , think of the sacrifice these brave men are making

The best part is when the chick is crying for help after the gunman wounded here and he walks up, double taps her chest, then double taps her head, you actually get to see parts of the hair and skull go flying. Fucking grade A entertainment.
10/10 , am eager to watch the next 1000 sequels

This White, American man is just as responsible, yet I've never heard a single person mention is name, other than Dr. William Luther Pierce.

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If Western forces hadn't meddled for decades in the Middle East, then there wouldn't be any Islamic terror to begin with. Prior to the West toppling governments, training and funding militias and invading Middle Eastern countries, the region was largely peaceful. Now you are surprised you have refugees coming from the countries where you created wars.


omg where is the video?

don't you mean jewish forces?
go invade israel and form your grooming gangs there then brainlet
gtfo out of our countries and there won't be any extremism. you know we're against jewish bankers wars too right faggot

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The typical blame it on jews defense.

Ok, shitposting aside
They deleted every upload as soon as I seen it, and I just didn't think I'd have to download it because rekt and gore vids just recirculate. I never seen them actively delete a vid like this. I don't think there's a housing that hasn't out right banned the vid and are keeping an eye out for it

Just part and parcel of decades of the multicultural experiment.

Why cringe? Mass killings have become the new entertainment , it's like the Colosseum in Rome, only in the comfort of your own home


I'm downloading it now, thanks bro


White extremism again minorities only happens in white countries really dinks your donk

Look at the flag mate... Don't feed the flag

This is stupid sick shit user. truly caved fucking heads who believe this attack to have been a 'good thing'.

The fact is that Islam and Christendom have been at war for literally ever. The brilliant plan of our enlightened leaders is that we can now come together and form a society cause ... well now we have shopping malls! and you muslims pay 13% interest on your credit cards too amirite?

Win win they say. Y'all just buy stuff and keep paying for it till you die, and play nice.

I'd have more respect for their 'multicultural project' if they recognised the seriousness grandeur and difficulty of what they say they are attempting to create.

But the reality is their vision of a rainbow of diversity is just a collection of cheap platitudes designed to keep us docile while they fleece both ourselves and the peoples they import.

multiculturalism did this. why don't the architects and supporters of open societies accept responsibility for what they've done?

Individuals are responsible for their own actions.

Added 1 sheckle to your account goy... good job

white males in all of said countries live under occupation everyday with immigration, niggers and the propaganda media.

did you not know the world is changing?

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Nigger, get over yourself. People on the planet move around. They always have and always will. Amazing that bongs have the nerve to complain about immigration after colonizing the world and moving human beings cargo across this ocean.

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So you don't blame all Muslims for terrorist attacks?

its just their culture. dont be racist or else they will bomb you

user, when was the last time that the West wasn't multicultural?

One thing I learned about the civil war was that city fags are never to be trusted and they should have burned D.C. when they had the chance. If the south had acted like the north things would be alot different.


lol can u imagine if you did this muslism terrorist attacks?
there wouldnt be enough room to put them all down

Only 1. But last week you'd promised me 5. Don't you remember when you told me, 'I'll pay you back those 20 sheckles next week." How am I supposed to feed all my children with only 50 sheckles?! You really ought to be ashamed of yourself NIgel.

>they've created

ahahahaha holy shit, imagine thinking the reasoning behind white supremacy's rise was BECAUSE OF WHITES

Maybe people shouldn't come to white countries if they want to avoid White terrorism?

Baaaah. Baaaaah. This is you. Now fuck off back to plebbit.

This slimy kike can cherry pick 6 events out of hundreds of terror attacks. Fuck kikes

all of those loss exchange ratios were better than 1:1 so I guess white people are superior.

>USS Liberty:
Jewish supremacists.

Jewish supremacists.

Assassination of John F. Kennedy:
Jewish supremacists.

Federal Reserve:
Jewish supremacists.

Jewish supremacists.

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Why don't diversity-fetishists recognize that the reason for the rise in Right-Wing politics in the West in recent years is because of immigration and citizenship policies they themselves cheer on and vote for?

Nationalism rises when people feel something is being taken away from them. Why not stop trying to take is away from them?

Who in their right mind thought the mass-immigration of non-Europeans into majority-European nations would go entirely smoothly without conflict? Has no one studied history?

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lol Twitter is so impotent

This is all you need to read

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Almost makes you wonder if it's being done on purpose

Why don't open borders liberals? Because you are faggots.

hey michael how about list the ones muslims made it too?
oh right, 280 characteres, my bad duh!

the perfect response to shit like this

Apparently the Armenian genocide was related to western intervention


Will you take responsebility for these?

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that was godly

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This article tells the tale. I am only stunned that white people fought back against non whites in their country. That is a sign of the (((Elite))) losing control and a likely prelude to their hysterical over reaction.

The paradigm shift from this event that everyone of every color and creed needs to take to heart is this: Whites have not fought back against their Racial Replacement so effectively since never. A government sponsored war effort/expansion effort like Manifest Destiny or the Indian Wars, is not the same as a couple of whites fighting back in the Era Of White Replacement. This attack is unprecedented. The video is being banned because (((they))) are afraid of other whites going off the reservation.

>If Western forces hadn't meddled for decades in the Middle East, then there wouldn't be any Islamic terror to begin with
Islam started as a "terrorist" religion. Muhammed fought 80 campaigns to steal money and women to grow an empire, all the while espousing his Bible fanfiction staring himself.

>can count white attacks on both hands
>need a 50-page book to even list all muslim attacks in the past 5 years

in other words, "this is revenge"

was about to upload this, but then:
>Error: Duplicate file exists. here.

so.. this

This. Fight the narrative, fight it until your last breath

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Is that legit? Because if so that's pretty fucking based.

In the U.S. a Muslim male is 60x more likely than a white male to commit a terrorist attack, fuck off

I want to believe this is true

Get back to me when you're done thanking us for creating every good thing in the world.

It's always a notch further right.
Migration concern - racist
nationalist - nazi
ethno nationalist - white supremacist

what the fuck are they going to call people who do actually want to enslave other races?


IDK, why don't Muslim ones? Making your research and compiling it into a list of literal who mass shootings all across the globe doesn't account for even 5% of the violent events worldwide.

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