Muslim here. I sent the 16 min New Zealand shooting video to everyone on my contacts list

We're heartbroken. Why do you guys hate us so much? We don't hate white people, we just want to live our lives. We're not trying to instill Sharia Law, or take over the world. Muslim politicians like Ilhan Omar are Rashida Tlaib are protecting the interests of America. What else do we have to prove to you guys?

I used to like all white people before 2015 but now I feel really insecure around you guys; because you could either be friendly and non prejudiced or full on neo-Nazis.

Attached: sBFoMet.png (931x918, 317K)

Other urls found in this thread:'_Wal_Bara'

wh*Tes are subhuman monkeys

"we just want to want to live our lives"
>in your countries :^)

>We're heartbroken
That's great! I love that!

kys breh

>start shit, get hit

forgot the count of abdools laughing at pulwama attack last month

charlie hebdo faggot

>We're not trying to instill Sharia Law
>or take over the world
>Muslim politicians like Ilhan Omar are Rashida Tlaib are protecting the interests of America
Wrong again.
Tell your "brothers" in DAESH to stop killing non-muslims.

I'm truly sorry for what happened i got many muslim/black friends but that shooter was a real nigger and i don't like niggers with shotgun.

I hope everyone of you in our countries die a horrible death

We would but you guys destabilize and destroy our countries. Now you're trying to invade Venezuela for oil in the guise of democracy and humanitarian aid. And then you're going to complain about refugees when their country gets totally destroyed by you guys. It's a never ending cycle. You never learn.

Please fuck off back to Somalia. There are no white supremacists there.

>We're not trying to instill Sharia Law, or take over the world.
OK I believe you user

Because you're a bunch of medival barbarians invading our lands at the invitation of the jews you pretend to hate. Is it not obvious? You're invaders and you should be treated as such.

Inter ethnic conflict is inevitable between muslims and Europeans even if our priority are the jews.

Part and parcel of living in a westetn country.

We hate you because you run over schoolchildren with trucks and gleefully maim people going about in their day to day lives. We hate you because the governments that we can't control kill you with bombs relocate your people to our nations and then expect us to welcome you with open arms. We hate you because you are here and not where you are supposed to be. We didn't want to see your peoples killed by drone strikes, choking on israeli white phospherous or any of the atrocities our governments have forced upon you unjustly. But now we are starting to hate, You are going to know what happens when you get white people angry. Holocausts, Reconqista and all the genocides of the past are going to be dealt to you and the people that pushed you here. I wish it wasn't so.

For any and all media outlets trying to figure out how Jow Forums might be affiliated with
this recent terror attack let me fill you in as well as give the Jow Forums communities official
stance on the matter.

Over the last week Jow Forums and hundreds of other social media platforms have been invaded by
entities originating on Militant Atheist LBGTQPOC discord channels advocating for
"Accelerationism". The same Accelerationism advocated by the terrorists own manifesto.
This anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, xenophobic and anti-Trump #resistance organization has
relentlessly bombarded all faucets of conservative media with their hateful and dangerous
rhetoric promising free money to any and all who would join them in their crusade against
humanity, freedom and democracy.

From what our caring and peaceful community can disseminate thus far is that these
"Accelerationist" believe that President Trump is destroying the world and that the only
way to fix it is to "accelerate" this process so the masses wake up to what they perceive as
President Trumps failures with the hopes that it will rally the masses behind Democratic
Socialists like Andrew Yang and AOC.

The Jow Forums community, especially the love filled patriotic Christian souls of Jow Forums,
UNEQUIVICALLY DISAVOWS all Accelerationist terrorists and does not in any way condone,
advocate or represent the members or Ideology of said terrorist #resistance organization.

Thank you for your time and we as a community know you will do the right thing by shedding
light on this most unfortunate turn of events by exposing the truth about the #resistance
Accelerationist movement and infiltration of social media.

Your prophet was a pedophile and you koran instructs you to "strike at the necks" of us unbelievers. It is you who are sick and hateful perverts.

Just stop being Muslim. It's really that simple.

Yes, i know there are well meaning muslims, i know quite a few myself. Here is the deal though, not all muslims are moderates and we can see what is inside your brain. So if i see a muslim there is a good chance he is going to explode. Do you know what i mean?

>implying any of those countries weren't shitholes even before western intervention

No, not all of them. Seriously. stop

So you’re going to destabilize and destroy our countries and then go... where? The moon? Ha!

>I feel really insecure around you guys
Good news, there's a place called called the "middle east" that's full of muslims, so how about you go there?
You don't have to prove anything, just get the fuck out of our countries.

Wh*toids* actually my brother. Aman Shallah

"You, you, you". Yet when someone blames all the muslims shooting whites in Europe they are not "real muslims". Fuck off already.


i meant we can't see of course

You're savages. Better safe than sorry

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Because you follow white civilizations like a bad smell. I look for any habitable country in the world where I can live with 95%+ whites and no danger of wogs or Muslims following me and it just doesn't exist anymore.

You can't even leave your religion behind. Two cultures will never exist side by side under one government or ruling structure, not for long anyway.

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Inbred shitskins are the laughing stock of humanity after niggers. That Muslim woman getting shot after crying for help made me believe in God again.

T. Seething turk roach

>Why do you guys hate us so much?

Attached: D1gWbHhVYAAaVnp (1).jpg_large.jpg (720x960, 261K)

Why are you even here, nigger? Shouldn't you have been airstriked by now or something?

Why are you trespassing on my territory?

Attached: Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze (1816-1868) Western Emigrant Train Bound for California Across the Plains, A (2000x1154, 2.85M)

Heres a tip, Achmed. We always hated you. Ever since September 11, 2001. You wonder why everyone hates you and wants to kill you, that is your answer. The hate did not start in has been simmering for 18 years now.

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Her name was Ebba Akerlund.

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>"you" guys destabilize our countries
what the fuck did I do you dumb nigger? Fucking get rekt

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I agree and feel the same way. Fuck discord trannies and jannies and mods

>What else do we have to prove to you guys?
Your god, for one.
Don't your Imams have some sort of conjuring ritual? Can you film it for us so we can see that your god exists, has a path for followers, and expects it to be so?
Because if you can't do that, you're just larping a belief system as a military tactic; and the joke got old over a thousand years ago.

Appropriate response desu

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In case this is sincere, (fucking lol) I genuinely wish it didn't have to be this way. Why did your population here multiply after 9/11? You faggots think we wanted you here? Peaceful separation is preferable to being blood sacrifices for the globalist games.

>you guys
What the fuck have I done? Countries like Ireland are conveniently left out when this argument is made.

I don't blame you for ISIS, don't blame me for some Auscuck. At least there aren't a 100,000 Auscucks invading some random country to make an ethnostate.
>pretending OP is real

*gets bombed in the street by pkk* nothin personnel, kid

> "guys"
I am afraid you don't understand mate.

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You're here, but still haven't figured out who starts wars in the M.E. huh?
Don't blame that shit on me, I hate our government more than Semites.

Syria is practically fine now. Most of you fags left countries that were completely safe. I have nothing against you in your own countries. You cannot stay in ours though. We are not compatible.

You're the circumcised inbred brown guy. I can't even begin to imagine the nightmare that is looking in the mirror and seeing mudshit eyes and fecal colored skin looking back at me LOL. It's no wonder Muslims and niggers are so violent.

Here’s your answer OP

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Nice taqiyya. We know what islam expects from you and you follow it willingly.


>Muslim politicians like Ilhan Omar are Rashida Tlaib are protecting the interests of America

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More like for 1300 years

I want Muslim scum dead.

He's not wrong, and if they aren't that, they still have a tribal allegiance that supersedes any nationalist sentiments, which are usually feigned anyway (Taquiyya)

>Now you're trying to invade Venezuela for oil in the guise of democracy and humanitarian aid.
For fuck sake stop this, everybody in the region want USA to invade but can't say it loudly because would make us look like even bigger cucks than we are

Nigga, where you been for the last 1400 years? Muslims have always been shit towards non-muslims.

If you actually believe in Islam, you're required to hate non-Muslims. It's not optional.'_Wal_Bara'

Also a reminder:
>Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. (Qur'an 2:216)

By the way, if you're not in favor of shariah, you're an apostate by implication, and under Islamic law the punishment for apostasy is death.

Learn what Islam actually teaches and then decide if that's what you identify with or not.

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Apologize and stay in your own countries, and then we won't have any problems. Yesterday only made up for half of Bataclan in body count.

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we have a common enemy. the groups causing our leaders to attack, pillage and destabilize your lands, are the same ones encouraging you to immigrate to ours

it's terrible that innocent civilians ever get swept up in this. the only fault that either your people or mine holds in this debacle is apathy and ignorance.

"Friendly and non-prejudiced" as in happy to sit back and have the media shit all over white people, their culture and history, ignore any of the hard work and sacrafice, while relentlessly pushing to bring in enough immigrants as to erase them in 100 years. You look the other way what a nice little white person you are!

And of course as we see anyone who speaks out is a neo nazi. Cheers!

We hate you because after muslim terrorist attack after terror attack after terror attack everyone in the muslim world sticks their head in the sand like it didn't happen.
I'm sickened and maddened by both the attacks on your people and mine. But you couldn't honestly not expect this to happen. Maybe you should organize your muslim friends and have a demonstration against islamic extremism. Accept blame for once. Maybe if you do things like this will stop happening.

now you know how whites feel every few months for the last decade

welcome to the reality of state enforced conditions that create sectarian violence

they call it “progressive” here

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based burgerpost. the only people spouting any support for this shit are have their fucking crotch wounds glowing so bright you can see it through their posts. this place is 99.9% faggots and glow nogs trying to push this Acceleratzionistic bullshit. this isn't going to work out for them either

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>you guys destabilize and destroy our countries
You deserve it.

It was mossad.

>yeah you're right but you deserve it, deal with it white boy :^)
>have pity for me though :(

>Why do you guys hate us so much? We don't hate white people, we just want to live our lives.
Get the fuck out of White countries and you'll be allowed to live in your old shit hole countries instead. If you remain in White countries, you're gonna die.

>kebab trolling intensifies

It's called being progressive. We all live ontop of each other and watch as belief systems clash and turn into violence.

OP is mossad. real muslims know who did this

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fuck off nigger

Live your fucking lives in the middle east then.

yeah ok prove it, what evil did the people in mosque do?

go live your lives in your desert shithole where you dont have to worry about wypipo ny nigger

dont bring venezuela into this
its not a caliphate
its not muslim
military intervention is highly popular among voters
venezuelans dont want to live elsewhere, in fact they want to go back

tl;dr Jow Forums is a board of peace

Nice English Mohammad

>Why do you guys hate us so much?
because your invisible friend tells you to kill everyone who doesn't believe in him

>we dont hate whitey

Should have sent them this.

Who lives by the sword dies by the sword, get used to it.

Because you shouldnt be in america or europe or kiwiland in the first place.

99 terror attacks, in 20 countries, in the last 30
days, in the name of Islam.

Surprised this doesn't happen more often really.

There is already a refugee crisis happening in venezuela due to their own incompetence

Get the fuck out of western lands and go live your lives in the shitholes created by your fellow Muslims.