I'm forced by the jannys of Jow Forums to come here to talk about the shooting. So yeah, the video was pretty fucked up...

I'm forced by the jannys of Jow Forums to come here to talk about the shooting. So yeah, the video was pretty fucked up, right? What are your thoughts.

I can't wait to have this discussion in the double digit IQ club.

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part and parcel of mass replacement migration
cry somewhere else bitch

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he wants to start a civil war in america and his only purpose was to accelerate that, and leftie burger journalists are more than happy to comply

Welcome to.the 80iq special zone with all.of the loser highschool drop outs and people who eat their own shitm

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>I can't wait to have this discussion in the double digit IQ club.
The return of the Prod

It was pretty funny

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Just some follies in neoliberal imperialism. We're still solidly on the path to the extinction of all natural cultures and the creation of a single market of 90 iq untermenschen.

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I concur

You have to be really repressed and domesticated to not have burst out laughing at multiple points during the video. The climax being the help me lady going splatooey bahahah

I agree with most of his ideology, but his methods were very, very wrong.

>claims Jow Forums is double digit IQ club
>comes from Jow Forums

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i nefer macke ani tipos. an hef pervekd gramar. zo i has 144% iQ

wnad do chadt! i maen?

just part and parcel of living in a big city
49 part and about 20 parcel

Please look at the picture

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Link to the full paper

It's right there

Couldn't care less to be honest. After seeing truck attacks, stabbings, rape gangs, no-go zones, and bombings with a lot of it basically swept under the rug or given a hashtag that's forgotten in a week, seeing it happen to them fills me with no glee but I am not saddened by it in the least.
It's part and parcel after all.

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>So yeah, the video was pretty fucked up, right?
What a great discussion prompt. Clearly you belong in Mensa.

kiding obviously.

1st, welcome.
2nd, yeah pretty fucked up but when i think about the last 3 years (i could go further back but pic related from will speak for itself) i think about what our (yes including yours) governmeants have brought this upon the "victems". if they would have alowed us to have an open and most of all civil discusion about said topic, most of this could have been prevented.
what are your thoughts?

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no surprise there since Jow Forums is full of non whites

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>/ic/ that high
obvious bullshit

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what do you wanna hear
its what ignorant and incompetent political decisions backed by mainstream leads to
the people how created and/or enabled the melting pot in the western world now screech and moan when their actions show the first reactions
unless we all are willing to address the elephant in the room shit like this will just keep happening
on both sides
and no amount of thoughts and prayers will fix that

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>testing IQ based on post contents

What the image actually says is that any board Jow Forums or higher is a low-userbase hobby board that can't into board culture

shoot good. moslems bad. yang 2020.

>Jow Forums

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> killer got stopped by a Muslim with a gun
> Muslim going to jail for illegal gun
> also self defense is a crime in Kiwiland

I want to reduce immigration, especially islamic, to my country because their culture is incompatible with our way of life and it leads to shit like terrorist attacks. I just don't like seeing random people getting gunned down for something they didn't do, despite their religion and ethnic origin.


>something they didn't do
you mean outbreeding us?
or do you mean building 2 mosques in Christchurch? not even trolling. if these "people" had any respect for their host country they would have build them outside city limmits imo. i am not even trolling here. what happened is sick AF but this could have been prevented by our leaders, or theirs by showing some respect. oh and btw, fun fact: muslims do not have a leader, therefor all is fair game in war.

> be aussie
> in kiwiland
> try to start war in burgerland
He was a brainlet. There will be no wars here.

then sentence the killers to death under the rule of law

expecting immigrants and/or guns to just disappear will result in disappointment at best and Islamic dictatorship at worst

he obviously didnt think it would directly lead to civil war, but would be one of many stepping stones to it

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ah the perils of not proof reading lmao

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I don't believe having kids is a crime, but you could just limit further immigration to stop the growth of a large troublesome minority. And then deport anyone who doesn't integrate
Yes that would be a great solution, the terrorists wouldn't be able to hurt anyone anymore and it would save the state a lot of money if the alternative is life imprisonment.

>And then deport anyone who doesn't integrate
you know this has been tried before right?
no! no more, to many sleeper cels among us already. have a look how far they have already "intergrated" in my country

now i know that my country is meaningles in the grand-scheme, and asuming you are from the states. how far have they "intergrated" in yours?

i hate to say this, and it is even a little hard to accept but the way i see it we are in the middle of a global civil war. i am NAP all the way, but as the NAP advocate S. Molyneux long ago stated. "maybe the time for argumeants is over". i am starting to believe that

double post anwsering like it is nobody's buisiness.
bu i just thought of something in regards to muslims and them not having a leader.
take note of how calm Ayaan Hirsi Ali is stating her arguments. and how the reactions of her oponements are. for the record i am proud to have once be able to call this woman a dutchie. POWERFUL and BRAVE.