This is coming from someone who despires Muslims and Islam more than anyone here

This is coming from someone who despires Muslims and Islam more than anyone here.

We are the West. We are the single greatest society to ever exist. We have to stand by our values.

If we now begin to act like muslim fucking scum and start shooting innocent civilians we have become the very thing we seeked to destroy. The reason Trump won and why Conservatism is rising once more is because western people want to distance themselves from the absolute scum of islamic culture and embrace traditionalism. And now this... White Terrorism... we are better than this. This is not us.

Attached: Unbenannt-1.jpg (414x411, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

true. this guy is real Jow Forums

>We have to stand by our values.
Can you list them up for me curious what you are gonna list

WTF? Muslims could never be that accurate and precise with their shot.

Don't you DARE bring us down the their level.

Muslims commit a mass shooting... It's normal.... Christians commit a mass shooting and everyone losses their minds... Deserved

towelheads don't have the monopoly of violence, in fact white people are better at beig violent than them.

He wasnt a christian

>Just let them invade and take you over, goyim!
I don't condone what was done but it's only going to get worse. When whiter people get pushed against the wall they respond with ferocity.

Stfu loser. Muslims have done it to us for ages. It was about time we gave them a taste of their own medicine.

And where has that line of thought gotten us untill now?

that's the only way to win a war you sperg. you won't change anything by taking the moral highground, fuck

what's wrong with you
you honestly think you can have a civil discussion with barbarians? fuck no

If you kill the enemy, they win

For any and all media outlets trying to figure out how Jow Forums might be affiliated with
this recent terror attack let me fill you in as well as give the Jow Forums communities official
stance on the matter.

Over the last week Jow Forums and hundreds of other social media platforms have been invaded by
entities originating on Militant Atheist LBGTQPOC discord channels advocating for
"Accelerationism". The same Accelerationism advocated by the terrorists own manifesto.
This anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, xenophobic and anti-Trump #resistance organization has
relentlessly bombarded all faucets of conservative media with their hateful and dangerous
rhetoric promising free money to any and all who would join them in their crusade against
humanity, freedom and democracy.

From what our caring and peaceful community can disseminate thus far is that these
"Accelerationist" believe that President Trump is destroying the world and that the only
way to fix it is to "accelerate" this process so the masses wake up to what they perceive as
President Trumps failures with the hopes that it will rally the masses behind Democratic
Socialists like Andrew Yang and AOC.

The Jow Forums community, especially the love filled patriotic Christian souls of Jow Forums,
UNEQUIVICALLY DISAVOWS all Accelerationist terrorists and does not in any way condone,
advocate or represent the members or Ideology of said terrorist #resistance organization.

Thank you for your time and we as a community know you will do the right thing by shedding
light on this most unfortunate turn of events by exposing the truth about the #resistance
Accelerationist movement and infiltration of social media.

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U.S. soldier kills 50 shitstain in war

Man kills 50 shitstains on his own terms
>I'm literally shaking

>If you kill your enemy, they win

Germany is the north, you degenerate cuckservative.

So your only option than is to vote on it? With YOUR government? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

I didn't see that guy driving a truck or being part of a rape gang, I don't see how he was acting like a Muslim.


Spoken like a true KEK, how many years have we stood by and "condemned" these muslim terrorists without doing jack shit? These are a violent, savage race who's religion indoctrinates them to conquer by blood and sword in the name of Allah, no fucking joke.

You think preaching peace and unity will make them change? Christianity is cucked today, our ancestors will have taken up the sword and driven them out from our countries like during the Reconquista.

You are no different from the liberal cucked white man who tries to reason with a nigger that breaks into your home and rapes your wife before shooting you all for being white crackers

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>if you fight to keep your land you're no better than the muslims fighting to take it!!!
I'm fine with that. Having the balls to fight for literally anything is still miles better than doing nothing like we have been. If that puts us on par with Muslims then it simply means we weren't even measuring up to them before.

>We have to stand by our values.

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OP won't answer this because OP is a shill and probably Muslim

how about not killing unarmed civilians for one

Real world doesnt function on high ground.

>This is coming from someone who despires Muslims and Islam more than anyone here.
>muslim flag
You aren't fooling anyone you subhuman scum

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Being alive is better than being dead. It's you or them.

New Zealand was hardly par for the course for white violence. Muzzies openly train and prepare to carry out Similar attacks and are immediately labeled lone wolf extremists by the MSM. when given a taste of their own medicine the entire white race as well as any conservative line of thinking is labeled as the culprit

Terror without virtue is murder.
Sage and /thread this shooting

Even in Canadian history they killed unarmed natives. Never been apart of the white devils values

Tried voting, didn’t work.
Time for action is now.

Then we have to get rid of muslims, simple

Don't push the pink skins on the thin ice -old andorian proverb

fuck you nufag. no muslim is innocent, ever

>If you kill your enemies, they win!

>If we start acting like Muslims, we are not better than them.
He, that's what the left has been claiming for a long time, that we are not better then them.

Tl:Dr Jow Forums is a board of peace

pick only one

I don't get it. Why is the crowd to the left side of the room already dead before he opens fire? Am I stupid Jow Forums? What am I missing here?

Is that a Trudeau quote, too OP?

White doesn't mean christian, most white people don't give a fuck about religion outside of America, even then most "Christians" really aren't christian at all, they turn up to mass once a year because they were brainwashed as a child and don't want to go to "hell".

Also the guy was Australian, you have to be fucking retarded to think an aussie shitposter was christian.

If you do nothing they win by default. They will gradually subvert law enforcement until they live according to Sharia law, complete with raiding of surrounding areas for gibs.

Attached: they do it to us and the media doesn't care.jpg (241x223, 37K)

Go fuck yourself

The shooter was an anti gun piece of shit. Thankfully an armed Muslim chased this cowardly POS away from the second mosque.

>le turn le other cheek
fuck off cuck

>if you kill your enemies they win!

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Hail Satan. If we cannot live in peace as angels, then let us be demons of war.

fuck off, faggot

>if we kill our enemies they win

oh that flag nevermind

>And these blast points, too accurate for Sandpeople. Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise .

c u c k

The model of the West in relation to Islam are the Normans.

Not better at spelling it seems.

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>Innocent Civilian

Pick one faggot.

better than sitting on your ass like you do faggot

>shooting innocent civilians
No man is innocent user. We all deserve death and some of us deserve a slow one.

>"... a state authority is entitled to demand respect and protection only when it meets the interests of a people, or at least does not harm them. There can be no such thing as state authority as an end in itself, for, if there were, every tyranny in this world would be unassailable and sacred. If, by the instrument of governmental power, a nationality is led toward its destruction, then rebellion is not only the right of every member of such a people - it is his duty. "
"In general it should not be forgotten that the highest aim of human existence is not the preservation of a state, let alone a government, but the preservation of the species. And if the species itself is in danger of being oppressed or utterly eliminated, the question of legality is reduced to a subordinate role. Then, even if the methods of the ruling power are alleged to be legal a thousand times over, nonetheless the oppressed people's instinct of self-preservation remains the loftiest justification of their struggle with every weapon. "

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>innocent civilians

Attached: blog_innocence_muslims_0[1].jpg (420x263, 28K)

Wrong, if this guy went and shot a bunch of Muslim rapists or Marxists/pro-refugees committee, everyone would sympathize and his violence would have real life change.

What people don't like, is unintelligent violence.

You sure about that, Mohammed? Seems to me that if we start acting like Moslems, we are no better than Jews.

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I don't think that's ever been one of our values. Not that Muslims are innocent

peace for Whites

>inb4 only im3erial stormtroopers as so accurate
go back

Senator Fraser Anning is calling on the attacks to be blamed on Muslims themselves. Get reckd cunt rash

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Violence is part of nature. It's been like throughout all of history, and then whites cucked themselves for 50-60 years and became soft and fluffy. And now, whites are waking up to reality - that you need war in order to obtain peace.

So you want us to wait while our useless governments let the outbreed us into a minority in our own countries? How else are we supposed to stop them from coming here other than making them fear us like they once did?

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lolololol the west was created from this but continent wide not a single incident, now kindly fuck off concern jidf

The Muslims are acting exactly like anyone would expect them to. The only ones who are wrong are the cucks getting hysterical over this. There is no formal battlefield for Islam vs. the West. It's a guerrilla conflict fought the world over.

Trump is a fucking loser. No conservative movements advocating complete removal of these people have made any progress. There's just limp dick shit like "reduce immigration," even though there's already so many of them littering the west that they can swing elections in their favor. Retards like you think 5 or 10% muslim population is fine, it's only a problem if they get close to 50. You're dead wrong, and 10% muslims will become 50% in a few decades, if not sooner.
This man lashed out in a world where he has zero political voice because all of his politicians betrayed him and their own race.

>if you kill your enemies, they win
it's okay to have your countries taken over by invaders as long as you can maintain the moral highground

well said

Terror is its own virtue

standing by your values while your race gets erradictaed by the indians, niggers, pakis and arabs. Sounds good amrite?

too late bro

>killing unarmed people dressed in a full body of armor with autistic writings on weapon
Wow what a fucking hero. Absolutely based and repilled

>U.S. soldier kills 50 shitstain in war
Thats not normal user, thats outstanding performance; in both scenarios.

>Sir, the Saracen army is assaulting the castle!
>Tell the soldiers to stand down
>But Your Highness, they have already slaughtered hundreds of farmers outside the gates! They're here for conquest!
>If we fight back and defend ourselves, we're no better than they are.

Attached: knight.jpg (640x857, 135K)

What the fuck are we suppsed to do, huh? Vote them out? Ask them to leave? Fuck off faggot, Muslim terrorist attacks have been going on since 2015, about time someone got pissed off and did something.

Moronic liberal logic. Go suck a muzzie dick

Go prep fatimas bull nuri


>There is no formal battlefield for Islam vs. the West.

4th Generation Warfare.

that's where you're wrong, kiddo

>1 post by op
Kill yourselves.


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>thinking those Muslims weren't rapists
Lurk more

>muslim kills 50 muslims
>muslim kills 50 muslims
>muslim kills 50 muslims
>muslim kills 50 muslims
>muslim kills 50 muslims
>muslim kills 50 muslims
>muslim kills 50 muslims
>muslim kills 50 muslims
>white guy kills 50 muslims

What do you think American soldiers do, user?

where muh equality faggot NOW it's ok to strive to be better than them? fuck you. to death. with a pack of bacon.

Stop repeating yourself

>Spoken like a true KEK, how many years have we stood by and "condemned" these muslim terrorists without doing jack shit?
Muslims are currently fighting in Iraq and Syria to get rid of the very terrorists that condone terrorist attacks experiencing bigger losses than any western nation did from terror attacks of said terrorists. Why do you see only one part of the world and shut your eyes over the rest of the world?

The shooter is a fucken moron.

"I don't like Muslims, therefore let's make this peaceful place more like Baghdad by shooting up Mosques and planting IEDs."

Absolute dumb fuck.

next time post with a meme flag faggot, its fucking embarrassing and kys please

Or alternatively, there could be no Muslims.

Mudslimes need to fear the white man once more. It is because of how cucked the white race has become that Abdul has no problem with killing and raping whites. But I guess it doesn't matter since you are just one of those cucks.

>When someone kills you it's okay because you were the better man and did use violence ;)

Attached: 1547370867763.jpg (960x835, 119K)

>some G*rmanic is cucking for Jyzria and forced conversion
Look at the time the G*rm*ns are trying to ruin White Christian Europe again.


Attached: mnf.jpg (800x420, 127K)

he was not a true christian

more like
>muslims kill whites month after month, year after year
>stories get memory-holed ASAP and mainstream rhetoric is about how muslims are the biggest victims because of the following "islamophobia" that happens after they attack us
>white kills muslims in a retaliatory attack that doesn't even scratch the surface of the damage that's been done to us over the years
>all white people blamed and you never hear the end of it even years later.

Liar!!! You fucks just want them to overpopulate the world more and more. Hitler is rolling in his grave because of you

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