Aussie shit poster kills 49 mudshits in New Zealand

>Aussie shit poster kills 49 mudshits in New Zealand
>Next day Missouri introduces a bill that makes it mandatory that all 18-34 have to own an AR-15

This timeline incredible, I'm extremely jealous of the fine citizens of Missouri.

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Lmao St Louis niggers would love that

isn't there a euro country that has something like that?

Mountain Jews aka Swiss, basically whole nation is militia. Locals even have tank destroyers and APCs.


If it passes I will clap.

>yfw youre 35

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It should be federal. No, wait. It should be global.

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>Gibs me dat AR!

YangGang Fallschirm Jäger Edition

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But Desu, you're 45

Is this the only way to purge felons and illegals? They aren't allowed to own ARs and if they can't own an AR they can't meet that requirement

The clickbait headline doesn't say they would be given ARs. It says they would be required to have them. Go buy one yourself.

Feels good living in Missouri

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It was introduced on 2/27

bullshit! sauce

God Bless America.

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Fucking based. I am a Missourian.

Missouri scares the yangcuck

I’ve been gone anons, anyone got a link for the full vid?

I’ve wondered how many Missourians are on this board. Pretty nice to see some

As a white man, my demands are simple: $1000 a month, an AR-15, and a big titty debt-free virgin goth gf.

Sounds suspiciously like someone wants a well regulated militia

>state mandate AR-15
I've been meaning to get a gun anyway

the niggers are all felons.. they won't get shit, and East St. Louis is in Illinois.
STL bro here

It’s a right to bear arms, a law that says you must bear arms is unamerican



This is the worst state in the union.
I can't wait to leave this shithole.

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Tbh i'm glad the gubmint dont give me a gun, call me a subhuman but I would probably get emotional and use it. Burgerland is just way too depressing.

Fuck off kike, this is a constitutionalist wet dream.

>The history of the Swiss are based in the Templar, who practiced banking and have a special guard for the Vatican
...based ....?

yes it fucking does. I am going to drink a shit load of boulevard in celebration of this proposed bill.

>guns are a human right!

So every nigger and Muslim gets an AR? KEK

Based and redpilled

As a Californian, I'm appalled at this backwards state making this bill.

t. liberal kike

Its the geography really, why switzerland becomes a fortress, no need for a massive army. They have caves and bunkers everywhere and can blow all the bridges and roads in or out. Its pretty slick what fortress judaica has become.

Guess I know what I'm spending my $1000 on

I have an SKS.

Will that do?

Whatever Missouri is doing, they are doing it wrong. The state has the second-highest murder rate of any state in the country despite being 80% white. How is that even possible?

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Wow. I currently live in NJ and I hate it here. My only experience with Missouri is the people I knew from there when I lived in Chicago and the Netflix original Ozark. Are there any cities anyone would recommend? I wouldn't really want to live innawoods. It just seems like such a based fucking state.

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Well, I basically count as three Jow Forumslacks because I live with two other people, they see Jow Forums vicariously through me.

>as a Californian
Stopped reading

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Saint Louis

March is literally the month of Ares, the god of war.

its about fucking time I get some of MY RIGHTS subsidized by the state, given all those tax dollars they've received from me, it would be nice if the state would buy me a fucking gun here and there.

Because Niggers, what do you fucking think?
This state is great except for the two containment zones on both the east and west sides.

Lol, what the fuck is the point of this?

You're not gonna carry it around with you everywhere.

Now if they obliged everyone to carry a handgun with them at all time that would another matter.

no. it must be a babykiller-15.

Jow Forums was used a numbers station for the attack. It was planned.

St. Louis and Kansas city is FILLED with niggers that bump those statistics up, m'nigga.

I would say so, they know how to keep their independence. They used to be very ruthless mercenaries in middle ages.

Very democratic (but in direct/local democracy) yet in some cantons women got voting rights in 1970.

Militant nation, some strict social rules (like you get shit when you take shower after 22+).

Consider every male at least trained soldier, having AR in their home. Dont want to mess with mountain jews.

>What will be son? A mandatory waifu or a mandatory AR-15? The goverment can afford only one of them for you.

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>a bunch of rednecks and Big Chungus-tier baboons out in the Ozarks in Civil War-era line formations with their govt issue ARs doing militia drills
>the guy leading it is basically Robert E. Lee but he's wearing a wife beater and gold-plated Raybans
>they break for lunch and have a shit ton of mashed potatoes & fried chicken

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>Facebook down all day yesterday
>Today, mass murderer livestreams his killings using Facebook

Should just burn everything along the Mississippi river.

How come Switzerland's mass gun-ownership doesn't result in the kind of regular gun violence seen elsewhere?

Is it because they're a largely homogeneous population with a relatively high average IQ?

To be fair, that was your face before you heard this news too

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Not using anglo music...

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Other bills sponsored by this madlad

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>requiring ownership
>legislating my purchase of goods or services

Fucking statists.

based trips

suck a dick and die nigger

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All men are drafted. They are fucking nation-army.

When you get stupid idea to go on killing spree, you realize every other guy has AR in their home. Good luck.

Irradiate the water and they’ll still come back to drink it after

i dont give a shit how other countries arm themselves desu

Well armed militia

Jew lover.



They're controlling the narrative using Jow Forums

Niggeristan confirmed

Never call me a eurocuck again you fucking road hater.

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can we nuke St. Louis, Kansas City, and Columbia?

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This is a planned attack on free internet its not a gun control issue

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we would love to cut California off and toss that piece hunk of shit into the ocean, if possible blast your state at the fucking sun.

Drink spic shit out of a straw
oh wait
you can't
because straws are illegal in cuckifornia

meanwhile in missouri
wez 'bout ta gets dat AR m'nigga

>pic related, because its a California forest fire lol get rekt

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A massive fuck you to the anti gun (((agenda)))

>tfw youre 19

Yep. Except “shall issue concealed carry” is now “the constitution IS our permit, fuck off ATF”

God I would love to. Too many libtards and niggers

When was the last time militia did anything at all?

Just a bunch of larpers from the looks of it.

How to immigrate to Mizzou?

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no its not, its a bill that would require everyone in the great state of missourah to have at least one AR in their home.
nothing to do with the internet.

Absolute madlabs

based af

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lmao will they at least co pay part of the expense?


I think on the page it said it would be tax free

tax credit my nigga
so basically
fuck paying more in taxes
go buy a gun.

>government can now mandate you to buy whatever lobbyists think of next

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>tfw born into quads

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dayum son, where'd you find this?

Do you realize how many leftists are going to accidentally kill themselves? I looooove it

Cute bearo gimme gimme

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It's literally where the headquarters of all central banks is located.
Not based, it's ground fucking zero.

lol, cant fucking wait

Pretty much everyone in America as well, but that doesn't stop mass shooters, because very few people carry a weapon. If your gun is lock in a safe in your house and your at the mall, it doesn't do you much good when a guy with a AR starts randomly shooting people.

Pretty sure they only have the guns, but aren't allowed to have Ammo.

It's a provisional militia, ammo is dished out by the Gov during time of crisis.
Don't qoute me on that though.

holy shit, kek