If the girl make it very obvious that she likes the guy and he still won’t make any move then it’s safe to say he’s not interested right?
If the girl make it very obvious that she likes the guy and he still won’t make any move then it’s safe to say...
Not interested, shy, it wasn't that obvious, it was obvious as hell but he didn't get it, he got it and is not sure what to do, he's thinking about it, you can never tell. Unless you walk straight to them, look them in the eye and tell them you want to date them, because you like them a lot.
But ask a guy friend if they think if it's obvious. Men and women have very different interpretations of things.
Why is it so hard. I thought guys won’t reject any girls, ever
How much is obvious from your point of view? What is obviously clear to you when you think a girl is hitting on you
No, he could just be very shy or inexperienced
I hope you’re right. I will keep giving him hints then
Why don't you just make a move?
Because I’m scared, not about rejection but about him turning away and won’t talk
I have no reason to believe that any women have been interested in me, but people talking about men having missed signals in the past makes me want to believe that I am just the densest man alive.
Surely women can be trying send signals without talking to me or looking at me, right guys?
How obvious are we talking about?