How are they any different than niggers other than perhaps marginally less violent?

How are they any different than niggers other than perhaps marginally less violent?

Hard mode: Use your mental gymnastics to explain away how dysgenics is a good thing.

Pro tip: It's not a good thing.

Attached: most-white-trash-photo.jpg (565x428, 44K)

They are less violent and have higher IQ

they should still be cleansed
they are only European in color, but subhuman in fashion, body, and ideology.

12% of the general pop takes up 40% of the jails. It's about 35bil a year extra for niggers.

The dad is still present

They're different than niggers and illegal spics because if they were given the same type of government funding and handouts, they would pull themselves out of the lower class and into middle class status.

Why do you think people disagree with you, idiot?

White trash are trash, it's in the name. It's a term white people use about lower whites. They are different than the equalent for Africans, niggers, in that there is much less of them, and that their lows are not as low.

>The dad is still present

Only because he's out on bail!

that says more about the police/laws/judiciary than it does the prisoners in your slave country.

>less violent
not sure that bears out.

Attached: Race_Ethnicity,_Religious_Involvement,_and_Domestic_Violence_-_1077801207308259_-_2019-03-16_07.43.4 (649x428, 16K)

Nah, there is a meme I think jews are pushing that it's okay for those types of dregs to shit out kids as if they were niggers

Their culture is disgusting, but only their culture. Their DNA still has great value, and with the world cleansed of subhumans, fixing everything else would be much easier.

>marginally less violent

isn't that enough of a reason?

Because even poor white comitt less crime than rich niggers.

>whites act like violent uncivilized animals
>non-whites do the same thing
>>"its their genes, culture derives from genetics anyways."

Man, there is nothing more pathetic than PoC white supremacists. Why are you so self hating?

>Their culture is disgusting, but only their culture. Their DNA still has great value, and with the world cleansed of subhumans, fixing everything else would be much easier.

I've met some Brazilians that are probably more Aryan than our garbage tier whites, I've noticed some Brazilians do look Italian but are tall and built like Scandinavians, Nordic/Med master race.

Brazil has "white" people.
In fact they're probably the only ones allowed to use the internet there. Pretty much an apartheid state.

Did the jews give you this propaganda rag?

I'm white, not sure where you're getting at. The worst of the whites is still better than the """"""best"""""" of black or muslims. With the word unified, standardizing values and morals would be very organic and natural, and behaviors deemed white trash would cease to exist.

Yes, it's a melting pot over here. Jow Forums loves to bring up how Brazil is made up of niggers, but they aren't even the majority. It just goes to show how disruptive and damaging they are. The far south of the country was originally made up completely of European immigrants, mainly Italian and German. Unsurprisingly, the state with the highest amount of ACTUAL whites always had the best quality of life indicators, since ever.

Yeah nah, 99% of South American flags on this board are non-white. They just delude themselves into thinking they're "whiter than their countrymates" or some shit.

all the science i know on propensity to violence points mainly to young+male as the category that is most statistically significant.

"white" is a relative concept.


A lot of them are mixed, since Brazil's most dominant race is mixed, but there are a very solid amount of whites here.
And that's cute coming from your shithole warzone of a country.

>these people are niggers too, guise
Top kek. Do you not see that there is a father in that image of a family?

I'd say the Brazilian Italian/German combo is aryan as fuck even if they only make up 1/4 of your population or at least the Brazilians who move to the US, the rest of them look like Moor rape babies or blue gum nigs from Central Africa.

Every productive white person will have had a few less impressive people in his ancestry. If somebody is scruffy and slovenly in this generation, they are still nevertheless a potential conduit for genetic material that will conquer the solar system some day, if our race survive the current crisis.
That said, the family in this picture are not even THAT bad at all. Three kids, no obesity, all together. That man's probably more useful to the race than 50% of people replying here.

>implying the father doesn't beat the shit outta his wife and kids when hes drunk because he can't handle is alcohol as the result of having mongrel or Injun DNA.

Yes, we have some real fucking babes if you look in the right places. There's even a small town close to me, where all kids are taught both German and Portuguese. I hope we do fight in time to see places like this town remain alive and well.