IT has to be said

Whites are not like the other races. They lack empathy. Pol is proof of this. Whites display a cruelty of man that is not normal to the other races. You can call it edge but I believe its actually a type of neurological neurosis or genetic sociopathy. Much like the Jews. Pretty much the same in the regard.

You will never see other races openly mock the death of others, especially innocents. It may happen but this number is very far and few inbetween compared to european posters. Its as if they dont care about being evil and have lost their moral compass. They just dont care about anything but themselves.

I cant be the only person to notice this. Can anyone give me the actual science behind this? I have heard one theory called the ice man adaptation. Basically when whites ancient ape ancestors were stuck in frozen europe during the winter. There was nothing to eat. They had to develop a type of psychosis to make them crazy enough to go out and fight bears and mammoths or else they would starve to death. This abnormality stayed with them over the ages and could be the cause of their sociopathy today. The other theory is its just some type of brain neurosis like it is for the Jews. The jews have trouble with introspection as well as a type of sociopathic victim complex.

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Jews and whites are the most altruistic races on earth, you ungrateful subhuman.

Yeah we lack so much empathy we let people literally invade our countries to be nice


Doubt it


>sandniggers light people on fire in cages
>niggers put tires around people's necks and light them on fire
Reeeeeeee! White people have no empathy!
Kys nigger.

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White people just go nuclear when they snap. It's that mania that allowed them us to thrive and conquer