Discuss shooting with friend on telegram

>discuss shooting with friend on telegram
>he mentions guy who tried tackling shooter
>write "F"
>he gets triggered because im making an "edgy joke"
>blocks me

what the actual fuck

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>pressing F for a muslim nigger trying to get out

More like you are mad because he has you pegged down perfectly, whilst you think you were being clever "pretending" to care and can't understand how can a "normie" have a theory of mind better than yours.

What a weak faggot. Also what the fuck is genuine cringe? Doesn't seem like you lost much there.

why would you want a friend like that? my friends all shared memes of the dead muslims and talked about what parts of the video we laughed at most.

and I'm a fucking faggot talking about other gay people right now. wtf

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Let him

that's actually good, block a cucked friend today!

he got mad because i was being disrespectful to the muslim

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Edgy? Joke? Gay?

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Holy shit you're just as sensitive as he is, fucking cry about it faggot.

sorry for your faggot friend


Jesus christ user you never reveal your power level to normie fags.

just beat the fuck out of these people
jesus christ

imagine letting someone else tell you what to do or what to say

Get a room so you two can make up, homo

Didn't look like he tried to tackle the guy from what I saw last night - seemed like he literally had 1 way out and when he heard the guy come down the hallway he bolted and inadvertently pushed the guy or if he did intend to tackle he changed direction to dodge him midway when he saw the gun aimed at him

>being friends with subhuman inbred muslims

A Muslim will never take your side over another muslim. Ever.

this. after reading it sounds like you slurp semen on the regular.

>wanting to be unblocked by some mudslime
you're making burgers look bad

>friend asks my opinion on the shooting.
>tell them i don't give a fuck that a bunch muslims got a taste of their own medicine and what happens in nz is of no consequence to my life in the usa.
>so edgy bro! human lives bro! religion of peace! they dindu nuffin.

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he claimed to be a progressive, atheist and would call me a bigoted homophobe
yet he gets triggered that i dare "joke" about a muslim dying

fuck you zoomer and your faggot friend this whole thing has jews written all over it the fact that facebook just let it livestream and when i call someone a faggot or tranny in news comments i get 30 day banned within 2 minutes

Tell them to Learn to Code

you are both extremely cringey gays
but you are now more, because your butthurt anus made a thread about it on Jow Forums

>meme flag

no one gives a shit faggot. stop posting your personal shit here.

This is a reddit post.

Friends are overrated


I got bad news for you user...

Get this fuckin' retard back to r*ddit, maybe he'll get a few fuckin' upvotes there.

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Lol, u made him laugh, and he is afraid of that fact, so now he compartmentalized you with that evil part of his spirit, he blames you when its really him hes mad at

Muslims aren't your friend dipshit, neither are jews, neither are any other race

our news are toting the guy as a brave hero who tackled the shooter and grabbed his weapon, but "couldn't find the trigger"
It's hard to tell what he was trying to do

Why do you even try, faggot?

he said he was an atheist

sympathy will not gain you anything you are evil no matter what you do

youre worse than a woman op

>showing off your off-Jow Forums 4chan larp
Yikes and cringepilled

>muslim friend

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>muslim friend

none fucking cares about you and your friends kys

Op is underage fag

What a total normie faggot