Because the Last One Died

Poster said it was POV and he was aiming

Everything was unaimed nowhere near his eye which would be closer to the camera

Attached: unaimedshots.png (1794x939, 1.86M)


This is what real head camera pov looks like with a rifle or airsoft rifle notice the true POV angle and the closesness of the rifle

Attached: actioncams.jpg (1366x652, 379K)

what are you saying?

Maybe his camera is mounted a little higher on his helmet

unless he drives a clown car the fact that the view is up by the sun visor when he drives corroborates this

> hipfire is proof of a hoax
t. moronic Jewish faggot with brain damage from inbreeding

Attached: image.jpg (540x397, 127K)

>no guns never fired a gun detected
you don’t have to have your head in the same position to fire a holo sight as iron ones your perspective is shifted about 3 inches up from the gun and you also don’t need to look through the front and rear sight posts to get a sight picture

we never saw how he had the camera mounted, but it was way up by the headboard of his car. his eyes aren't up that far

The camera is higher, genius

Attached: hp.jpg (699x637, 43K)

link please. can't find this shit. bestgore is crashing too it seems.

I'm sayin he literally wasn't aiming but hip firing and holding the weapon tucked under the armpit for shooting hoax not in the shoulder like someone who is really around weapons would do

torrent fine?

Yeah, I cant find it either, all clips have been taken down, but I have a feeling we'll get to see it in a week or two

>says something out of pure speculation
>ignores go pro facts and head mounting positions
>implies the damn thing was on a pole like a ignorant shill/tard of tremendously low IQ

I rest my case still waiting for bullet holes in the weak ass sheet rock...

I caught it on liveleak yesterday

untrained unaiming sperg leaves no bullet holes in the sheet rock right corner despite frames showing path of flight going there???/

Attached: nobulletholes.png (1234x639, 979K)

yeah if you got one that'd be awesome, I see TPB has it up but there's a comment about no audio so I haven't checked it yet

I would think we'll be able to get decent access to it today, just people at work, etc. THX NZ

doubt it's still up, I still see a few clips uploaded but locate the original

*but can't locate the original full

got to it's like two clear clicks from there

I have it they ahve been massivley censoring this because it was meant for immediate smear and shock deception not thorough inspection for how fake it is CGI/crisis acting drill BULLSHIT I'm preparing a dump of the file be ready

HERE IT IS put in http://

uploadfiles dot io/p9m5h

notice at close range the clothes don't move while in the other half they do no blood splatter at all no sheet rock holes from "gunslinger" retard

moron you clearly have zero understanding of physics much less shooting...and yes it FURTHER proves the hoax your feeble mind can't discern

That depends on how you mount the camera doesn't it?

sounds like noguns talk to me post your gats