Right wing mass shooting

Are we any better than the Muslims if we are doing the same shit they're doing? Doesn't that make us hypocrites to do the crimes that we complain about the muzzies doing?

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Other urls found in this thread:

watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/files/cow/imce/papers/2018/Human Costs, Nov 8 2018 CoW.pdf

>Are we any better than the Muslims if we are doing the same shit they're doing
Yes. Our culture doesn't include child brides, goatfucking and chopping off clits.

>muslims kill us on a much larger scale and have been doing so for much longer
>a few people kill a few in retaliation
>hurr durr ur just as bad as them!

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Come again?

oh stuff it faggot liberals have assured me since birth i'm evil because i'm white and not a fag so fuck it i'll wear the villain's armor whatever let's play

And all of it is outlawed and abhorred here. In their shitholes they celebrate it.

Still doing the same actions. Not to mention that actions of the ZOG and US in the Middle East destabilized everything a whole lot more.

watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/files/cow/imce/papers/2018/Human Costs, Nov 8 2018 CoW.pdf

>Child bribes
Hello Down south, quit being such a faggot


>are we any better
>Are we hypocrites
It doesn't matter. This issue is past childish moralising. It's survival. Us or them. We can debate about the hurt feefees later. Pick your side and maybe survive, or pick no side and surely perish.

You drive around the Bush wanking off Kangaroos mate...


Pol has to be cleaned up. The boomers and stormfags and conspiracyfags need to leave.

>still doing the same actions
So fucking what if it's the same action, the reasons are different
>muslims kill us to take over our countries, along with raping us, and subverting us
>we kill them to stop them
Clearly not the same thing you spastic

It's outlawed over there too. The only difference is that large swathes of those countries are filled with what are essentially sand hillbillies. But does that mean all of them are like that? Even the majority? Heck not too long ago Western countries engaged in similar behavior until they got their shit together.

And we assume anyone who isn't white or (sometimes) asian is evil by default.

Yet it didn't stop them, and it gave the liberals every excuse to allow them to come in. It's trying to put out a fire by throwing fuel on it.

Except this is making them even more aggro. Heavy handed actions are gonna be met with heavy hand replies.

We are no better! You never attacked people that can not defend themselves, only inbreeds and niggers do this shit.

I know you're being ironic, but it's true.

What are you talking about?

Shut the fuck up you emotional snowflake, all you are is a little bitch on here, we don't accept little bitches. Muslim sandniggers kill because they're insane and their religion tells them too and your the kind of person to defend the wrong type of people in the right type of situation, it wasn't an attack, it was a defense against them being terrorist rapist sandniggers, Go cry.

"u jerk off kangaroos.......................................... mate...." Shut the fuck up you little triggered democrat bitch, you need a fuckin' little lesson on who the fuck is INCORRECT. Go back to 2chan.

>Are we the bully if we fight back against the bully?

How fucking retarded do you have to be to think like this?

>”W-We need to show the world we’re peaceful!”

Shut the fuck up, sitting here and peacefully whining about it for the past 4+ years hasn’t done shit.

This is the ONLY way Muslims understand not to fuck with us

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I dindu nuffin. Go ask the guy.

>muslims invading everywhere
>raping women and killing people in the name of isis
>you see an attack or assault at least 3-5 times a week
>get sick of it and shoot some of their worshipping and child raping area up
>"omg..... terrible man."

so what you're saying is we're the same just + $1000?

Good. We can finally put aside this lie that this problem has a peaceful solution and start actually fixing things.

While you faggots are arguing here on internet I am going to fuck some Serbian pussy. cya

Who weeps for the 20 Matyrs of Lybia or the Palm Sunday Matyrs of Egypt. Not the lying media, not you.

May God just the ChristChurch colonizers as they judges the martyrs of Lybia and Palm Sunday.

>that one bully claimed to be that thing
>North Korea is nominally democratic
>better murder anyone who participate in democracy

Are you retarded?

We're certainly better than you at aiming Ahmed

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