What was his name again Jow Forums?

What was his name again Jow Forums?

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free housing and meals for the next 20 years

Paul Denino

Literally who?

Muzzie muzzle

he wears tight clothes and that, is for faggots

You probably wear baggy clothes with a hungry skeleton underneath, don't you, leaf?

you can read the crazy on his face
I wonder what was used to trigger him

all the people on here that actually feel some sort of proud alliance with this man because he used Jow Forums are 100% garenteed all fat, angry little manlet betas.

i get the mentality but to actually go with it and not realize you are actively shitting on your god given soul, is fully retarded and low iq

Adam sessler

i were loose clothes and i am pretty skinny so, yeah i guess u r right


some faggot who literally played British Grenadiers at his own massacre


I just got home an hour ago and started to catch up on these events. i cant find a link to the shooting video... anyone have it?


Derek Jeter


No I will go to jail for sharing it

Slayin’ Strayan

His name is not important

Igor the golem

Wayne Rppney

Kinda insulting to the memory of brave men who died in the battlefield and fought with honor? Right?


Igor the Golem is his true name


>Mossad puppet

Mossad Agent #54654

Brenton "It's okay to be white" Tarrant
Brenton "Suck on this, Muzztards" Tarrant

I just got home from a space flight and started to catch up on JFK and 9/11. I can't find links, internet is new to me. Anyone have them?

Is for, fa-got!

He was a weeb.

His name is Sam Hyde

If you have to ask, you don't deserve such knowledge.

Tee hee

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prison bitch rape bait #238391

wtf is this shit? why does he meme it up?


for the lulz


Hang on, let me just ask him..

ain't a bad deal if you ask me

Because meme magic. Feel the power.

>Not all white men
>I stand with white men


Because he's mentally ill and takes the ideology of this board in particular to heart. Why can't you understand that? It's so simple, when all around you, you have monkeys screaming for joy over deaths of innocents. Why? "roaches arent people XDXDXD"

>this board
You have to go back.

That’s basketball american shit.

i'm starting to buy the false flag theory. he is acting like a caricature of a white nationalist. and yet he deosn't name (((them))).

something is so strange.

Brenton "The Crusader of Christchurch" Tarrant
Brenton "dump aag in the black flag" Tarrant
Brenton "Feet towards Mekka, head blown to Hecca" Tarrant

go. back. to. reddit.

Fucking 1000% this

confirmed manlet

Humperdink Cucumbersnatch.

How long until your shift ends?

False flaggers go in and do something easily outlawable as a next step in the agenda while screaming “GAS THE BIKES RACE CAR NOW” so they don’t even have to debate it.

Mossad "False Flag for Mossad" Mossad

Brenton "Kebabliminator" Tarrant
Brenton "they're supposed to blow themselves away" Tarrant
Brenton "Deus Vult for the Death Cult" Tarrant

Triggered babies who can't handle their safespace being called out for what it is. Odds are, I've been here for longer than any of you. You're no different from >chanology fucks who thought they were making a difference.


source? absolutely no pictures from the court anywhere. what's up with that?

Uwe Bowl

Brenton "directed by Mossad" Tarrant.
Brenton "former communist" Tarrant.

Attached: not_saying_it_was_the_CIA_but.jpg (500x436, 51K)

Brenton "Glow in the Dark" Tarrant

Tactical Tarrant

Kys conservacuck schizo.

>le everything and everyone is controlled opposition meme
I'd love to see you in real life. Every time one of you people shows yourself, via calling in some ecelebs show to call them controlled opposition, or by being moarpheus, you all, without exception are scizophrenic retards that come off like piss-stained hobos.

Very important.


no you

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Brenton "On the Jew Crew" Tarrant

Just post the fucking pasta and go, nigger.

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igor the golem is perfect, let's make it happen Jow Forums

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Tactical Tarrant, the Based Aussie Shootposter

Attached: aussie shitposting (1).jpg (662x393, 60K)

Damn it Straya in light of recent events don’t you think out of respect for the victims you could not shitpost for a day?



Juden McMossadface

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>20 years
Top kek user

The eternal blue checkmark strikes again!

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-16 00-09-59.png (612x707, 285K)

yeah this. they are going to move in on this board soon you guyse.

Brenton "the sword of the lord" Tarrant

Kebab Remover version 49.0


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Many people start out as Commies and end up as NatSocs etc. It's the natural evolution from being young and stupid to old and wise. Notice how it rarely goes the other way. A couple of Danish examples are Karen Jespersen and Mette Frederiksen. Started out as Commies, end up being anti-immigration.

Brenton "never name the Jew" Tarrant.
Everything does point in the direction that he is directed by Mossad or similar. I debated a Jew here the other day, and after his pilpul and wretchedness against me ended up completely failing he ended the conversation with "enjoy Muslims". While I despise Islam, and rightly so, it is still infinitely better than the JQ, and they seem intent on the West and Islam destroying each other such that they can more easily achieve Greater Israel.

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Its officially confirmed now

Igor the Golem

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make an edit where the ok sign is more visible

the Aussie schizo poster

Also there were a few threads here about his Serbia Stronk meme portion of the message, and it just goes to show the eternal Jew will eternally blame it on the Serb
>it's all so tiresome

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Oy that's Brinten the Cassowary Kebab Killah, crikey!

He's obviously only 80% redpilled. Most people are only 80% redpilled. They know all the shit that's going on, but they can't seem to see the (((connections))), cause they've been brainwashed hardcore with all the holohoax bullshit since before they could even think or talk.

If you read his entire manifesto and understand it, you just know that he's not a fucking Mossad plant or anything. He's just an 80% redpilled guy who'd had enough.

True, but you cannot always trust them, they often turn out to be controlled opposition. And some people are smart from childhood reg. these issues which is good and very much preferable (I cannot claim to be one of them, and I am ashamed of that, and rightly so. I used to be a "useful idiot" cultural marxist).
And Mette Frederiksen is a complete non-example, she is completely pandering, nothing more. Pelosi, Schumer and others in the USA argued for more border security not that many years ago. Don't be fooled. Unless you are shilling her intentionally, of course.

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so tasty

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But this is a board of peace don’t cha know Rabbi?

>read his manifesto, it is sufficient to know he's not a Mossad plant
>trust his writings
It is at this point that I remember how many Jews, Jew-blooded and Jew-minded people there are in Denmark, especially in the Greater Copenhagen area.

Attached: sit_like_effendi_and_eat_quote_claims_check_out.png (1000x768, 1.31M)

Talk me through how he gets persuaded to risk death and if not death spend 150 years in prison? Do the kikes have his soul or something? I’m only half being silly here, what’s in it for him?

tactical tarrant