A-are you guys ready for all the normies to wake up? I'm a little uneasy.
A-are you guys ready for all the normies to wake up? I'm a little uneasy
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One out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one.
I'm ready to start killing
Nothing is going to happen.
The true happening can only happen when germans go full autismo again, britbongs start opressing minorities or france lynch their kang (president)
kill all the faggots that presume to rule us that have weaponized everything to be used against the common man.
2020 is coming. Stay alert.
user I... >
Bring me your tired, your bored; your befuddled masses yearning to think free.
Those media-tossed tards, stuffed to the gills with corn syrup and late night TV.
I will place them against my heart, and teach them the ways of the non-conformist, because who the fuck else is gonna do it?
Most of the npcs wont know what time of day it is as they worship a night mans cock until morning comes. Just pass go