Barely finished high school, total jock

>Barely finished high school, total jock
>Got a job right away
>Saved up to buy a house and start a family
>Now getting into retirement.

Why can't we live this life, guys?

Attached: 1549919542391.jpg (500x496, 92K)

Because people fall for the college meme and burden themselves in lifetime debt.

Still cant throw a football over a mountain


Because they mortgaged our future to pay for it and now there's no one left to foot the bill

diversity is good goyim dont asks such questions.

A 1970's gay man?

>Dual citizens

Because in my city you can't build a new home without $100k in permits and "green materials" like solar, certified windows, etc... to build a home is so outrageous in most liberal run cities, that the cost is almost impossible unless you're a mega rich developer who's willing to use union labor exclusively in order to secure building permits by the city in timely fashion.

>A 1970's gay man?
Actually that was the 70's chad, user!

Greedy Jews took over and subverted it all.

HR officers that wont give you a chance

Attached: I Understood That Reference.gif (500x269, 883K)

>leg day
>not even once
degenerate as fuck tee bee aitch

If coach would only put him in...he'd take state.

mass immigration is your friend ;)

"free trade" with 3rd world countries is your friend ;)

never ever think amaerica first

nafta forever

i love mexico

i love illegal immigration

i love plebbit and obama

I guess you could have. You probably didn't have the self confidence to do any of it.

Jews and boomers evangelists

Because those resources are better extracted and distributed among third worlders why they are imported into your neighborhood and you are forced to compete with them for slave labor crumbs

That moustache was always homo

It's so fucked. They made the actual materials for the home one of the smallest parts of the budget. Permits, fees, unending list of BS things they want done, environmental reports, etc.... There is only like $100~150k worth of materials to build a regular senpai home.

> gay leaf user here
> worked part time in high school
> graduated in 2000
> took job right away at a truss plant, making meh money
> managed to get a millwright apprenticeship with a local contracting company
> better money, but had to work in some the worst places and conditions imaginable
> no wife or kids
> easy to afford a house and car
> sometimes lonely, but enough extra $$$ to drown it out with booze, drugs, travel, material items, etc
$10 says guy in the pic swings both ways.

Because these rat bastard lazy faggots didn't keep the professors in check. All this shit you're seeing is coordinated by professors at think tanks.