March 14th 2019 will be a very important date in history, this shooting feels... different

March 14th 2019 will be a very important date in history, this shooting feels... different

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Yes, even memes aside. This sparked an unusually intense reaction from both sides

Your side is going to die soon.

I'm shocked at the amount of whites refusing to outright condemn the shooting, it's as almost everyone is thinking "this needed to happen"

doubt it, no one will remember this in a week

March 15 dickhead
New zealand is in a different timezone to you

When people say their parents approve of what happened you know we achieved something

No, this is different this isn't your run-of-the-mill mass shooter, this man was calculated, calm and collected with a message.

you wish, chink

This is the real story. Conservativism is dying. Unapologetic advocacy of our existence is in


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>This sparked an unusually intense reaction from both sides
This is true. It's been universally condemned but when anyone on the left wants to say "it's white people's fault" a shit load of right-leaning people are now jumping down their throat saying, "what about the hundreds of dead europeans in islamic attacks that just got brushed off like it was nothing?"

The shooters were clever in what they did as this shooting just brought back up the whole islam in the west debate.

Blood demands blood burgerbro.

I have not forgotten

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This is the day foreigners found out a single white man can take out 50 of them.
This is the day they reconsider coming to white nations.

Something has changed, I feel as thought it's been so slow recently, but now the pace is picking up, and with murican elections coming next year too, chaos here we come.

Black sun rising

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There is only one thing we ever need to know from Australians ever, ever, again.

Why are you not out Shitposting?

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Never forgive, her spirit lives on in the will of the Swedish people. Stay strong

This was the date, you can feel the inflextion point in the air, regardless of the outcome march 15 will be in history books at the same category as june 28 and september 1

Is nobody else realizing its the anniversary of the assassination of Caesar?

Anyone got a full video of the stream

quite the hostility. do you want this to be held over your heads for years to come, or for it to die down before next week?

I knew there was something, it's almost like a sing.

I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. Now we'll see if it got any balls rolling
You gotta torrent it, but I already did. It's clean. Just download it and enjoy.

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Thank you, friend.

ides of march bro... its already an important day

also fuck all you faggots sucking the fruitcakes cock

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>In the case of her majesty's even weirder upside down land, we the jury find the defendant not guilty on the count of murder.

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This is because the only way to stop this escalating is for the left to do nothing at all, but they can't help themselves. They will use the attack to try to take guns away, censor right-wing voices, and so on. The right will not take it this time and will instead fight back, further escalating things.

Ides of March, to be exact

really though. Ive been havin this weird gut feeling something bad is about to happen soon.

>peaceful people with no weapons or fear of violence

>random low-iq neanderthal comes in with military grade weapons

Even a monkey can massacre hundreds of people.

The Jews are tired of waiting for Whites to attack muslims. They staged this op as a training film for copycats.

West vs Islam world war 3 on the way.

You gullible fools.

Muslims are not peaceful in large numbers, knock that shit off

She was a pretty girl.

The Jews are really gonna be shocked then

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Ebba is for avenging not for lewds

something bad happens all the time user

I wasn't being lewd user.

it feels weird to not be the victim for once

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