Memes and baits aside, do you feel anxiety knowing that this guy is walking Jow Forums embodiment...

Memes and baits aside, do you feel anxiety knowing that this guy is walking Jow Forums embodiment? He is all the jokes and bants incarnation taking dead serious this board satire, views and opinions in general.

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Other urls found in this thread:

he is meme made flesh

He's a cia glow in the dark mossad double nigger

and the memes keep rolling

satire?? I thought we were serious

Inb4 he says guys on Jow Forums radicalized him and we all go to jail

That guy is clownpill incarnate.

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the shills are working over time to try to prevent us from uniting behind the hero of Christchurch.

look at those forearms, what a chad

He just made meme shootings a thing just saying

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I thought everyone was artificial intelligence.

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Why'd they put him in a tunic? Is that standard in NZ?


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His playlist sounded pretty much exactly like mine. Very sympathetic dude, tbqhwyf.

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I hope Jow Forums finally gets taken down. I'll miss this sites non political section, but you fuckers have festered and injected your vitriol everywhere.

Y-yes the satire and jokes hehehe.


He'll be on suicide watch.

how many days will he last with muslims in prison?

Over 49 people died because some asshole couldn't separate internet memes from reality.

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How could I fester without the Zionists funneling US tax money to me?

They'll stick him in solitary like we did with Breivik. They don't want to create a martyr out of him.
Just like Breivik, the dude will have a prize on his head before the trial has even started.

he unironically never went balls deep into the ideology rabbit hole, he just stayed in the "muh race" surface. Go down enough and you'll realize nothing matters, every concept you suscribe to is meaningless, the only thing that matters is you and yourself, when you regain the individual, the Creative I, the Tabula Rasa of Being and shed away all this retarded nonsense is how you really become redpilled

>"Suspected mental issue" - Strip everything and get in the smock.
Suicide prevention etc.

probably Jow Forums will be axed, the countermeasure for the site is already there with the SFW 4channel nonsense

Do you ever wonder if these threads saying "white power" and the ones saying "t. Muzzie here we are coming for you know." Seem out of place for Jow Forums the board of peace? Saving the world with satire is what I do here, redpilling people and giving them direction to certain truthsthese threads mostly seem like bots. I have screenshots of me in some threads like this were no one could prove to be real except one clear shill that had zero explanations(can and will provide if necessary.) Classic divide and conquer. Why waste your peoples lives fighting your enemies when you can simply make them destroy each other?

The fact that he is a walking embodiment of Jow Forums surely will be used against this place.

Realfags please read lmk if you've seen anything similar

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Imagine believing anything posted here was ever a larp


Yeah, but he's a walking embodiment of that other Jow Forums, not this one. People with no fucking clue will come here thinking this is the place, because it's the biggest chan.

don't let the door hit your ass on the way out faggot

>This buttmad
>Over a cripplechan, not Jow Forums poster
Do you know how we can tell this is your first day on the job here?

No, I feel honored for the sacrifice he made. I wish I had the courage he had :(


Lmao they'll just infect /his/ /tv/ and Jow Forums will be their homebase.

Israel strikes 100 targets in Gaza after rockets fired at Tel Aviv

>being this new

At least I can weebpost on /a/.

this, the guy is like some kind of Jow Forums avatar - Aussie version

I dont follow you friend.

why are people incapable of separating jokes from reality?
Did this guy watch this scene from South Park and think Matt and Trey are unironic Nazis?
This place is for satire

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How does one man be a Chad, a manlet, and an Australian all at the same time??

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Jow Forums was filled with so many frustration and hidden fear from the direction the world was going to that it actually started becoming flesh inside some vulnerable folks. He is just the first one and will not be the last.


infinitychan aka cripplechan.

They are one and the same, but only if you make them be so. This is what he meant when he said he was done shitposting, and wanted to cause real change. Time will tell if it's the change he wanted.

>its all satire
>just look at this guy, he killed fifty peoppe

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no it's not cucked faggot
Jow Forums is real and you nufag cucks are ousting yourselves kek

what if this guy is really fucking smart and just played the long con to get the "not guilty by reason of insanity"

Nah, there's always some faggot who tries to meme IRL.

I still remember coming here for /b/ when people were still posting fucking O RLY owls. So bizarre to think what this place has become and how it's leaking out into reality. Can't get my head around it really.

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I honestly just feel sorry for him. He's sacrificed his whole life for this. He's worth a billion of them

Embrace the memes, cunt.

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Deranged lunatics like him always immerse themselves in some sort of sub-culture or conspiracy theory group before committing their massacres. Whether it's anti-western extremism or white-nationalism, it's all just a desperate attempt to legitimize what is ultimately a childish cry for attention, for everyone to see how much "tougher" and "better" they are than the rest of us. But anyone who commits acts like these are always just pathetic, deranged losers and failed manchildren. They didn't have the courage or will to lead a life of virtue so they decide to throw it all away, like a child who didn't get what he wanted for Christmas who breaks everyone else's toys out of spite.

If they let him live long enough, he will realize it some day but never admit it. He'll stare at his prison wall for years and years and have to fight back that tiny voice that tells him "you're no martyr, you're just another loser everyone already forgot about".

tl;dr he was a fucking loser and anyone who condones his actions are fucking losers too

Ahhh, I can still hear The Zone.

>He's sacrificed his whole life
No, the kikes took his life away a long time ago.

His reality was going to france and seeing shitskins everywhere

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>limited hangout - he's OK with Israel "as long as they don't subvert nations" which is preposterous considering that's what they always do, been doing since forever and will always do unless they're stopped
>doesn't name the jew

Breivik shot commies. Commies don't go to prison so there's no one to attack him. This dude shot Muslims, and prison is full of them.

don't forget to subscribe to pewdiepie

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Wait, you guys aren't being serious about all these memes?
What the fuck are you doing here?

The Hivemind manifest in flesh.

>no baneposting

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Yes, and that is a dangerous double edged knife.
A person emotionless, script-less can turn psycho or priest on a dime.

That doesnt matter though. You missed the important part of the my content. This all seems fake. I've seen these threads before too opposing sides of nonsense with canned responses everyone is saying things but no one is talking to each other. It's all fake they are empty threads largely devoid of actual life... or are you still too new to see the ghosts?

he was from cripplechan not from here, we are a board of peace

This guy fucks.

Yeah, it's so over the top though. It screams false flag. He's probably some globalist agent out to frame the few free thinkers left to not only sow more cultural division but also tighten internet censorship and govt control.

>we'll all just disappear
not even in your dreams

france can unironically go fuck itself tho, they are a fucking blight on the west since the revolution

You can be a white nationalist and oppose killing innocent people.

Honk honkkkkkk

>Another fake reply from a program that cant >comprehend my whole message

hilarious. a true shitposter.

Since the third republic, be honest. And that's coming from a royalist.

>O RLY owls
those were simpler times, I found this place through ytmnd, it's insane when you consider how ancient, in internet terms, this site really is, it's older than youtube for example, how it survived and grew to such insane proportions that it now can culturally influence the entire world. I sometimes really believe Jow Forums is an elder god in website form.

You do know his post was from eight chan, right?

This. So obvious.

I would also think like this if I was a short fat Mexican.
Nihilism isn't redpilled, faggot.


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Bless Terry Davis

I think it's a perfect example to show how people can be brainwashed by being a part of a cult
because that's essentially what this place is
you have the shadowy owners at the top, a supposed owner, the helpers who do it for free, and the fools who give their money
you have those dedicated that have their own inside language that are hostile to outsiders
and the ones that are brought into the fold are constantly told how shit they are but that leaving is impossible and stabbing the cult in the back essentially selling your "soul"

really it's missing the prophet type figurehead to rally everyone into giving all their money to the cult and burning all bridges with anyone that they know and go full in
but it doesn't work like that because it's based on the internet
so basically you can be the halfass version of the cult member
you get to ramble rouse and do the cult behavior but without having the slope version of moot fuck your wife while he takes all your money

what could go wrong?

you don't have to be emotionless, I'm not, hell I'm one of the most emotional people I know but the diference is that I don't do anything for some bullshit cause, because causes don't worry about me they worry about themselves. I spend time with my friends because I LIKE TO, I want to see people smile and live a good life because that makes ME happy. everything boils down to MY individuality, fuck everything else because everything else has no individual, it's just everything else.

Same. and Fuck of CIA Niggers.


serious case of the giggles maybe.


It really does feel as if the whole world has warped and become more like Jow Forums instead of the other way round lately. I miss the old simpler days.

stay bluepilled then, because it's not nihilism. I shit on nihilism

> is walking Jow Forums embodiment?

He is not, you imbecile. Read the fucking manifesto.

negro what?



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He's acting that way on purpose to accelerate the culture war.

I'll give you that my baguette friend, you know your country more than I do

Breivik had a prize on his head set by among others, the largest Pakistani gang in Norway before his trial had started. That's the main reason he's never getting out of solitary. They don't want a martyr on their hands, martyrs are messy. Breivik didn't shoot "commies", he shot diet commies, many of whom were muslims, because they all fucking vote for that party.

Do you think NZ doesn't have muslim gangs more than willing to shank this Bruce or put a prize on his head so others will? Guess again.

I don't buy the "muh false flag" rhetoric that happens every fucking single time somebody shoots up some place. I'm not surprising someone finally lit up a mosque, I'm just really surprised it took this long for someone to do it.

The guy was taking the aussie shitposter persona to the extreme and his manifesto is full of sarcasm and small traps media typically falls for. Example, people did ctrl-f Trump, found 1 occurence, called for Trump's arrest on twitter. Trump was not praised at all in the manifesto, quite the contrary.

Norwegian media bought the Nobel Peace Prize bait hook line and sinker even though it's obvious sarcasm for anyone who has spent half a day on an imageboard.

Shit is real alright, and media are eating up his bait like it was the finest fucking steak.

Please do not post your accelerationist terrorist propaganda outside of your discord.

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Lol, as if its not the same and whom you are trying to deceive here when entire pol praised him and cheered watching massacre?

>Mass kike-fueled immigration into European Nations to destroy and replace the European Race.

Just a meme bro.

It really is uncanny as shit, I remember when we just shitposted, fastforward to the present and two years ago we fucking elected a president

Honestly it's fucking terrifying. I unironically thought we were all just memeing.

Where can I find playlist? Please and thank you