I will make it short
>21 yo
>Smoking at least 35 cigarettes per day
>When i wake up , before going to bed,after eating ,in college between classes ,when waiting for bus,when walking,when studying
>5 years now living this way
>Start feeling my health degrading
>Spend al my money on this shiit
Finally, i decided to stop it
Anons any advice or experience may help
Wish i will post another thread months laters saying i ve quit it
Smoking free
You want cancer?
Just quit, smoke weed instead
Just remember that you DON'T need to quit smoking overnight, you just need to start smoking LESS. A common problem with addictions is thinking that we can just avoid it entirely, only to feel disappointed when we eventually relapse.
It's a good thing you know how many cigarettes you smoke. The next step is focusing on lowering that number as much as you feel comfortable. Take it easy.
It will be very hard.
Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known to man.
It's the nicotine that gets you hooked - it's the other stuff, the "tars" - that kill you. So nicotine gum or patches can feed your addiction while avoiding the tars.
There are some limited studies that say vaping helps with withdrawal
Vape, use liquids with nicotine, ask for the strongest ones (6 or 9mgs of nico per bottle). Then slowly stop asking with nicotine. You'll be fine
Youre physically dependent at this point. Gonna need patches, e cigs, or varenicline
See if you can get your doctor to prescribe you Wellbutrin or another cessation tool, or just convince yourself that smoking is boring. Either will work.
Anons i am forgot to mention that i am a poorfag
Do i really need patches !! And can't afford a vape
Should i stop it or start with reducing it
Thanks anons
I'd say, reduce to 3 cigarretes a day (one in the morning, one in the afternoon, one in the night). Do this for 2 weeks. Then, cold turkey.
You have to remain focused and be hard with yourself. Be like a soldier, you are under training, you must do this. The problem with making oneself better is that you are the marble and the sculptor at the same time. It will hurt, but you must fight it.
How can you get addicted to smoking? I've literally been a "social" smoker for 10 years, a pack of 20 lasts me like 6 months and half of those I give away. Haven't touched one in months now. Unironically, just stop smoking.
Actually, suden smoker have a better quiting ratio than gradual.
I quitted about 5 years ago.
You will continue to have cravings even after so long. It will be hard, but this can help:
1. Think: you are only not smoking one cigarette everytime you want to smoke.
2. Think: you have gone so far without, keep going.
3. Think: your mood, health, finances will improve.
4. Enjoy, you will enjoy food even more.
5. You will not stink. You will not look older. Your dick will be OK.
6. Substitutes: eat something healthy but hard to take. Like raw onions or raddish. If you push yourself to eat that instead of smoking, it will help, might seem pointless and senseless, but believe me... if you are trying to swim/row against the current then DO IT. This psychological effort will pay off.
7. You will get constimpated. Get your fibers going, walk, drink plenty of water, you might need to get some aids to poop. Don't let pooping become the excuse to smoke again.
8. Go for a run now and then, notice the differences, feel the life flowing in you, feel yourself getting better. Enjoy that.
9. Stop immediately, don't lower the doses, it will only be harder if you are not having "enough". It will be easier to go through it if you push hard, the temptation will be bigger if you go slow.
|0. You might feel very sad, angry, anxious, even sick. This is part of breaking an addiction.
11. I want to tell you, thank you. You are making the right decision and you are very fucking brave to even think to do this... its not easy at all. But if you make it , yes, come let us know.
Wanna stop now n sudden but afraid cause i have some exams and i am used to study and smoke before exams
Love you user
Wait what does smoking do to your dick
try using snus as a replacement for cigarettes, then weaning off that. it's working for me.
lmao 6 or 9mg is weak in my school. we have kids who regularly use 24mg on 150W and it doesnt even phase them
Weed is just as cancerous as tobacco brainlet. Same as inhaling any form of smoke
>what is vaporizing
Maybe we have different proportions depending countries, here in Chile the most you can find is 12mg and I've seen that making a regular smoker cough.