Here we go

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Wow. They are so threatened by people being able to disseminate information and expose corruption.

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So it was /v/ all along?

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I'm not going to read any of this shit, even for the lulz.

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And to no one's surprise the author of the article is a literal faggot.


Gamers rose up.

Why is that man wearing a wig?

Why are retarded journalists so obsessed with gamergate? That shit was manufactured from their own worst fears. This shit was like when the evil guy in a movie reveals your deepest fear to incapacitate you. For them it was, what? That nobody cares if they're harrassed and that they make their living from nepotism and prostitution? "We know 50 people just died and the bodies are still warm but remember journalists heard mean words!"

Gamergate is just a money-making scheme at this point.
>completely unrelated thing happens
>journalist namedrops GG
>Sarcuck of Blackdad responds
>journalist gets clicks and e-hugs from retards who are still assblasted about Gamergate
>Sarcuck gets views and patrons for being epicly based and redpilled
It's so fucking gay.

It's all the rage with psychotic faggots these days.

>So this is what gamergate was?
Makes me think about how much of human history is complete bullshit lies.

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>Yes lets take liberties away from people that don't agree with me that will surely make them agree with me

Gamergate broke these people's brains.



GOOBERGATORS damn you!!!
Seriously though the asshurt from that shitflinging in 2014 has the potential to destroy the world... what a great story i love it

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Nero did absolutely nothing wrong, except lose

8ch has always been based. shills and kikes still frequent it but most people call them out on their faggotry.

fuck muslims and jews

Gamergate was the first time a lot of these millennial journalists had ever experienced any resistance to their monopoly on propaganda.

Lowtax was right to kick all you arseholes off of SA.

And Gamergate has its roots in reddit

Brianna Wu is a man.

>Void gender
>uses voi/void and also they/them
>quotes user Twitter faggot throughout the article

>they're still on about Gamergate

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>using Hotwheel's Wold Ride for anything but top tier diaper porn

SJW's told me big titty anime girls in video games were bad so I gunned down 50 people in a mosque.


All you had to do was leave the video games alone, but no.

I know I'm going to eat downvotes just for saying this but at this point I fucking have to, Jow Forums has to face the full consequences for this. This isn't even some isolated fucking unicorn of an incident on Jow Forums either, remember fucking Charlottesville, or the Quebec Shooting. At it's best Jow Forums is just cultivating neo-nazism back into the general public, at their worst they are fucking radicalizing people to commit mass killings to their applause. We've reached a point where you can point to at least 1 mass shooter/terror plot a year is coming out of Jow Forums, and once they find out they just encourage it even fucking more, just look at the thread to this snuff film of a stream. And don't even give me that "sunlight is the best disinfectant/muh darkweb" shit, this exact problem has only been getting fucking worse since Jow Forums got more mainstream. Just how many fucking terror acts/mass shootings/neo-nazi grassroots from the 00's can you compare satelliting Jow Forums as compared to the shitshow that is the 10's, and it's only been getting worse later in this fucking decade. This shit belongs on the darkweb by now with the drugs and CP, let only the ones who want to risk getting caught even try and find it.
Don't you dare pull that "politicizing" card on me either, this isn't the right's fault, or the left's fault, and I swear to fuck anyone who blames Pewds or any name dropped meme for this is a right dumbshit. Everyone here said it for themselves, the last thing we should do is give murderous glory seeking fucks like these a platform. So why the fuck should we give their single biggest platform a free pass, the one that is actually applauding this shit and excited for the fucking sequel, hell I bet some of them will be dying to copycat as long as the board is still up and running to their live audience.
TLDR: Jow Forums has to go, nobody believes it's just ironic racism anymore.

This is copypasta material.

They're still ass blasted over Gamergate this many years later.

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No wonder they have PTSD from it.

>and the women, queer folks, and people of color who held up the industry.
These fucking people.

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Well, he was right after all.
It's uncanny even.


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They literally cannot handle anyone questioning their narratives.


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>did games, movies, music literature influence your actions in any way?
>yes, spyro 3, and fornite taught me how to be a killer
l m a o

scratch the liberals and the real nazi bleeds
we are a board of peace
why do they want to censor our freedoms
so sad and intolerant

They keep bullying people then blame them when they finally reach their breaking point, I don't ask "why did that happen" I ask "why doesn't it happen more?".

looks like something who'd be triggered by someone else liking something it didn't

are you reading this now, you cunt?

m-muh accelerationism tho

He leveled up.

>misuse of the term ‘grotesque’
Man that really grinds my gears

mulims are our allies. It's the jews that causes the divide between us

lol Joe Rohan must feel like shit he gave you niggers a platform to speak and try to reason. Jack Dorsey and that Indian chick are literally smiling their assess off

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Anita Sarkeesian was the fraudulent dud every one was claiming she was.

Gamergaters leveled up

Why didn't they stop him? he posted on there that he was going to do it.

based, this is just what NZ shooter was hoping for from the media.

>Gamergate responsible for some random maniac attacking a mosque
Oh my sides, journalism has gone off the rails for real this time

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Some of you bongs are alright, don't go to the big bonk-a-lonk tomorrow.

They want to shut down /qresearch/

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They're incredibly narcissistic, so if there's any way they can frame a story as "really" being about their noble profession versus the ebil nazis, they're going to take it.

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Is this Gamergate 2? Has Sargon been arrested yet?

>the women, queer folks, and people of color who held up the industry

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curious lack of reference to facebook

>hate thread shilling steadily increasing in recent years
>dozens of shill groups openly receiving millions of dollars in funding to "fight hate online"
>organizations depend on an ever increasing online hate to justify their existence
>christchurch false flag shooter is admittedly trying to get people/sites banned from the internet
>shills go into hyperdrive with hate threads following the false flag shooting
notice how there's no Yang/AOC shill threads at the moment, they've got a new mission
but it's all good because everyone predicted this false flag, everyone knew this false flag was coming

i knew video games were to blame for this.
fuck fortnite, honestly

It's a literal life action FPS



Jesus, this is written like a parody of some grand exposé... About fucking Jow Forums. You god damn feeb. You massive pandering jackhole.

this article best illustrates how their scam works
they simply quote shills who are here posting non stop hate threads specifically for the purpose of being fodder for the collaborator/useful idiot media

funny how the media never mentions all the groups who spend many millions shilling online

So they want to give 2020 away too?

they can't lie to the public if it's easy to find the truth. their kikery collapses.

so-called gamergate was an effect of elevatorgate

this is a perfect example of a shill hate post
they do it expressly so the media has quotes for their propaganda

They're so evil.

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I still don't bother to check what Gamergate is, so not interested.

they did this to kill Q

that is all you need to understand

Well that explains that worthless tripe, it was another lesbo blogger larping as a journalist again.


>void pronouns
this article is a joke, isn't it?


The only solution is to let more muslims into new zealand

rare flag indeed

>Jack Dorsey and that Indian chick are literally smiling their assess off
You live in a very simple world that makes sense to your very simple mind.

at least it's not us

what are you even talking about?

They have been untethered from reality for at least a decade.

Five years on and gg still lives in their heads. Imagine being so salty about something that when a massacre happens, you leap to connect it to your pet peeve before the blood has even dried.

>Why are retarded journalists so obsessed with gamergate?
It represents "the other side" (i.e. anyone else) doing activism.

Is that moot?

secret Jow Forums white supremacy hand signal given in court

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Wew, guess they haven't beaten the dead GG horse enough yet.

>video games made him shoot up a bunch of people
the more things change the more they stay the same

while you Jow Forums faggots were talking about gamergate we on infinity pol were talking about the satanic jews....Good God the sheer stupidity of nasty shills they can't get their shit right

They can't stop themselves even if they wanted to.

Hamas literally pays people to stab Jewish civilians and they're allowed on Twitter. Meanwhile, one psycho who spent his time on the chans is a reason to shut down the internet

Might as well blame the whole thing on anime if you are going to blame it on gamergate. After all, Jow Forums is an anime and Japanese pop culture website.

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