Women caused this mass shooting

Women are to blame for all that is currently happening. Mass immigration? Women did this. Terrorism and racial tension? Women invite outlanders and defend terrorists. Low white birth rates? Women don't want to form monogamous families with white males, they prefer fucking chad and tyrone and breeding mutts. High age of consent that leads to white males being mostly 30 year old virgins while white women are all sluts that take Chad dick since 12? Women, women, women, all women. I can't see a singe problem in this world that isn't directly tied to women being in power, being "liberated" from their responsibilites.

If the fucking shooter actually mentioned women, things would have made sense, things would be better. It would change something.

But without subduing women and putting them in their place, all efforts are in vain. Nothing will ever work, if we choose to keep them in power. And never be fucking fooled by "nationalist" women, there is no such thing, and all the LARPing vaginas have all been debunked and seen doing blacked porn on multiple occasions. If white men don't start ruling over their women using FORCE, nothing will ever change, women will never change.
A woman, if uncontrolled, is a natural destroyer of nations. Nothing good can come of you obeying women, it only leads to disaster.

The only reason why muslims are replacing white people is because muslims keep their women subdued, while white men are subdued by their women. THAT IS THE ONLY DIFFERENCE. The ONE.SINGLE.REASON.
If that changes, everything changes, and all the problems will go away, naturally.

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Get a date, fag

I concurr. They are ruining the white race by allowing sex or consenting rape with muslims and blacks. It would be easier if they just find a way to keep their crotch closed and only allow sex or rape from white males.

Show your flag, kike

The Alt Right is failing it's own shit test

>spend three years memeing white genocide
>memeing right wing death squads
>memeing crusade
>memeing Charles Martel
>slipping in that only conflict can come of the situation

Guy actually takes genocide seriously enough to act

>"you fucking cock, you didn't even mention jews"
>it's mossad
>our children are supposed to fight this war, not us
>this is morally wrong

Why don't these faggots just give up already? Admit it, resisting your total replacement is a lap. You all sound really fucking tough on discord, but in reality, you've already accepted the destruction of your civilization

slavs are retards and brazilians are mostly white, especially those who could afford to go to the world cup and fuck your wemen

Fucking based and redpilled.

I know.

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A lot of the white vagina worshiping nationalist use of the word, cuck, has to do with feelings of sexual inadequacy, repressed homosexuality, etc. There is more to it. It’s a way to blame (black, Jewish, etc.) men for what white women have done. The only way for a man to be a “cuck” is if another man is involved. This lets the (white) woman off the hook for her behavior by blaming another man. This is what is at the heart of their racism, blaming black men, Jewish men, and other non-white men for what white women have done. White women are nothing more than victims of non-white men to white vagina worshiping nationalists, and so are they. This is the same thing that is seen in conspiracy theory. The conspiracy in a conspiracy theory is always made up of a group of men.

Since white vagina worshiping nationalists started using the word, cuck, I haven’t seen them use the word, mangina, at all. There is a reason for this. A mangina is a man is has submitted to and obeys women regardless of how it harms him. There is no other man involved so the white vagina worshiping nationalists would be forced to hold (white) women accountable for their actions. Obviously, white vagina worshiping nationalists don’t want to do this so they accuse men of being cucks instead of manginas so that they can blame men for what (white) women have done.