I don't want to sound like a false flag retard. But why didn't he mention the Jews and their role in migration, media, NGOs banks, pornography, etc. Despite calling himself nazi in his manifesto?
For a 8c.hanner of all people he surely avoids to mention the jq.
I don't want to sound like a false flag retard. But why didn't he mention the Jews and their role in migration, media...
Other urls found in this thread:
90% chance of it being false flag by mossad
>Zionist (pic related)
>admitted contact to knights templars who gave them their blessing
>blames the white man for the immigration crisis not going as far as mention subversion at all
>wants to get rid of muslims, proceeds to shoot random people outside the mosque
>ignores the cause of the musliminvasion throughout the entire manifesto aka jews and zionists in high ranking politics and economy as well as the satanists and communists which also happen to be pedophiles
>goes to attack the symptom instead of the cause
>guy is extremely calm for doing his first murder and massmurder at it
>goes out of his way to make the immigration issue appear as caused by selfhating whites and whites that just dont know the consequenses without outside influence.
>appearently 2 or more shooters based on video evidence
>mossar spy ring in town
>happens right after NZ voted in favour of sanctions on Israel
>shills against MJ which coincides with recent anti MJ shilling on here that started about 2-3 weeks ago
see here for sources
Man Germans are always on point.
The whole thing is SO OBVIOUSLY an event created by the Jews in order to further harm Native European countries. Expect to see calls for MORE TOLERANCE and MORE IMMIGRATION as a result of this.
The video is entertaining to watch, but if people engage their brains and think a bit they ought to be able to understand the above.
some bump
Yes, im sure that guy that has a 95% of being castrated as a child prevailed his sexual desires.
happens to coincide with the recent shilling against MJ on here too.
>Sony/ATV Music Publishing is an American music publisher owned by Sony Entertainment. The company was formed in 1995 with the merger of Sony Music Publishing and ATV Music, which was owned by entertainer Michael Jackson. Jackson had purchased ATV Music, which included the Lennon–McCartney song catalog, in 1985.
>The financial clout of Grade, their adversary in the bidding war, ensured that the songs written by the two Beatles passed into the control of ATV.[4]
>In January 2017, McCartney filed a suit in United States district court against Sony/ATV Music Publishing seeking to reclaim ownership of his share of the Lennon–McCartney song catalogue beginning in 2018. Under US copyright law, for works published before 1978 the author can reclaim copyrights assigned to a publisher after 56 years.[47][48] McCartney and Sony agreed to a confidential settlement in June 2017.[49][50]
i wonder why this is happening
Also Cobain has a good chance of having been suicided
>based hans calling things as they are
Its like the 4th Reich in here.
anyone who thinks it's anything other than a Mossad false flag is clearly a newfag
Makes sense to avoid having normies see any mention of Jews in a bad light and going "yep he's an insane nazi he is hitler" etc.
He wasn’t an idiot. The near total omission of Jews was intentional. He didn’t want the focus to be on Jews. He didn’t want Jews to be able to claim that they are the real victims.
If Hitler was alive, he wouldn't have given any support/praise for the shooting.
>being called islamophobic genocidal mass murderer is so much better than being called antisemite
this is literally the most retarded argument i hear, and people keep repeating it all over.
something something blanket surveillance americanbar.org
>No, a jew living in Israel is no enemy of mine, so long as they do not seek to subvert or harm my people
Are you faggots so retarded that you really see this as not naming the Jew?
because the fucking mossad kike zionists are the ones who orchestrated the fucking attacks. if this faggot was a real user he would have strategically taken out the politicians that implemented the policies allowing muslims in to begin with
The fucking kikes benefit ENDLESSLY from this fucking shooting. They get to frame us, strip guns from new zealanders, get muslims and whites to hate eachother more than we already do all the while the politicians and kikes benefit ENDLESSLY.
Wake the fuck up. This is Mossad's wet dream
You false flaggots are the biggest shills ever. This was a crazy dude who killed a bunch of Muslims because he didn't like them invading his country. Read the manifesto you massssssssive dolts. He only said the 'im not anti semitic' bit to keep that narrative out of the media, therefore protecting Jow Forums.
You brainlets are so aggravating in your stupidity it pains me to think that my ideology could even slightly align with your faggotry.
If it were a false flag we wouldn't have 16 minutes of video (Vegas - 6 gorillion cameras everywhere, not a shred of video evidence) that is tirelessly trying to be scrubbed by the MSM.
If you could form a coherent thought, logic would tell you this was no false flag.
Stop mentioning 8cha before the place is filled with faggot plebbitors. Follow the rules you fucking shill.
he makes it sound as if israel is not specifically designed as safe haven for jews that were caught and that isnt the centerpoint of global human and organ trafficking
>“While the Zionists try to make the rest of the World believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn't even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organisation for their international world swindler, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.
It is a sign of their rising confidence and sense of security that at a time when one section is still playing the German, French-man, or Englishman, the other with open effrontery comes out as the Jewish race.”
― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Never once does he even hint at any subversion stemming from Israel or even from outside the white man itself and merely portrays it as an issue of whites hating whites and whites not kowing the consequenses. Since he never hints at any subversion stemming from it while mentioning "all" the causes and reasons he thus says israeli subversion isnt a thing and thus supports Israel and someone who supports israel in any way is by definition a zionist
>Zionism (Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת Tsiyyonut [t͡sijo̞ˈnut] after Zion) is the Ethnic nationalist movement of the Jewish people that supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel (roughly corresponding to Canaan, the Holy Land, or the region of Palestine).
Yes. Why no mention of things like this -
> In my extended essay ‘The War on White Australia,’ I explored how Jewish intellectual movements and ethno-political activism were pivotal in ending the White Australia policy — a policy change opposed by the vast majority of the Australian population. Australian Jews take enormous pride in this achievement. For instance, the national editor of the Australian Jewish News, Dan Goldberg proudly acknowledges that: “In addition to their activism on Aboriginal issues, Jews were instrumental in leading the crusade against the White Australia policy, a series of laws from 1901 to 1973 that restricted non-White immigration to Australia.” The Jewish promotion of non-White immigration and multiculturalism in Australia has been (and continues to be) a form of ethnic warfare aimed at destroying Australia’s traditional White racial homogeneity — and with it supposedly any potential for a mass movement of anti-Semitism in Australia.
Tarrant is a kosher stooge.
This so fucking much. Molto bene.
>I'm sure he wouldn't want anyone to get upset
>Tarrant is a kosher stooge.
spot on, mate
not to mention this faggot was CLEARLY trained and has had previous combat experience or LEO experience at the very least. There is no fucking way a random user would have been that fucking calculated. Shit looked like a hollywood production.
>bunch of racist white boy terrorists start attacks when fascist propaganda has gained global steam
>I-I-it’s just a false flag guys, nobody would do the things we say we want and should do
Fuck you losers. He’s one of you.
Mossad doesn't like this image, keep posting it
Yeah this, I read the whole thing and to me it sounded like he hated the jews as much as everyone else.
Yep I always wait for the inevitable Germanbro breakdown after these Zioshill false flags
Yeah no shit it's so obvious.
Jews only in isreal? No? Enemy
Jews seek to subvert? Yes? Enemy
Jews harm my people? Yes? Enemy
>Yeah this, I read the whole thing and to me it sounded like he hated the jews as much as everyone else.
Then why did the fag not blame (((them)))? He makes it sound as if Israel is not controlling the west. He said that the current white men are weak and strong ones are needed to get the job done.
If he can blame white men, why not straight up blame Israel? If Robert Bowers can do it, why not him?
This, people are fucking dense.
If he was a true 1488 Jow Forumslack he would have at least SOME happy merchant meme or Mossad or ZOG mention or something. This shit glows brighter than the sun.
i actually think it was some sort of false flag or mossad op.
but all the faggot on this board spamming every thread with this shit are fucking annoying. it's pure schizo D&C shit designed to make Jow Forums look completely unhinged and violent. if anything this is just another level of the mossad op.
because hitler loved opening his ass to muslims
Go back to l*ddit you crying nigger
He explicitly denied being nazi. Read again.
Hitler is bae. Although, I hope he didn't actually slaughter jews like Israel claims
stop using a memeflag and let me see what country you are from
this board is absolutely full of unhinged and violent people, surrounded by people too stupid to realize this board and other sites are at the center of a new burgeoning terrorist movement. The funniest part of course being that the entire right-wing populism this place has been a part of has put exclusively Zionists in power.
It’s unreal. And it’s going to make your own lives worse. Because sooner or later this is going to be treated like ISIS if it doesn’t slow down, and all global communications will be filtered and controlled to a greater extent than they are now. And all the nationalists will side with Israel because Israel is a nationalist state.
If he had mentioned the Jews they would have made this all about them. He knew what he was doing.
Seems purposeful to me.
He knows the lack of calling out the Jew except one subtle blurb will make everyone think the Jews did this.
Facebook allowed him to livestream the mass shooting. Fact.
He doesn't blame the Jews like Robert Bowers. Fact.
shut up retard, the shooter is ourguy whether npcs like you like it or not
t. Holohaux survivor
He did not mention women. Thats what matters.
Even as of now, a WOMAN PM calls for diversity and the abolition of guns in NZ.
Women are to blame for all that is currently happening. Mass immigration? Women did this. Terrorism and racial tension? Women invite outlanders and defend terrorists. Low white birth rates? Women don't want to form monogamous families with white males, they prefer fucking chad and tyrone and breeding mutts. High age of consent that leads to white males being mostly 30 year old virgins while white women are all sluts that take Chad dick since 12? Women, women, women, all women. I can't see a singe problem in this world that isn't directly tied to women being in power, being "liberated" from their responsibilites.
If the fucking shooter actually mentioned women, things would have made sense, things would be better. It would change something.
But without subduing women and putting them in their place, all efforts are in vain. Nothing will ever work, if we choose to keep them in power. And never be fucking fooled by "nationalist" women, there is no such thing, and all the LARPing vaginas have all been debunked and seen doing blacked porn on multiple occasions. If white men don't start ruling over their women using FORCE, nothing will ever change, women will never change.
A woman, if uncontrolled, is a natural destroyer of nations. Nothing good can come of you obeying women, it only leads to disaster.
The only reason why muslims are replacing white people is because muslims keep their women subdued, while white men are subdued by their women. THAT IS THE ONLY DIFFERENCE. The ONE.SINGLE.REASON.
If that changes, everything changes, and all the problems will go away, naturally.
He was Mossad like Breivick
Hey Rabbi watcha postin
No he’s not faggot
And now women call for the abolition of free spech. Women are natually EVIL. They are the fucking devil.
Extremists are weird like that, each one is different. This guy took environmental issues seriously and was talking about eco-fascism, which makes him an anomaly on the right. The more radical someone is, the more unique views they'll typically have.
It is all about the Jews though, without them there would be no rapefugee invader hordes being let in
Everyone being maybe 1/3rd to maybe 50% of Jow Forums? Why not take the opportunity to redpill normies on the Holohoax?
Yeah like holy shit, this board can be retarded sometimes.
Because it ultimately doesn't matter to him. He states right at the start the main issue is birthrates, and whites lack of motivation to take any action. Basically he wanted to keep the manifesto to the point.
So many shills reying to push this point, I'm pretty much convinced at this point that Mossad is here trying to paint this as their operation in order to discredit it.
True shit here
but the Jews 'liberated' women and the JQ can lead downstream from every other Redpill
the womanpill does 80% of what the JQ does but it's different cause we can't go to war with half the population like we could go to war a small sect of parasites.
>get muslims and whites to hate eachother more than we already do
Oh right of it wasn't for Jews we would get along with Muslims just fine not like they've spent a millennia and a half trying to destroy us or anything. Fuck off with your whole enemy of my enemy is my friend bullshit.
Thanks time to expand this
Good point and haven't seen it raised. Maybe he ran out of paper for the huge manifesto
Youre a fucking idiot im not supporting zionists or muslims but it clearly benefits zionists to have muslims hate whites and vice versa - also it takes the news off of the jews who have been catching plenty of flak in the media the past fucking year.
You are a fucking brainlet. Go back to pleddit faggot.
>Women are to blame
Abrahamist detected. Fuck off with your semitic mindset.
brenton tarrant is a kebab remover. kebab removers love jews, and bagel removers love kebab. nobody is both
I don't think you actually read it....
"Were/are you a nazi?
No, actual nazis do not exist.They haven’t been a political or social force
anywhere in the world for more than 60 years. Were/are you an anti-semite?
No.A jew living in israel is no enemy of mine, so long as they do not seek
to subvert or harm my people. Were/are you a neo-nazi?
That is a very broad category of people, and the definition is fuzzy at best. So no, I don’t believe so."
he called for merkel's assassination in his manifesto. thats not good enough for you?
You see, we and the West have a solid competition. We both aim for prevalence over the world; we both claim to be a universal civilization. We both spent centuries trying to destroy each other. You were born in Poitiers. We were born in Yarmuk.
But do not confuse things. Competing for the same space, for the same purpose, for the same place in the sun, but with rare exceptions, we always had principles. We never dehumanize each other.
There's a third group, if you have not noticed. A group that seeks prevalence, too, but in a sneaky way. Parasitic. They believe themselves to be an extension of God on earth - and the rest of mankind, as instruments devoid of soul, at their disposal and service.
I do not say that we are friends. We will never be. I do not say that you should not care for the interests of your people, race and family, always in the first place. It would be dishonest to propose otherwise. But we can always cooperate, peacefully, for our common goals.
Except when some gentlemen, mentioned above, rub their hands.
>black sun aka saturn
>call for (((civil war))) and (((accelerationism)))
>make sure to tie in as many "right wing" memes
>has tactical and shooting experience, performs under pressure
>results in demonizing anyone to the left of Mao
>takes the eyes off gaza bombings and Aipac and other juicy things
>NZ immediately will push more gun control and free speech regulations (hey remember that time a supposed autist shot up port arthur like a commando and immediately got Australia to pass gun regulation)
>kills a bunch of muslims in NZ, remember when Goldstein shot up the mosque in Israel?
>such an epic Jow Forums fag he mentions the word jew once in his retarded manifesto
>gets angry muslims to vow revenge on christians
>first group to vow revenge is Isis, who is so utterly evil they attack everyone....except Israel
Who benefits from such an epic memelord who was definitely one of us amirite yanggang....
Who gives a fuck what Hitler would think
give a country to women
this will happen
The first thing you should assume is that the manifesto is constructed as a means to an end, not to be truthful.
The end is dragging everyone on the fence into the racewar rhetoric by further polarizing society.
Ofcourse he won't mention antisemitism. The anti semites are already pariahs. He wants to suck more people into the zone of perceived evil. Decrying da j00z serves no purpose.
This man has very intelligently made moderates a target for the establishment. Things could get very bad now.
>da j00z
Why would he dedicate his life to taking out a few muzzies yet miss the opportunity to redpill about the jews?
Just look at how the Unabomber made primitivism famous all by himself just by carrying out attacks.
remember that time someone shot a synagogue and you schizofags cried about false flags. I do. All you are able to do is whine. Nothing useful nothing proactive. I don't hate you though. You can whine about how the ecofash government is a false flag once we've put it in place.
He didn't call himself a nazi you idiot, go read it again.
why does she have a mouse in her mouth though?
Yeah but that guy conveniently didn't write a manifseto against them, he just whacked them didn't he. No effort to try to convince the general public about how bad (((they))) are unlike this guy who ranted for pages and pages against the muds.
why do you care about white matters?
>despite calling himself nazi in his manifesto
>i didn't actually read the manifesto
read it from start to finish autist
Solid posts.
I think this thread has better intel Also, Strzok's testimony is being slid due to this habbening
It's not just a white matter. The JQ concerns to every race.
This. He's an obvious GLOW NIGGER.
>If he was a true 1488 Jow Forumslack he would have at least SOME happy merchant meme or Mossad or ZOG mention or something. This shit glows brighter than the sun.
but that would trigger the anti-semite meme bias.
by painting it only as a reaction to a muslim invasion, they can't use that angle, so this action can't be discredited, the lets say; narrative of his action can only be interpreted for what it is, pro_Euro / anti Muslim and strangers be warned.
if this was a operation by a ((( third party ))), is irrelevant.
Donald Trump was never a Jow Forumsack and still the MSM painting him as such.
so the "real" world is over; Anons know it's all a big PSYOPS by every goverent and shadow group there is. Nothing is "true".
It's all fucking narrative and no one is in control.
Anyone can fucking mess shit up and one side will call it mossad, the other jihadis, the other deepstate goons, white supremacists, etc, etc.
What is even real at this point?
>anti-semite meme bias
That's like saying
>he's triggering the "racist" bias
He's triggering all kinds of people by shooting unarmed muzzies, he might've as well tried to spread the JQ message to people who haven't been paying attention.
He denied being a nazi if you actually read it. Stop shilling, fed.
he does look like a false flag, to be honest...
his manifesto and the whole thing look like a big "how do you do fellow nazis?"
Somebody screenshot this
>anti-semite meme bias
>That's like saying
>>he's triggering the "racist" bias
The reason why they photoshoped off the Rotherdam name of the rifle is that every European can Emotionally link-up with the shooters actions, Propaganda works by FEELS.
They never show you the corpses of Euros because they fucking now what would trigger.
1h 08min.
The anti-semite meme is in the mind of everyone that would be on the shooters team. So, by never quoting the jews, they can't use that 70+ of emotional manipulation of anti European sentiment to shut reality off. They can only paint him as he painted himself; they can only manipulate perception through the lens the Shooter choose. They can't alienate him from current Euros by using the neo-nazi meme which is what would happen if he had le happy merchant memes all over.
Where can i find this manifesto? I have no interest in watching the video of the massacre because i'm not Logan Paul but i legitimately what to know what drove this dude to kill 49 muslims in a mosque.
put together the basic stuff from my thread.
dude every western country could deport all foreigners and lock borders down and at least a few of you faggots would call it a false flag or mossad psyop
Brenton is the real deal.
the nigger livestreamed it
and shitposted the whole way thru
intelligence agencies can't replicate that in a convincing way