Reminder that secret services are using trigger posts here to list all retards that seriously support the massacre that...

Reminder that secret services are using trigger posts here to list all retards that seriously support the massacre that happened today, enjoy being on the white supremacist list of the CIA and interpol.

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damn nigga u dumb
they already knew if you were a problem or not before you posted

as if they didn't have that capacity before...

They have everyone on lists, read what Snowden had to say.

The people that brought down the Soviet Union cared not if they were on any list of any government that was their enemy
Enemy is the only word important right now

I haven't seen the board this busy in over a year. Working well desu

>don't have opinions

>implying I'm not already on a list

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having opinions and supporting terrorism on the internet where your identity can be traced back to you is quite different

Ever heard of the Stasi, kid?

>Babbys first list
Imagine being this much of a newfag

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The only ones supporting the massacre are the alphabets, jidf and their dumber than dog shit kosher stooges. Its a total win for (((them))) at every level.

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glowies set up a honeypot, now it's a hornet's nest
god help them if they ever kick it or they'll have a lot more than 50 civvy deaths on their hands

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i can keep lists too faggots why does this bother you

The only terrorist I see is you.

Oh no a list.

Blow me shithead.

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C-c-can i be on the list? F-f-uck jannies and jews.

Live Free Or Die

CIA niggers spotted, you're glowing in the dark

Fuck off Rabbi. Nobody cares of people on a list, even those who write them. What do you think? Literal muslim terrorist are "Fiché S" In France but still there is terrorist attack and nothing is actually done. We stay quite trying to maintain "SOCIAL PEACE" understand that shithead? The gouvernement don't care about us, now i understand why the shooter want accelerationism all over the west. You got the Libertarian flag, but i can tell that you are a huge faggot. I'm a libertarian and not a brainlet like you.

Just focus on the money

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Macron s'en bat les couilles de momo fiché S, par contre les suprémacistes blancs ça fout les boules a Goldbergstein, du coup ils seront plus susceptibles de les utiliser pour te museler.

>support the massacre
>thinking this is a crime
>thinking people can be prosecuted for this

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Implying that everybody here isn't already on a list

lmao, you can have your children taken away from you in your cucked country if you don't accept their gender

Talk in English, or stop using fucking meme flag now. I don't fucking care if fucking kikes use a kebab remover to "silenced" me, what do you think are gonna do? Create new laws? We already got plenty here, i can tell that i don't give have fuck, not a single one. I am working in the gendarmerie, and nobody will never try to silence me, i got my liberty and I'm ready to protect it. Now grow some balls you beta cuck.

>imagine being so milquetoast that this is the thing that got you on the list

No, its not, I've been here for years spouting vitriolic, violent rhetoric aimed at no one in particular. I am absolutely already on a list and my understanding of this mans plight regardless of my support of it had absolutely nothing to do with it you fucking new fag.

If you’re here, you’re already on a list. Doesn’t matter if you’re an old fag or you’re a normie who just popped in today to say “fuck you!” You’re on a list.

>I am working in the gendarmerie
How does the police feel about what's going on, if the police and the military rebel, ((they)) can be overrun in 48 hours