Why do you only see right wing terrorists and never left wing terrorists? Are leftists the good guys?

Why do you only see right wing terrorists and never left wing terrorists? Are leftists the good guys?
>inb4 muh antifa
Hitting somebody with a bike lock and killing 50 people aren't the same thing.

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I wonder why the news doesnt parade Muslim terrorists around. Weird huh?

There were plenty communist terrorists during Russian revolution

Because guns are bad.
But you've gotta wait for a bit. As the ideological gap goes wider, you'll see more violence from both sides.

50 years ago
Doesn't count

Ever hear of "communism" big guy

Not to mention niggers kill whites at ridiculously disproportionate rates and they're left wingers

>Why do you only see right wing terrorists and never left wing terrorists?
Because leftists have lots of institutional power. The people with institutional power have no need of such tactics.

US numbers

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That one retard shot republicans at sofball practice.

That wasn't real terrorism!

Na they're just pussies

There are left-wing terrorists. The most prolific suicide bombers are Christian Marxist Palestinians.

Left wing terrorists are rare because most left wingers are lobotomized pacified turbo cucks who want nothing more than to be coddled and have everything 'fixed' for them

>never left wing terrorists?

What are you talking about? There are lots of communist militias and terrorist groups.

>but y only right wang terrors?
>pls ignore left wang terrors
a berniefag tried to assassinate congressmen. your question is just 'why are rightwingers better shots.'

>Jewish extremists
Wait, wtf, how come I've never heard of this?

What's the source on this?

It's the ones that get caught spray painting swastikas and calling in bomb threats to synagogues.

there are left-wing terrorists,
though the last time that was really much of a thing in the US was in the 1960's.

you could consider the veteran who was sniping policemen in texas a few years ago to be "left" I guess.

beyond that though you've got groups like "The Shining path" in the Andes/Peru, and you've got the YPG/kurdish separatists in turkey.

>multiple high-profile incidents where gunmen have massacred churches, synoguges, temples, etc. (within the last decade)
>blow up a fucking office building with a daycare center (within the last two decades)
>only have 16% and are outdone by literally who's accidentally blowing themselves up (weather underground) or kidnapping/murdering boring cryptonazi politicians(Red Army Faction), or some guy with a bikelock.

why are right-wing terrorists so beta?
might have something to do with getting laid more.

Oh, that makes sense now.

what about the truck of peace