Whites killing muslims

>whites killing muslims
>muslims killing whites
>blacks free to Muslim AND white bitches
Check mate fools who's really winning now bitch

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Deus Vult this Jihad that yeah aight nigga yall keep focusing on that I'll just be here hehe

Clown world

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How do we keep winning

whites and shitskins will shot at you nigger because both are hating you

I'm so scared vro

nobody's killing anyone at nearly the rate at which blacks kill each other
talk about a low iq race

Blacks would side with Christians if any conflict were to break out

Lmao Islam encourages intermarriage. I could care less about two grown women dating other Muslim men, their lives dumbass. I don’t think Muslim men cry about their women marrying out since majority tend to stay within the community.

Crackers butthurt for Arabs marrying black Muslims, fucking L O L. Go fap to hentai degenerate and stop sexual ozone these Muslims coupling due to your perverted obsession with black men

Sexualizing not sexual ozone kek

>perverted obsession with black men
I'm not jewish ..and there's zero niggers or arabs where I live

The funniest thing about this thread is that disgusting filthy non Muslims are angry about a Somali and I’m guessing a Senegalese man marrying random Arab women, it’s actually hilarious. Those men are probably deep into the deen and yet you think you’re superior? You’re human filth

The Somali got me creasing, these niggas leveling up. Who would be thought.

>niggers killing niggers

Dat Nigga ain't lying tho

Based, get that circd punani rudeboi

That guy is def Somali or Sudani